- H-100 Class Hybrid Carrier -

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The H-100 project of the Rome Empire was considered for a long time after the H-50 hybrid carrier was finished, being the subject of discussions among the high-rank officers and even the emperor himself. In the second half of the war the first and only ship of this class, named Gott, started to be built. The objective of building such a ship was to crush the enemy morale and protect the capital from a whole fleet, being armed and capable enough for doing this alone.

Having a total length of 3340 meters (3200 without the underwater ram), the Gott has a beam of 570 meters and a draft of 140 meters, being accompanied by his very tough armor. The belt had armor of titanium 10.5 meters thick while the bulkheads were made with high-durability steel 10 meters thick. The barbettes of the Gott were protected with 9.7 meters thick armor of high-durability steel and the turrets themselves were protected with 8 meters thick armor of the same material but mixed with silver. The conning tower was protected with 8.7 meters thick armor of titanium, with lastly 6 meters of high-durability steel and 10 meters of concrete being the deck of the ship. 

Despite this very heavy armor, the 100 "AMBW" and the 70 "ABM" nuclear engines the ship had were capable to give Gott an impressive speed of 23.5 knots, being able to keep the ship at this speed for 160 years, as this how long it takes to the amount of uranium stored at the ship to run out.

The ship has a hangar that could house a maximum of 180 planes, being them usually 170 Me-1500 "Biest" jet fighters that have a design similar to the Me-262 jets, but they have more guns and are also more maneuverable and even more fragile than the famous A6M Zeros of the Japanese Empire, with a top speed of 1220 km/h. The other 10 planes are modernized Ar-234 bombers, they are Me-2900 jets with the reconnaissance and bomber purposes, capable of carrying 1.5 tons of bombs with a top speed of 960 km/h. They are launched by a catapult railway that can send planes with a start speed of at least 900 km/h. The ship also has six helipads, three of them in the front and three of them on the back while she carries 12 Flettner Fl 282 "Kolibri" reconnaissance helicopters that can help a little with scout and AA and Flak spotting.

Despite the aircraft capabilities of the Gott, her power was mostly focused on the guns. Eight triple mounts of 280 cm guns are the main ones, being equipped with auto-loaders but still having a long reload time. The secondaries of the Gott are 20 triple mounts of 80 cm guns that are also equipped with auto-loaders (despite still having a long reload time as well) and can work as dual-purpose guns, since they can be equipped with shrapnel shells. Her tertiaries are 18 triple mounts of 28 cm guns that are also equipped with autoloaders, but this time they have good reload time, and they can also be equipped with shrapnel shells. The quartiaries are 15 cm guns that have a scary fire rate thanks to their auto-loaders and are very accurate at all distances.

The flak guns of the ship are 100 triple mounts 12.8 cm guns that work as dual-purpose, 120 quadruple mounts of 10.5 cm guns that work as dual-purpose as well and lastly 160 triple mounts of 8.8 cm guns that only are effective against aircraft, differently from the other guns. The AA guns of the ship are 120 quadruple mounts of 7.7 cm self-targeting rapid-fire guns, 180 twin mounts of 7 cm rapid-fire guns, 200 mounts of 5 cm self-targeting rapid-fire guns and lastly 400 mounts of 30 mm MK303 (Br) cannons that are the fastest aboard the ship and also are self-targeting.

The ship was also equipped with 40 FuMo 371 radars capable of detecting planes within an area of 200 km and multiple passive sonars for spotting enemy submarines traveling below the surface of the ocean. Used to help her guns to aim, Gott had a total of 130 fire directors, 20 of them being FuMo 215, 80 FuMo 221 and the last one being modified FuMo 215. Together, they can make the ship's accuracy become a very good one against any target, despite that the dispersion of her guns tends to mess up with the aiming a lot.

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