- Hundred Class Battlecruiser Hybrid Carrier -

26 2 0

(100th) Ship Version

Before the crisis caused by the Eagle Empire, the major nations of the world lived in times of prosperity and good relationships, with the noticeable possibility of a great alliance formed by them. It would be named "The Union of the Greatest" and would for sure make all the other nations that were considered inferior to bow before them. Celebrating the possibility of the alliance, all the nations send their best workers to develop and build a ship that would represent the unity of the world under the alliance flag. The class developed was named Hundred with only the ship Hundred being built. The name idea came from the percentage, 100% of the world united, referring to the symbol unity... However, once it was built, the crisis came and the answers of each nation harmed the relationships and ruined the alliance possibility. As the symbol unity of the whole world was no more, Hundred and the mobile shipyard that was used to build her were taken to the North Pole, hidden from everyone until the day a crew of men planning betrayal came and stole her to the UUN.

The class developed had 32.5 cm main guns, in two mounts located in the frontal part of the ship, with the 1st turret (Alpha) being a triple mount and the 2nd turret (Beta) being a twin mount. It also had 16 single mounts of 14 cm guns in casemates, eight on each side of the ship; 13 twin mounts of 10.5 cm dual-purpose guns, with one behind the turret Beta, eight in the midsection (four on each side) and other four in the aft; two single mounts of 85 mm AA guns placed in the aft; 10 twin mounts of 40 mm AA guns, five on each side; and lastly 20 single mounts of 25 mm AA guns, 10 on each side. 

The class was noticeable, however, by the aircraft carried on her hangar, totalizing 25 aircraft that are five Focke-Wulf FW 189 "Uhu", with foldable wings and added skates so it can land on the water, working as a recon plane and light bomber; 10 Aichi M6A Seiran that are used more for the purpose of torpedo and dive-bombing; and lastly 10 Curtiss SC Seahawk used for the purpose of light bomber, but more importantly of a fighter; all of this aircraft was launched by two catapults located behind the secondary tower. The class was protected by an armor of 229 mm thick on the belt, 325 mm thick on the turrets and 102 mm thick on the deck. With all of this armament, planes and armor of the class, the engine used was only capable of giving the battlecruiser a speed of 28 knots.

The ship received a very unique appearance scheme, with her mostly covered with a blue color, while the floors of the ship were painted white. In the freeboard of the bow, there would be the two bronze statues of men, both holding the bow mast that has the UUN flag and the Peace flag (a flag with the same blue color of the ship and with a dove carrying a branch) hoisted. The main gun with a triple mount had the drawing of the world map in white on the upper armor. The flag of the UUN was also drawn in the bow deck and in the aft, in the space between the two catapults. Behind the secondary tower, in the small space between it and the flag of the aft, an extra bronze statue was put, wearing a samurai chest armor with a Fleur-De-Lis drawn in it, a crown of the Monarch Empire, carrying an Ancient Rome Empire sword and a sickle of the Red Empire on the belt and with a Bald and an Imperial eagle, both landed on the right arm. The number "100" was put in the freeboard of the bow, both sides while for each success on missions and battle of the ship, a medal was drawn in the second turret, today totalizing 100; lastly, the 10.5 cm gun in the front, behind the turret Beta, received angel wings to decorate it, remembering the mission knows as "The Angel".

(100th) Human Version

Hundred is a tall shipgirl, slightly taller than the Orochi of the Sun Empire, having a black hair that goes down to a bit more than the shoulder-length. It's usually done in a ponytail, with one sidebang on each side and a few strands of hair covering her forehead as well. A blue band with white details in a ribbon is used to tie the ponytail, with the white details joining each other when in a ribbon, forming the UUN symbol. Decorating the hair, there's also a hairclip with the number "100" in blue. Her hair is accompanied by a pair of two blue eyes, the same shade used on the appearance scheme of the ship version while her body has curves that women wouldn't envy too much about, but also is nothing that would make Hundred envy about the curves of the others. She has lightly tanned skin, with a scar of a shrapnel shell on her left cheek, most of the skin is hidden, however, under the admiral jacket she wears, with shoulder patches of the UUN flag and drawing of wings on the back, the blue skirt that goes down to a bit below the knees and also the black stockings. Hanging on her neck there's a necklace with a pendant that completes with the pendant of Aequale, forming the word "Best Friends". She also has two pets, a bald eagle and an Imperial one, named "Freedom" and "Schnuckiputzi", respectively.

Out on the seas, she wears a samurai torso armor and a tiara crown upon her head, with a samurai-style flag of the UUN attached to the armor. Some armor plates are also positioned on her forearms and shoulders. She has a platform she holds like a rifle, with her two main guns positioned on it, while the 14 cm guns are displayed on a kind of belt and eight of her 10.5 cm guns are equally displayed on the forearms armors (four on each) and some on the superstructure attached to her back. Her 85 mm AA guns are together with the catapults for aircraft, on the shoulder armors, while her 40 mm AA guns are three on her sickle and five on her roman sword, with the rest being together with the 25 mm AA guns, on the superstructure. Lastly, she uses a shoulder bag to store her aircraft.

Hundred is mostly known by her clumsy, often tripping and bumping into things and people, that usually falls to the ground after. Her clumsy with words makes her someone who's pretty shy, afraid of what people can think from her after mess up with the words, but if you manage to become her friend anyway, she shows to be someone who you can trust and will always try to make her friends happy, all the time. She shows to be a person who respects all the other nations of the world as well, even having things that are from all the major nations of the world. In battle, she shows to be a very serious person, with an "angelical" side, always trying to act independently so the others don't get in danger. She even tries to use her guns very few times, so she won't kill the enemies and she would even try to save the enemies if she can.

"Learn to appreciate your current life because you might never have the chance to be with your loved ones again"


Well, hello readers and collaborators of the shipyard

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Well, hello readers and collaborators of the shipyard. I wanted to thank you for supporting the Naval Conflict Universe and the development of the Shipyard's ships. In special, I would like to highlight some collaborators:

And some others that preferred to not be mention. 

These collaborators helped me a lot to celebrate this great achievement that I never thought it was actually possible. Honestly, I thought 50 ships was my limit, but here we are, 100 ships on the Shipyard. Again, I am really thankful for their work and also the support you readers give the shipyard (2937 reads and 102 votes, currently), you don't know how much I feel happy for that!

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