- Stalinum Class Heavy Cruiser -

34 3 0

<<[{ Ship Version }]>>

The Red Empire was now in ascension with its rising capacity of military and now an opportunity to be an even bigger empire with the annexation of the Dynasty Empire and the Czar Empire. However, there was a big obstacle for that and it was the Sun Empire... The Dynasty Empire territories were under constant threat with the Sun Empire and there was visibly an alliance between it and the Czar Empire, with Sun technology being used on military ships of the Czar Empire. Afraid, the Red Empire intensified the construction of Red ships and development for the predicted war against the Czar Empire. One of the developments was the Stalinum class of heavy cruisers, with only one ship built.

The armaments of the class consisted of three triple mounts of 20.3 cm guns, two triple mounts of 15 cm guns, 12 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns, 20 twin mounts of 45 mm AA guns, 10 quadruple mounts of 25 mm AA guns and lastly, three triple torpedo launchers of 560 mm. The armor was 200 mm thick in the belt, 70 mm thick in the deck, 170 mm thick in the conning tower and 140 mm thick in the guns. With this armor and armaments, the ship proved to have a quite good performance in terms of speed, having 35-37 knots as maximum speed.

Since it was the first heavy cruiser of the Red Empire, the Imperial Red Navy decided it was a good idea to give the ship an appearance scheme after the war and since there was a strong belief the ship was going to be outdated by then, they would make it a museum after the war, with faith the victory was already theirs. Renata Turgenev was assigned to the task and she proposed the cover of the ship under the color of dark red. four yellow stripes would be diagonally placed in the freeboard, two on each side and all on the bow. Inside the most ahead stripe, a red star would be drawn with the classic symbol of the sickle and hammer on them. A statue would be the shape of the secondary tower, just behind the aft guns. She holds a torch in one of the hands, a sword on the other and would have a golden necklace with the soviet star and the sickle and hammer symbol.

<<[{ Ship Version }]>>

Stalinum is a tall shipgirl with an approximate height of 1.7 meters, having upon her head a brown hair that goes down to the middle of her back, accompanied by her two maroon eyes on the face. Her body has some considerable large curves and is covered by fair skin. She usually wears a black jacket with outlines of red and a red skirt that goes down just a bit more than her thighs, accompanied by black stocking, a pair of black boots, a white ushanka and lastly a red scarf around the neck.

Out on the seas, she has her superstructure attached to the back, with some of her AA guns and the 10 cm dual-purpose guns displayed on it. Two platforms are also attached to the superstructure, one having two of her main guns and looking like the bow of her ship version and the other having just one and looking like the aft of her ship version. Her 15 cm guns are one on each of her shoulders while the rest of her AA guns and 10 cm guns are distributed almost equally over her two arms and lastly, her torpedo launchers are attached to his boots. She also brings a shashka sword to the fight as a melee weapon.

Stalinum is mostly known by her very quiet side, often speaking very few words, something that leads to the end of the conversation very quickly. The words you would usually get from her are "Bylat", "Davai" and "Vodka", but when she's really into the conversation you start, you will be able to see her talking a lot like a waterfall. Although this quiet side of hers, if you play any kind of hard bass close to her, she starts squatting unexpectedly. Also, it doesn't matter when you look at her, she's always with a vodka bottle in hands... Sometimes it appears like magic. During battles, she shows to be someone who will never step back in front of any opponent, always being ahead of the fleet and engaging enemies at dangerous close ranges, mainly cutting fools with her sword, but she can improvise as well, having once used a torpedo as a melee weapon against the head of an enemy.

"Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise"
- Unknown -

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