- U2 Class Submarine -

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«Ship Version»

Despite the high spendings of time and resources for the development of surface ships to the Rome Empire Northern Fleet, one of the most dangerous weapons of that very same navy is their powerful U2 class of submarines, as they proved to be quite efficient and also hard to spot, traveling below the depths that war submarines already reached and having a large oxygen storage.

This class of submarines was able to reach a top speed of only 28 knots when surfaced, because of their armor and the material used to make the submarine able to resist the pressures at very low depths, as it's a very heavy one.

The submarines of this class have six fixed torpedo launchers of 533 mm, four of them being in the front of the sub and the other two at the back of the sub. A special torpedo was introduced to be used by the subs, it was an acoustic guided torpedo that had the capability of resisting even very low depths and thanks to the passive sonar equipped on the sub, it was possible to launch torpedoes from any depths and with very good precision. The armaments used by the sub to attack when it was on the surface included two single naval guns, one being a 14 cm gun and the other being a 10.5 cm gun. There was also a 50 mm AA gun that could be used.

The appearance scheme was the following: The parts of the sub above the waterline when surfaced were painted in a pure black color, as the intention was to make the sub harder to be spotted. The second part was painted in bright red, as people didn't think that could compromise the stealth of the sub since it was underwater. A dark-gray line and a white one were on the limits of both parts, making the division of the red part with the black part even more visible. Two black iron crosses outlined with silver were positioned on the sides of the ship, being over the gray and the white line. Lastly, on the front part of the sail of the sub, there was a statue of a dark-gold-colored imperial eagle, holding a torpedo in its claws.

«Human Version»

U2-001, often called by the name "Agatha" as it's easier to be pronounced, is a shipgirl with a height slightly shorter than the average. Her long hair, accompanied by her juice pink pair of eyes, has the natural color of red. Two streaks of her hair were dyed black and white. She has fair skin, with a scar that starts on her left cheek, passes through the bridge of her nose and ending one millimeter away from the eyes. This scar was obtained when trying to sink the Revolution carrier Espirit, who defended herself with her short sword. She has normal curves on her body that's covered by a wine-red shirt with the outline of two hearts intertwined, one being pink and the other bright red and a black pair of trousers. She also uses a dark gray jacket with a badge, written "U2-001" in it, on the chest and a pair of black boots.

When out on the seas, she wears a swimsuit that covers her whole body and uses an earpiece on her left ear, as it works as a passive sonar. She carries with her a sword that has her 14 cm gun attached to it and carries her 10.5 cm gun like a pistol. Her AA gun is attached to her shoulder and she carries a torpedo launcher like if it was a missile launcher. Lastly, she has an oxygen cylinder attached to her back with a rubber hose that leads oxygen to her mouth.

The reason for receiving the scar she has on the face is because of her daring attitude. As once she thought she could defeat Espirit by killing her with a single blow on the chest with her sword, but she would need to emerge for that... nearby ships were faster than Agatha and managed to warn Espirit before the attack and she managed to defend herself and give the submarine that scar. Another moment when her daring attitude appeared was when she said that she could defeat Großer Kaiser alone because he was a surface ship and she said that in front of him. Also, for her, it's very easy to fall in love, as every week she's in love with a different person and she ends being very flirtily, always trying to get closer to the target of her affection of the week.

"If you don't risk yourself, you will never make the difference"


U2-135, called by the nickname of "Jan", is a shipboy with a normal height, having a short organized blond hair with a small streak that has a different natural color that is scarlet. He also has a pair of gray eyes that can become bright blue when he's focused. He chose to wear metallic red glasses as he's forced to wear it if he wants to see things properly. His skin is a fair one, having a very big car on his back, but people don't know about it since it's hidden under the simple pure black plain shirt that has a gold-colored outline of an iron cross on the right part of the chest. "U2-135" is written in white on the left part of the chest. He also wears a black camouflaged pair of trousers, that hides a small dagger on the pocket; and a pair of black medium boots.

Out on the seas, he wears a black jacket with the outline of an iron cross in silver, black gloves, a black military cap, an earpiece that works as a passive sonar and lastly a black mouth mask with a metallic thing under it that helps him breathe underwater for a limited time. He has one torpedo launcher attached to each of his forearms while his 10.5 cm gun is carried like a pistol and the 14 cm gun is attached to his daggers. Lastly, his AA gun is attached to his right shoulder.

Jan is often spotted wearing a serious expression on his face. He already received the nickname "Ice King", as he doesn't really care about the others, is unable to feel any emotions and likes to stay alone, always doing solo missions instead of having someone with him. No one ever saw his smile, not even his siblings. Another motive to be called the Ice King is the fact his skin is often very cold, but he's never wearing something more than his boots, trousers and his plain shirt. In his free time, he's probably reading a study book or making some calculations on a piece of paper, seeming to be very smart and also a fast learner.

"If you want something done right, you should just do it yourself. Rely on the others only brings trouble"


U2-143, called "Kurt" by the others, is a shipboy with a height similar to his brother's, having short slightly messed blond hair that's accompanied by his pair of blue eyes that shine like sapphires. He posses a very lightly tanned skin, being the only submarine of the U2 siblings that don't have scars displayed over the skin. He usually wears a white shirt with a drawing of three torpedoes in black, a jeans jacket that has written "U2-143" on the left part of the chest, a black pair of trousers and lastly a pair of dark brown boots.

Out on the seas, he uses a full-body swimsuit and a pair of black gloves, having a metallic object thing on his mouth that helps him breathe under-water. He has two torpedo launchers attached to his back, carrying his AA gun like a pistol while his 14 cm gun is attached to his right upper arm and the 10.5 cm gun is attached to the left upper arm. To help him swim, he has a dolphin that he named Ehre, but no one knows about the existence of the dolphin.

Always wearing a smile on his face, Kurt is optimistic about things, as nothing seems to make him sad or angry. Some people would say that he doesn't get sad or angry easily not because of his optimistic personality, but because he's very dense. You can try to explain to him a lot of things, most of the time he won't get the real meaning of what you said. Despite that, he also wants to show himself to the other as a really brave warrior who fears nothing, trying always to hide the fact he really likes cute things, mainly animals. This is the motive why he has a dolphin and nobody knows about that.

"A true warrior must not fear death, but shouldn't go right to its encounter"

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