- Kraken Battleship -

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# Ship Version

With the war of Light and Dark ranging on, the wars of the two gods not only happened on land, air and on the surface of the waters, but they also had to fight for the control of the underseas, although they weren't so important. While Dark relied mostly on fighting on the underseas with the only class of submarines he had, Light instead struck a deal with a creature, the Kraken... The creature was responsible for helping Light in countless battles, assuring victories in most of them and when close to the end of the war, he had attacked an old battleship that was fighting for Dark. Desperate, the crew tried to futilely defeat the Kraken and when they just about to start sinking, a wizard who was aboard attempted to talk with the creature. They had a deal, Kraken would offer protection to the crew if, and only if, they changed sides and helped defeat Dark and so the battleship did it, with help of Kraken. Seen how that warship and the creature could work really well together, Light offered the battleship to protect the 1st gate and after the crew accepted the offer, the god applied a strong magical spell that will not allow the warship to sink, it must be completely destroyed to be defeated. A part of the underwater area of the battleship, then, was destroyed and built again over the Kraken who now leaves inside this area and the tentacles spread through holes on the sides of the warship, still underwater, and because of the spell of Light, the ship continues afloat even with the holes.

Previously named Menace, the now named battleship Kraken was the only of its class and was armed with four quadruple mounts of 44 cm guns displayed two on the bow and two on the aft, 12 twin mounts of 22 cm guns, 44 single mounts of 15.2 cm guns in casemates, 14 twin mounts of 13 cm dual-purpose guns and eight single mounts of 7.8 cm dual-purpose guns. It's considerably very strong on short-range combat, with the 15.2 cm guns receiving magical ability to reload very fast, raining down on the enemy with HE shells and if you try to fight it with torpedoes from afar, the tentacles will stop them before they reach and explode, you can maybe even receive the torpedoes back and if you reach too close to the warship, the tentacles will crush your ship, destroying it completely. However, a great disadvantage of this warship is the lack of decent AA capabilities. The dual-purpose guns are not so precise and the few AA guns are only six sextuple mounts 47 mm AA guns, six quadruple mounts of 35 mm AA guns and eight 10 mm AA guns, what gives some troubles to the warship to deal with aircraft but carriers seemed to have never managed to defeat him either way.

Although the ship is quite slow, the engines only managing the warship to reach as far as 26 knots, the armor of the battleship and the quality of the 44 cm and 15.2 cm guns paid off for this advantage. The armor was very tough to penetrate by most calibers of guns and the very well displayed to protect the essential areas which are located below the waterline although a part of it is already occupied with the creature. The 44 cm guns were quite precise and the explosion capacity of it was very high for such a gun and the 15.2 cm guns had the already mentioned fast reload speed but were also quite precise and could easily set enemies ablaze. If even so the battleship is defeated, the creature will break free from its hull and charge against the enemies, protecting the gate at all costs and it's nearly impossible to defeat it.

The appearance of the battleship, before it became Kraken, was an almost full black paint covering all the warship. On both sides of the freeboard, a white line ran from the bow and stopped on the area below the 2nd turret, where a black eight-pointed star outlined with silver is located. The ornament made in black on the frontal part of the ship resembles the head of a mythical creature, apparently a dragon with eyes made of ruby and inside the open mouth, you have a human skull about to be crushed by the teeth. On the 2nd turret of the warships, you have a black statue of a wizard, one of the most important of the Dark's side in the war and on the 3rd turret you have the statue of a knight from a fairytale told by those who follow Dark. Although it's hard to see the details of the ship because the ship is black and the details are also black, they were made this way on purpose, so it would truly represent that the ship fights for Dark, although the warship later changed side. When that happened, the statues of the warships were destroyed, remaining only the feet and part of the lower legs of them. The ornament in the frontal part was also removed and replaced by one of a tentacle creature, with a skull on each tentacle and ruby eyes. The rest of the warship appearance was preserved but with the long time the warship defended the gate, the paint started to worn out. Intentionally wanting to make the warship look old, those areas with worn-out paint were replaced with a paint that resembles rusting marks.

# Human Version

Menace, called Kraken sometimes, is a tall gatekeeper shipboy considerably taller than Naja by several centimeters. His eyes are quite strange, lacking any pupils or iris, there's only the very light blue sclera, it's impossible to see to where he's going and some even wonder if he's not blind and is guided by his "pet", named Cutu, during the fight. He has no hair on his head to accompany those eyes and his body looks unhealthily thin with only the skin and muscles not appearing in some parts of him, like the right forearm, left upper arm, the left upper back area, the left part of the stomach and lower back and the right part of the right lower left and from those holes on his pale skin you can see the tentacles of his "pet" sticking out, except on the upper left back part, where the head of the same pet is, using very smaller tentacles to hold on the shoulder of the battleship and not fall, although his countless tentacles are already inside the ship person. Usually, he wears an old black gold-trimmed military jacket with holes in the areas where his pet's head and tentacles stick out, brown stains all over it as if it was old and wasn't washed a long time ago, and an eight-pointed star medal with a little ruby in the middle on the left part of the chest. He also wears black boots and black trousers with the symbol of the Dark's navy torn up on the left leg and a hole in the right lower leg area. Accompanying the set, he has a black tricorn hat to cover his lack of hair and a leather belt that holds the sheet of his longsword.

Always wearing his rigging, he has his quadruple mounts of 44 cm guns displayed with one on the upper right arm, one on the left forearm and the other two on one of the tentacles that stick out from the right forearm and left upper arm. Two of his 22 cm guns are on top of the right shoulder and the remaining ones are displayed over the tentacles of the stomach and the ones that are still free on the right forearm and left upper arm. His 15.2 cm guns are meanwhile displayed around his leather belt and the dual-purpose guns are displayed on the lower legs, mainly over the tentacles on the right lower leg. Lastly, but not least, he has his AA guns displayed on the handle of his sword.

Perhaps the quietest of the gatekeepers, it's rumored that Menace battleship is a long-time already dead ship person and that his pet is now controlling the dead corpse and this is justified by his apparent lack of eyesight and the fact his way too quiet and introvert in comparison to the other gatekeepers. However, this is not true, the shipboy is still alive, he just lacks some social skills and so, he prefers to just stare at the empty horizon for long times and in contrast to who everyone thinks he is, he's very kind and can be quite fun to talk to, as he always tries to bring up jokes to lighten up the mood and his pet get out of his body when it wants as well, to play around a little with him and the other protectors of the 1st gate. When it's time to fight, however, he changes completely into a new cold and serious warrior and that's not exactly because he hates the Halloween Empire, since he was Menace once, he does have friends among the Halloween people and warships, but he knows any one of the Halloween Empire shouldn't even get close to the gates, so he becomes cold and serious in an attempt to make this easier for him to kill the enemies. Of course, not all the gatekeepers follow those rules very strictly, but Kraken is one of those who follow and will never make exceptions. Some people get annoyed because of that since he always complains with the other gatekeepers about not breaking the rules... and he can sound like a father disciplining his children, but does that because he feels like as the oldest of gatekeeper, it's his duty to take care of the other gatekeepers.

"I may really be blind, I may really be hard to socialize, but that will never stop me from doing the job I was designated to"

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