- Welt Class Carrier -

126 3 17

[(Ship Version)]

After the construction of the Großer Kaiser, it was discussed by Rome Empire Northern's high-rank officers if they really should spend the Rome Empire resources on Welt, the second ship the H-50 class, and after a lot of debate they decided to do so, but they would convert her into an aircraft carrier, creating the Welt class Aircraft Carrier, with only Welt belonging to this class.

Having similar armor scheme and speed to Großer Kaiser, Welt has an armament of 42 single mounts of 15 cm dual-purpose guns, 60 single mounts of single dual-purpose guns, 190 quadruple mounts of 40 mm AA guns and lastly 187 twin mounts of 37 mm AA guns. Having a length of one kilometer make her possible to house 1690 aircraft inside of her, being usually:

- 360x Messerschmitt Me 262 "Schwalbe" jets, having spotter, interceptor, fighter and light bomber variants aboard. Their superior speed combined with their impressive array of weapons make them a plane that most pilots want to avoid fight against.

- 390x Blohm&Voss P-188 heavy jets bombers, capable of operating in long-range, attacking with their payload that can be two tons of bombs or Fritz-X guided rockets, but they have a weakness considering that the plane has no defense guns, so they need to be escorted by fighters.

- 270x Junkers Ju 88 torpedo bombers with each bomber having three 533 mm torpedoes and some wing-mounted rockets, being a very dangerous plane to any type of ship and has pretty good speed, despite having so much payload.

- 290x Messerschmitt Me 410 "Hornisse", with variants for heavy fighters, ground-attack and fighter-bomb aboard. These planes are one of the most effective, able to carry one bomb of 1 ton or three bombs of 300 kg each.

- 100x Junkers Ju 87 "Stuka" bombers, having a very good dive speed, carrying some bombs of 450 kg each, being formidable and impressive adversaries. They announce their approach with their Jericho Trumpets.

- 140x Dornier Do 335 fighter-bombers planes, being used mostly to protect the carrier if the jets are being prepared or are delayed from launching. They can also be used to bombard enemies, having 340 kg bombs and 30 kg rockets and they can yet be worthy enemies, having a high speed and agility.

- 140x Focke-Wulf FW 190 "Wurger" with variants for fighters, night fighters and fighter-bombers aboard. The fighter-bombers have one 250 kg bomb used for ground and ship attacks, while the other two are obviously focused on the machine guns.

Welt also has two runways that can be used both for launch and land planes (being displaced in a similar way to modern US carriers).

The appearance scheme for Welt is still being discussed. It was proposed by Aoi Yumi. The ship would be covered in a dark red (8B0000 to be more precise), having two black horizontal lines on the freeboard that goes from the bow to the aft, accompanied by white lines on the side of the black ones. On the bow's tip, there's a German Imperial Eagle, with its wings unfolded and attached to the freeboard. In the middle of the main runway, there's the famous iron cross, and on the other runway, close to the end of the runway, there's another iron cross. Both Iron crosses are outlined by silver details.

[(Human Version)]
(Kancolle/Azur Lane)

Welt is a very tall shipgirl, having her height only beaten by her brother, Großer Kaiser, being shorter than him by only a few millimeters. She has dark yellows eyes and white hair that is very long, going down to the waist. She has two streaks on her hair dyed in black and red, having a third not dyed streak inserted between those two. The two streaks are dyed to honor the old German Empire (Deutsches Kaiserreich). On her hair, she also has an ornament of an Iron Cross. She has white skin and usually wears a long white shoulderless and sleeveless dress, hanging on the neck. The dress also has cleavage, exposes her right leg and has a few red and gold details. She also has a golden shoulder necklace, with a long white cape attached to it, with a golden shoulder board covering the left shoulder while the other shoulder remains uncovered. She also uses two pairs of gloves, one that is black with golden boards and other over that is white and is over the black one, being slightly shorter than the black one. She wears medium black boots with medium heels and a lot of golden details. Lastly, she carries with her a scepter that is secretly a sword inside his hilt.

When on the seas, Welt uses a tough and intimidating armor that is very similar to her brother's armor, except for being a female version made for Welt. On her right arm part of the armor, she has a runway attached to it and on both arm and forearm armors, she has attached most of her AA guns and all her secondary guns. The rest of her AA guns are attached to a battle spear that she uses as a last defense weapon. To launch her planes she uses an MG-42 machine gun with her planes kept in drums magazine as bullets. Each drum has 150 planes.

Welt is a very quiet and silent shipgirl, preferring to stay at the side of her brother and keeping him company. Her fighting style can also be really cruel, attacking the enemy until he almost dies and knocking him down. When the enemy is finally getting up to fight more, struggling, she acts again and finally gives the final blow. Despite being cruel during battles and silent most of the time, she has a very kind and caring personality, having respects towards everyone, except her close friends, that she playfully teases. In her free time, she can be practicing with her spear, her rifle or her sword; or she can be reading a book.

Music theme: Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier

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