- Kirā Class Carrier -

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# Ship Version

As the war had already lasted for a long time and seemed like it was still going to last much more, the Sun Empire proceeded to create a project of carriers to make their navy stronger against the large number of Eagle aircraft carriers and to replace the Yama and the Raiden classes that were already used. The Kirā class was its name and having certain features of the converted aircraft carrier Katsu, five ships of the class were planned during the early late war stages, Kirā, Yoshikage, Satsujin and Joō. Only the first one was finished while the other three were completed at 87%, 52% and 21%, respectively. 

In size, the class has a total length of 270 meters, while the draft had 7.9 meters and a width of 69 meters, relying on an armor that proved to be quite stronger than the what was used on the Kamikaze, Yama and Raiden classes of aircraft carriers but still weaker than what was used on the converted aircraft carrier Katsu. In armaments, the ship equipped with 15 twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, 21 triple mounts of 25 mm "Kaze" AA guns and lastly a stolen "Shatter Rocket" launcher stolen from the Red Empire, capable of detonating into a cloud of shrapnel that is nearly impassable for aircraft. Speaking of which, the carrier has a dual flight deck positioned in a 35º angle and carries a total of 176 planes that are usually 46 Nakajima B6N torpedo bombers; 35 Mitsubishi Ki-67 "Hiryū" large medium bombers sometimes used for recon; 35 Nakajima J1N1 light bombers capable of carrying two worth tons of payload, though they are used mostly as heavy fighters and recons; 30 Kyūshū J7WI "Shinden" modified with jet engines, shorter fuselage and extra 40 mm guns on the wings; and lastly, 30 Nakajima J9N "Kikka" jet planes, used in a very large array of roles aboard the carrier. Even with all of this, the twelve separated engines allowed a good speed of 31.1 knots.

In appearance, Aoi Yumi decided to come and give it one (I wonder if she's really going to take a vacation sooner or later... Consider her back, for now). The ship was covered entirely with pure black color, similar to the one used on the Samurai and Annaisha while the freeboard had a white paint used to paint the outline and top of mountains, three on each side with the ones in the middle being the biggest one while pink paint is used to paint the outline of a peach, a cherry and a plum tree flower inside the mountains to make them represent the famous Sanzan, the three mountains known as Momoyama, Sakurayama and Umeyama that were also used to name some planes of the Sun Empire. The last thing on the freeboard was a navy blue line going from the bow to the aft of the ship, shaping Japanese-style waves along the way while going "behind" the mountains painted there. In the flight deck, you could also see two big red "V" arrows in the bow area, connecting the two edges of the flight deck sides and pointing forward while behind them you can see a large red circle with a pink sakura flower inside. White lines were used just behind them to guide planes and the katakana "キ" is painted in white to help planes identify the carrier they are landing on. All the paint used, except the black one, was special for glowing in the dark, helping planes to land on her although that makes her quite easy to be spotted. There was also a statue positioned on the roof of the superstructure with her right arm extended and the hand pointing forward to the ship and the left hand is hidden behind her back, with a knife in her hand.

# Human Version

Kirā, as a Sun Empire aircraft carrier, is a kind of tall shipgirl, the height beating the ones from the Yama and Raiden siblings, but Welt of the Rome Empire and Katsu are still taller than her. Her pair of eyes have can have the colors of red, dark orange and black in the iris, but nothing can change her sclera that will always be with the color of black on them and that can make her look evil if not also terrifying when she's with her eyes in full black. Upon her head, she has caramel brown hair usually done in a high ponytail or in a cocktail style with some sakura flowers sometimes, but it's easier to see her with a crown of Sakura flowers, a friendship gift she got from Oni. She has quite sharp and feminine facial features with a certain cuteness, motive for her to be praised countless times, although she has sharp canines that can be compared to vampire ones, although they are not. Her body of small-medium curves is covered by a skin of peachy color with only one scar close to her neck, a little gift from the converted carrier Katsu which she paid with a mark on an area that only her would probably see. She also uses a little bit of makeup on her cheeks and eyes. Usually, you will spot her wearing a long white kimono-style shirt with a red belt tied tight to her body, a knee-length skirt that reveals quite a lot of one of her thighs by a cut made on it and a pair of white slippers with fox ornaments. Lastly, you will always see her carrying her katana named "狂った (Kurutta)" which means mad or insane. 

When on the seas, Kirā would be spotted wearing a much lighter version of a samurai armor but without the helmet that was replaced instead by a mask that resembles half a human and a half skull cat mask, similar to the face of the Sun Empire's religion goddess of killing and blood. Her flight deck used for the planes to land is attached to her right arm, with most of her 12.7 cm guns installed on the side of it except for 40 ones that are installed on the upper arm in a line from the shoulder to the elbow while the shatter rocket weapon is installed on her right shoulder. She can spawn aircraft into the air if she wants to, but she still carries a Yumi bow to launch her aircraft, with the tips modified to be blades and a lucky charm, a medallion with Katsu and a sakura flower above his head, is attached to the bow while the arrows are stored in the quiver and are accompanied by a wrist guard. She also carries a sword to torture mainly, but she can fight with it although she prefers to do that with the blades of the bow since she's far more skilled with it and lastly, she carries a Type 14 Nambu pistol used to finish enemies most of the time.

When described by other people of the Sun Empire or the Rome Empire, they would say Kirā is friendly and cheerful rather than someone who gives fears and intimidate enemies easier, having a very large network of friends on both empires, but she's indeed a person to be feared when in combat mainly, torturing the enemies before they can finally start to sink and join the bottom of the sea. She honors those she killed, however, giving them the choice of how to die and always removing her mask and bowing in respect after the enemy started to sink. She also has a very perverted side, chasing shipboys and trying to get them aroused although her favorite target is the converted carrier known as Katsu, for instance, she once got him tied up and sat on his lower region just to see how long it would take for him to get finally aroused. He shares a thing with her, the perfectionist thing sometimes getting frustrated and unleashing her anger even when very minimal things go just slightly off and he was the only one to ever be able to calm her down and understand her, often hugging her and messing up her hair. She also suffers a lot after a very deeply marked thing that happened in her life, she was almost raped by an officer she loved, an officer she trusted... This gives her fear to trust other people and despite being the teaseful person she is, this also ends up giving her a very tsundere person, but with Katsu it was different... He taught her how to trust again and on his arms, she felt safe, the fears go away and the nightmares of the officer almost raping her seem to be so distant.

Music Theme: Skyfall

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