- Headless Horseman Class Battlecruiser -

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# Ship Version

After the failure of the Flying Broom carrier and the possible discard of the Sea Dragon battlecruisers when the battle alongside the battleship October 31st finally comes, the Halloween Empire started to develop a warship that should support and protect their mightiest battleship from the start of their revenge with the battle against the gatekeepers to the end with the ruin of the humanity. The developed class was the Headless Horsemen class, with two ships of it being built, the Headless Horseman and Wrym.

This class had dimensions of 290, 37 and 11.8 meters that were, respectively, the length, the beam and the draft. The class relied on its armament of four mounts of 40.6 cm guns placed two in the front and two in the back, 22 triple mounts of dual-purpose 12.7 cm guns equipable with air-burst shells, 60 quadruple mounts of 40 mm AA guns, 70 single mounts of 20 mm AA guns and two quadruple 533 mm torpedo launchers. The class armor could also be relied on, consisting of 440 mm of armor on the belt, 25 mm of steel and 4 mm of wood on the decks, 600 mm on the gun barbettes and 570 mm on the conning tower.

Usually, the engines could impressively support a maximum speed of 30 knots for the warship, but an extra full throttle engine, named "Horseman" or "Dragon's Breath" since it looks like it's spitting fire when it's turned on, manages to give the warship up to 40 knots of speed despite the armor and armaments of the class, but that was not all that is peculiar about the class. The first, Headless Horseman, has a spirit trapped inside it, the spirit of the Headless Horseman, who is filled with anger, fury and desire of revenge and those are enough to give the warship, during combat, an overall boost on its systems, enhancing the performance five times more and giving it a red strange aura. The existence of the spirit was already been proved since the crew themselves are spotted talking with the ship sometimes. Wrym, however, has something different than Headless Horseman and more similar to the Sea Dragons class, it had a creature inside it that, unlike the Sea Dragon class, can be released anytime to attack the warship and destroy its insides like a worm, leaving behind a toxic gas that will cause pain and destroy all the nerves of the brain with a very possible side effect of paralyzation if not death.

The appearances of the warship were also quite peculiar and unique, Headless Horseman painted with white color with slight details of gold as though it was wearing a uniform while the superstructure of the warship seemed to camouflage with the darkness, painted with black and red as to resemble, in a way, that the ship has no "head", like the Headless Horseman. Wrym meanwhile was painted with a green color over the hull detailed with gold mainly on the area around the anchors in a way that made them look like the eyes of a creature and this is complemented by the drawings of the creature itself on the area around while the nose of the warship was actually a sealed hole from where the creature would come.

# Human Version

Sometimes just called Headless or Horsy, Headless Horseman is, despite what the name implies, a shipgirl of the Halloween Empire with her height surpassing most of the Halloween warships although she still loses to the battleship October 31st. She's also not headless and you can very clearly see her dark orange hair on it with some of the tips dyed black and its kept in a letdown style with bangs covering her forehead, ears and the right eye, in the case of the last almost hiding it completely. The hairpin of a blood moon holds a part of her hair on the left, while on the right the hairpin of a black horse does the same, the face of the creature covered by now skins or muscles, revealing a skeleton horse skull. She has on her face a pair of orange eyes with black sclera and unsettling white pupils; and a rather strange and peculiar mouth, that can easily suddenly increase in size by ripping the flesh of the cheeks, revealing the dark red gum and the two rows of needle-sharp teeth she has, and from the depths of her mouth, her dry and raspy voice comes, but those features only appear when she's really angry. Her body can be a little peculiar as well, given that she can remove her head without feeling anything bad at all, although when it first happened she obviously became a stumbling mess. It was just a matter of getting used to it, luckily. The body also holds her medium curves and is covered under the snow skin she has, with a few marks, one of an accident involving her brother when one of his mandibles around his mouth slashed her upper chest, on the right part. Usually, she can be spotted wearing a white shirt with red buttons, golden linings and a few armor plates and trousers reinforced with what seems to be metal steel plates and on her hands is always what seems to be a cane that helps her to walk, otherwise, she's riding her beautiful black horse with a white face and loyal to the end to her owner, who named it Grimace.

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