- Yakushimo Class Battlecruiser -

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(//) Ship Version (\\)

Although the focus of the Sun Imperial Navy was the battleships and the aircraft carriers, as they believed the strength of the navy belonged to them, the navy couldn't deny the need of other types of ships, including destroyers, cruisers, submarines and others. That's why after the development of the "Katana" torpedoes, the Sun Empire dedicated to the development of battlecruisers, which would result in the Yakushimo class with two ships built: Yakushimo and Nakatashi.

The armaments of the ship were two twin mounts of 42 cm guns in the front and two triple mounts of the same guns in the back, 14 twin mounts of dual-purpose 11 cm guns, 16 triple mounts of 55 mm AA guns and four quintuple mounts of 30 mm of AA guns. Due to the Katana torpedoes be a recent discovery of the Sun Empire and the use of the aircraft was yet not so intense, the ship didn't receive any aircraft, catapult or torpedo launcher.

As one of the requirements of the Sun Empire, the ship needed to reach a top speed between 30 and 32 knots and despite the considerable armor of the ship and the heavy armament aboard and the engines available at the time the Yakushimo and Nakatashi were built, the ship was able to reach top speed two knots faster than the requested speed of the ship, 34 knots.

As the ship was in construction, the ship designer Aoi Yumi looked over the schematics of the class and planned an appearance scheme to it. Although at the time she wasn't that experienced and some were against her at first, she was allowed to propose it. The ship would be painted with the colors of dark brown and white and would be added with detail in the multiple levels of the superstructure, making it look just like a Sun Empire temple. In addition to that, she added the kanjis "太陽" were added to the upper armor of the highest turret of the back and on the one of the back as well. To complete, two red circles were added to the bow deck and the stern deck.

(//) Human Version (\\)

Yakushimo is tall shipboy of the Sun Empire, who has on his face a pair of red eyes with notable white pupils and, upon his head, a short black hair with the tips dyed with white. He has lightly tanned skin, which is covered by his Sun Empire Naval military uniform he usually wears. out on the waters, Yakushimo has metal plates covering his shoulder, with his triple mounts of main guns attached to it while his secondaries are attached to his arms and the AA guns are displayed all over the chest area and waist.

Yakushimo is mostly known to be a bit outgoing, telling some jokes to the others to entertain himself and other people around him, but he changes completely when in battle, becoming a rather cold and serious shipboy. He has some great over-confidence when fighting, but this doesn't make him a warrior who doesn't think twice, he's smart and is also a great strategist of the great Sun Empire, already giving them some successful plans and he won't stop until the Sun and Rome Empire victory in the war.

"Clouds can come, the night might appear, but the Sun will never die by the attacks of mortals"


Nakatashi is a shipgirl of the Sun Empire considerably shorter than her brother Yakushimo. she was a bit fit despite her size and on her face, she has a pair of brown eyes accompanied by long white hair, which she dyed the tips with black. Her skin is a fair one, wearing a uniform similar to her brother's, but with a modern design. Sometimes, she also wears an eyepatch to cover the wound she got on it. Out on the seas, she would have the main guns on her shoulders together with the secondaries, while the AA guns are displayed all over her arms and waist. 

Nakatashi is a shipgirl with quite a bright personality, always wearing her sincere smile on the face. She's rather outgoing and is ready to make anything to see anyone happy, unless you're an enemy of her empire or someone that messed up with her friends or she herself. She loves to hang out in the free time and received the reputations as "The Cupid in Earth", as she likes to pair other people and sometimes tries to make them be together, none of her plans worked though. In battle, she's seen more like a cold killer who lacks defensive tactics, but a brutal warrior who knows each offensive tactic, what's makes her someone who only knows to attack, relentless.

"The best defense is a good offense"
- unknown -

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