- Vestal Sea Class Repair Ship -

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# Ship Version

The Vestal Sea class of repair ships was developed by the Eagle Empire before the War of the Empires, as the strategy of having ship repaired on the seas rather than in the docks that are very far away from the Sun and Rome Empire territories, zones foreseen by many to be where the Eagle will fight in a not so far future. It was originally planned to build Vestal Sea for wood and fitting work and Engineer for pipping, metal and electrical work, both finished before the war and used coal fired boilers, but a third ship, Uni, would be built later during the second year of war due to the need of carrying material but it was capable of small emergency repairs as well and she used oil fired boilers. The three would change constantly to work on both the zone against the Rome Empire and Sun Empire. 

The ships of the class could be divided into two groups because of their different purposes, even though they belong to the same class of repair ships. Vestal Sea and Engineer are more focused on transporting and holding engineering teams, equipped with three cranes on each side of the ship and engines that allowed a top speed of 18 knots and maximum capacity 100 tons. Uni, on the other hand, was focused on carrying and transporting the materials required for proper repairs on the seas, with one crane on each side and engines capable of only 15 knots of top speed but a larger capacity of 300 tons. The three ships were equipped with the same armament, however, which was one 76.2 mm AA gun on the bow and three twin mounts of Bofors 40 mm AA guns positioned one in the aft and one on each side in the midsection.

In appearance, Amanda proposed to give one for the repair ships. Although some argued she should work on bigger ships, more important to the fleet, such as the carriers, battleships and even cruisers, they allowed her to do so and later she proposed that the ship was covered with navy blue and painted with silver stars on the freeboard, five to each side. Planning to make references to the number 13, golden ornament of an eagle holding a silver star was added to the bow and aft while the 13th star was painted on the bridge and was the biggest one, even outlined by golden paint. An interesting thing she added was the removal of the cranes to be replaced by statues that reassembled the Liberty statues, holding the Tabula Ansata on the left hands, but the torch was no present, instead, she was holding a line with a hook in the tip. In other words, the statue worked as cranes. Also, the statues have one spike shy, only six, the same "mistake" that was done in the Espirit Class and they also had a cape of the Eagle Empire flag.

The appearance can be noticed to be very destroyed, however, when looking at Uni. It encountered once the Roman battleship known as Gigantic and suffered with multiple fires, engine damage reducing the speed to 15 knots and yet having the bridge with small damages. Luckily, she escaped still afloat, joining the Engineer's fleet soon. She was ordered to have repairs but as the docks were too busy and the ship not prioritized, Uni would have to rely from now on emergency repairs and the small repairs done by Engineer and Vestal Sea if material had left from their previous repair missions. Later, however, Uni encountered the Sun battleship Samurai, which caused multiple fires again, damage to her frontal gun and one of the cranes and yet a flood that caused a listing of 20 degrees to the starboard. Having escaped again, Uni joined Vestal Sea and Jet this time, bringing the material that survived for the maintenance of Jet and replacement of the wood on the flight deck. However, a small leak of jet oil on the carrier caused the spill of it on Uni and a damaged wire of the recent battle caused a fire aboard Uni. Seems the problems were only increasing with Uni, Eagle Empire decided to buy Kintail from the Monarch Empire and assign it to the escort mission of protecting Uni, but still didn't repair the repair ship.

# Human Version

Vestal Sea is a shipgirl who's rather small, 1.4 m tall to be more specific, having shoulder-length red hair accompanied by two green eyes, while her skin is fair with soot, grime and oil. Her body has medium curves and she usually wears a blue boiler suit, a white t-shirt, a pair of black shoes and a large tool belt filled, of course, with many of her tools. Out on the seas, she has her superstructure and 40 mm guns positioned on her right, just above her rip, while the 76.2 mm gun is on a platform attached to her left just above her hip. Lastly, her cranes are attached to her back equally on the right and left of it.

Vestal is very often described as a passionate shipgirl for repairing and fixing stuff, known very well for her pacifist side, or that at least is not seen in battle or is often behind, making not that much difference for her side to win. If an enemy ever tried to get close to her, she would just smash her favorite instrument on the enemy's head and get away from him ASAP. By the way, her favorite instrument is a guitar that she usually plays singing along, loving to do this activity as much as she loves to fix things, mainly in her free time. She also shows a kind of caring side for other ships, scolding those who act recklessly and get themselves hurt or destroy their rigging, but she's much more closer to her sister Uni than anyone else, even being called mom by her.

"Don't touch my tools. Don't even think about it"


Engineer, or Engie for short, is a shipgirl about the same height as her older sister, 1.4 m tall, but differently, her shoulder-length blond hair and a pair of blue eyes, but her skin is also fair and has soot, grime and oil, but sometimes also bandages due to her tendency of getting herself hurt while working. Her body has rather small curves and she usually wears a red shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbow, brown overalls with knee protection and a pair of black boots accompanied by her yellow safety helmet, her black welding goggles and her tool belt with a three flint striker for her cutting torch that makes use from two tanks on her back, filled with oxygen and acetylene gas. A noticeable thing is her right arm that was lost and replaced by a mechanical one, due to an incident she had in which she was hit with something and went unconscious, accidentally cutting herself with the torch because of that. Her battle rigging placement is identical to her older sister's.

If you're perceptive, you can spot her sometimes in the battle in the frontline, sneaking close to the enemies to cut the barrel with her cutter and even cut enemies if possible to take the opportunity. She can even use her mechanical hand in the "chainsaw" mode to cut them in a half perfectly. Out of battle, however, Engie is a very creative shipgirl, known to put her heart in her inventions, but that is not her priority, her family always come first than anything else, Uni in special, as she acts overprotective, but know her limits when acting this way.

"It ain't a proper day of work if you're not injured at the end of the day"


Uni, the youngest sister of Vestal Sea and Engie, is the shortest of the three, as she's only 1.1 m tall. The hair she has is a rather long one that goes down to her hips and has the color of lilac, matching her single lilac eye as the other one is can't see a thing but has the colors dull gray and is fairly glossy while her fair skin, which's cleaners than her sisters' skin and has many bandages and scars, one of them crossing her disabled eye while a second one is on her whole left arm got from a jet fuel incident, is covering her body that has no curves at all and is missing left-hand middle finger and half of her right-hand index finger since she lost after having fought against the battleship Samurai and H-44M. Usually, you will see her wearing a white hoodie which's actually large for her, going down to a bit past her hips, a small tool belt with a few tools and a pair of white shoes. Out on the seas, she has her equipment pretty much displayed just like how they are on her sisters, but it looks pretty much damaged without count the cranes are on her shoulders instead.

Uni is a shipgirl known for have very low self-esteem, a beautiful voice for singing and be very quiet around the others, speaking very few words, but they are not needed as she only needs to is around her sister and Kintail, a very special person to her, and they are capable of understanding what she wants to say just by looking at her expression. Another reason for Uni to not talk much is that she almost has no voice left, always coughing, sometimes even blood, when attempting to talk and this problem is accompanied by her PTSD and frequent panic attacks she got from facing battleships alone two times... This can get worse if she's around a battleship, it doesn't matter the nation. People believe that in an attempt to forget her problems, she sometimes drinks alcoholic drinks even though she has the appearance of a kid and she's not seen in battle avoiding and, if not possible, she always tries to escape the earlier she can from it. Also, Kintail is a shipgirl who shares a relationship with Uni and Uni's older sisters don't seem to have a very good image of her since in the time when she was introduced by Uni to them an awkward atmosphere was kept. 

"War is never pretty"

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