- Rachen Class Submarine -

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--[{Ship Version}]--

The Rachen class of submarines was a project of the Rome Empire that discussed with the high-rank officers and the emperor himself at the same it was being decided if Gott really should be built or not. The project of the Rachen was approved and they immediately started the construction of the first and only submarine of the class: Rachen. It was the largest submarine ever built by a navy, as her size made possible that she was used as an underwater base and could even hide the emperor in case of the capital becoming a rather dangerous place for the emperor to stay.

The submarine had an impressive giant length of 1 kilometer, a length that was even bigger than the length of normal battleships, with the hull made from a mix of titanium and steel that allowed the sub to go 12 km deep in the water. Rachen could dock with Gott, helping the giant hybrid aircraft carrier ship with her slow speed and also giving her the ability to launch torpedoes against targets in front or behind Gott. Even though her size is giant, the submarine has a single "KRAMER" nuclear engine that could keep the ship at a speed of 29.7 knots. Due to the large uranium storage, the ship could stay with her speed at max for at least 70 years.

The armaments of the ship included giant 1500 mm torpedo launchers, 34 of them in the front of the ship while the other 10 were on the back of the ship. There are two types of torpedoes that are aboard the submarine, "Greze 99 Mod. 1" acoustic torpedoes and the powerful and destructive "Greze 150 mod 56" nuclear torpedoes with a power that was almost the double amount of power of the "Fat Man" nuke. The guns of the sub were 20 triple mounts of flak guns of 12.8 cm that were dual-purpose since it could be used against small-sized ships, 32 single mounts of 8.8 cm flak guns that can be used against ships as well, but it works effectively against aircraft and lastly 57 twin mounts of Mk303 (Br) rapid-fire AA guns that are semi-guided.

The submarine was also equipped with a system of rockets. The ship can only the rockets when surfaced, opening a door on the hull from where the rockets would come from. The ship can launch up to 30 rockets, that are similar to the V-2 rockets, but are larger and faster, capable of causing small nuclear explosions with them. It's avoided to use rockets since they still present a lot of failures and could be dangerous to the own sub.

The sub also had smaller crafts that could be used. Eight of them are "Gremlin" midget submarines that have two torpedo launchers in the front and a single one in the back. They also have good sonars so they could be the "eyes" of the Rachen. The other craft the submarine has are two "Jäger" jets with fighter-bomber purposes. They were capable of reaching the speed of Mach 1.2 and they could carry a weight of 970 kg in payload than can be either rockets or bombs. Those planes are launched from railway catapults that extended from the back of the ship, sending the planes straight up to the sky with a 30-degree angle.

Since it was already impossible to not spot a ship with that size, Aoi Yumi didn't hesitate to give the submarine a very unique and attractive appearance scheme. A black stripe with white lines outlining it would divide the submarine in two, the part that would be above the waterline when surfaced that would be painted red and the part that would be underwater painted dark gray. The bow tip of the submarine would have a white giant circle with black details and an Iron Cross inside it. A white thin line would divide the sub into again, the right and the left part, but they are equal to each other. Some statues of Roman northern soldiers made from a really hard material that could resist high pressures were put around the submarine sail, as they seem to be an essential part of the sub, sustaining the sail, but they do not sustain the sail and are not an essential part of the sail.

--[{Human Version}]--

Rachen is the tallest submarine that ever existed, with a height that beat even battleships and carriers height, being not so much smaller than Gott. She's a shipgirl with long hair that goes down to her shoulders, that's dark gray with some silver streaks on the right side and others black on the left side. Her hair is accompanied by her pair of shining blue eyes that can change color according to the type of vision she wants to use. Red for thermal vision, green for night vision and pink for UV vision. Her body would be considered rather attractive for today's society, with her skin being very purely pale, as this can be explained by the fact that she spends most of the time underwater, at very deep depths, where light is not that strong, and she has special red "Y" marking given by a Sun submarine, with the upper part over the collar bones and the lower part following the flat line. The clothes she wears are very similar to the Erich Raeder's uniform, but she keeps the jacket unbuttoned, covering her simple white shirt. Sometimes she would wear a black jacket with a skull on the left breast and her name on the back, with an Imperial eagle under it, holding a V-2 rocket in one of his clothes and a torpedo on the other. She's also always wearing a necklace of a red sapphire shaped into the form of a snake dragon, another gift from the Sun submarine.

Out on the seas, she would wear a scuba dive set but with a lot of armor plates covering it and she doesn't use the googles of the set, she prefers to use her own gifted eyesight. Her frontal torpedo launchers would be attached to a trident she would carry with her while the rear launchers would be attached to her legs, pointing backward. The flak guns would be displayed on her shoulder with a few of her 8.8 cm guns attached to her thighs while the rocket launchers are a type of long box that's attached to her back, being able to open when she's surfaced, launching rockets. On her left hand, she has the railway catapult and the planes attached, ready to be launched.

Rachen is someone that really cares for victory, as she would do anything to achieve it. People would often say that she is cold and distant, as the only thing that matters for her is the mission. Though it's true she's rather distant to the others, it's not true that she doesn't care for the others. Her only two friends are Gott and the ocean. Gott and her look like siblings, having a very close bond and often being seeing laughing and having fun together. But the ocean, however, is the friend that's always disposed to hear her frustrations letting her vent out all her feelings. Because of that and her trident, she received the nickname "Daughter of Neptune", but she doesn't only love the sea, she also loves the nature often being seen in a forest or on a beach, admiring the animals that from there can be seen and also live there. She has an eagle she named "Maxi" and a cat she named "Lily". Despite all her personality, she's someone that should be feared, she could sink Großer Kaise easily and entire cities could disappear with the sound of her rockets exploding and jets attacking.

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