- Phantom Battleship -

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# Ship Version

One of the oldest and most mysterious of all the gatekeepers, the Phantom battleship is a warship designed very similar to the battleships of the Samurai class, no one knows exactly why this happened and no one of the dead crew has answered, much less the history behind the warship was revealed. It's believed that perhaps it was a failed attempt of the Sun Empire to build a large battleship, but the truth lies somewhere distant from that. For more strange than it seems, the battleship belonged to another world, another universe, and is known by the name of the Yamato, the battleship that sunk when doing the operation Ten-Ichi-Go. With the heaviest guns of naval history and destiny of fighting until it was totally destroyed after beaching and becoming an artillery base, this incomplete duty has cursed the battleship and its crew - they would be forced to fight against the enemy until either the real or the ghost of the warship was entirely destroyed while beached, but afraid to die again and this time once and for all, the crew will very likely never let the battleship beach and be destroyed completely.

In armaments, the warship was equipped with the very same armaments that once belonged to the Japanese battleship, more specifically, three triple mounts of 46 cm guns, two triple mounts of 15.5 cm guns, 12 twin mounts of dual-purpose 12.7 cm guns, 54 triple mounts of 25 mm AA guns and four single mounts of 13.2 mm AA guns. It also still carried seven seaplanes to be launched by the seaplane catapults, but instead of being Japanese Nakajima E8N or E4N, they are strange planes never seen before equipable with a large variety of weapons and payload to deal with countless different situations. They are often called "Ghosty Skies" because of their strange ability to become invisible and untrackable for a short amount of time, impossible to shoot at until it's too late but once revealed, will easily be taken down due to their low speed, although their armor will make you struggle a little with them. For AA purposes, the aircraft can carry up to eight light rockets while for combat against surface vessels it can carry either six heavy rockets or four medium bombs and against the last possible threat, submarines, the aircraft can be equipped with six depth charges or a magnetic sound device that will stick to the enemy submarines and make a strange sound that will help nearby vessels and the next waves of planes to detect the submerged enemy, unless it surfaces and the crew removes the device manually.

With the same layout of armor, Yamato received a large array of modifications and magic spells to help it defeat the enemies that defy the battleship and attempt to run through the gate. One of the peculiarities was the magical engine that increased the speed of the warship from its original 28 knots to the new 29.4 knots. Another peculiarity is the ability of the warship to become invisible for a time even while firing at the enemy, making fights with this vessel to be difficult and if that wasn't enough, the warship can also activate an immune mode for a time separately from the other mode. This one will make the warship have a mirage-like appearance and anything that try to damage the battleship will pass right through it, causing no damage, but the warship will not be able to fight back when in this mode. It's also very strange, but the warship has a third last peculiarity that seems to be an aura or something similar that will inspire the crew of the nearby gatekeepers, giving them better performance while fighting against the enemies.

For the appearance of the Yamato, nothing seemed to have really changed aboard the original appearance of the battleship when looking away with it even flying the Hirihoukenten flag. However, if looked more closely, the battleship has some apparently damaged areas from bombs and torpedoes, even though the battleship seems to be working just fine and inside no floods are seen. Strange smokes start to appear mysteriously from certain areas when she engages in a battle, as though it's on fire even though it's not and they can be used to hide the battleship in battle, only to make things even worse when it can become invisible and immune to attacks for a certain time. One of the very few modifications you can see on her appearance is that it doesn't fly the rising sun flag, but instead it flies a version of the rising sun flag with the triangles crown of the Light's forces, indicating it's not a Sun Empire ship or a Japanese one but a gatekeeper.

# Human Version

Phantom, as he was the battleship Japanese battleship Yamato from the real dimension himself, was a quite tall shipboy, slightly smaller than Samurai by a very few millimeters and recognizable by his pair of distinctive eyes that have a dark red color slightly noticeable on the pupils and a very light gray, almost white, iris with the area around the pupils possessing a small touch of a bright red, causing the eyes to somehow resemble the Japanese flag. On his head, he is accompanied by his short hair, mainly seen on two main hairstyles being seen from time to time, one being a more organized and ready for formal events hairstyle while the other is a little bit messy and is not organized at all. When it comes to his body, you could say that he seemed to quite a fir person with visible muscles although they are nothing exaggerated and don't easily stand out in a crowd. The fair skin that covers this body of his show many imperfections that range from burning scars to gashes and even parts of his body but it's hard to see them when he opts to wear not only his very simple clothes, composed of simple black trousers and a black shirt with white detail, but also his rigging.

He wears an almost complete red gold-edged samurai armor with the Triangles Crown on the middle and a bandana with a red circle and the kanjis "大和魂" decorating it. Many holes, burn marks and rusting signs are seen all over this armor with even the wine-red color of it starting to worn out and the piece missing of the armor set is nothing more than the helmet that has instead of a kind of symbol on the forehead has instead a structure that resembles the big radar on top of his ship version bridge, with even the radar panels attached to it, incline up and forward. A black obi holds his katana on the side of the waist and it has a red circle decorating it while a sashimono Hirihoukenten flag is attached to his flag. His rigging is displayed with his funnel of the ship version with the front of it facing down and the upper part facing backward, holdings on each of the sides one of his triple 46 cm guns while the third can be seen attached to his left forearm to be used as shield although it can be quite aggressive as well. The 15.5 cm guns are meanwhile on the right of his obi belt together with the 12.7 cm guns displayed six in the frontal part and six on the back of the belt. The 25 mm AA guns are seen over his main guns and the legs and arms as a whole, except the right forearm to where is attached his seaplane catapult from which his seaplanes would take off to attack and serve as his eyes as well, leaving the last, but not least weapon, the 13.2 mm guns to have the handle of his katana, the same handle that has some strange color pattern that resembles the Z flag.

Phantom is very often seen as a very strange and mysterious person even for his fellow gatekeepers, no one knows about his past as a Japanese warship from a totally different dimension and universe, and he seems to prefer not to talk much about it. Unknown are his motives, but it's believed that the past either hides something very important and painful for him or something that if the others know, could hurt them. In a certain way, both beliefs are right, he believes that the knowledge of the existence of other universes should never be spoken with someone since the wrong people can do horrible things with it, mainly concerning that the Halloween Empire is capable of building inter-dimensional gates - if a Halloween person heard of it, the Halloween Empire would as well try building an inter-universal gate. His past is also painful for him, as he feels like he failed to complete his duty as one of the symbols of the Japanese people, named after an ancient name of Japan and yet believed that while afloat, Japan would never be defeated... He also remembers the face of the pain of everyone he saw die in his front, those who were not only brothers and sisters in arms, but were also friends. It does sound like he is a little bit depressive about that and he indeed is, but it's easily seen that he will let those aside as he now has a new duty to fulfill and it's to protect this gate with his life if needed and despite not being the strongest of the gatekeepers, he just has this strange aura around him, an aura of leadership, an aura that will inspire the people around even if he hasn't said a word. This aura perhaps just exists because of his reputation as a Japanese shipboy, but his actions as a leader speak louder than that since he really shows leadership skills to guide and motivate others and think strategically while yet he cares about every single person around him, treating them very well with his great cooking skills. If you want to ever see him angry, you can easily just call him "Hotel", apparently it easily irritates him but no one knows why exactly.

"After all I have been through, I must carry the weight of my past and reputation and yet let it not interfere with my present and future. It's the price to pay for my failure" 

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