- Jāganōto class Battleship -

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-||- Ship Version -||-

After some time after the alliance of the Sun Empire with the Roman Empire was formed, the two decided that it was time to show for the rest of the world a ship that would represent the alliance between them, which in the eyes of the people was a strong alliance that would not break easily but would bring the world to its knees. The Jāganōto class of battleships was the one developed by the two, with only the Jāganōto being a ship of this class.

The ship has a mix of weapons used by the Sun Empire and the North Roman Empire, being them four twin mounts of  38 cm guns, six twin mounts of 15 cm guns, six twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, eight twin mounts of 10.5 cm dual-purpose guns, eight twin mounts of 37 mm AA guns, 12 triple mounts of 25 mm AA guns and lastly four 13.2 mm AA heavy machine guns. In armor, the ship has the same as the one the battleship known by the name of Yamato had and the engines were able to push the ship to a top speed of 27 knots.

The appearance of the ship was requested by Aoi Yumi since they wanted it to have not only a representation of the alliance on the diversity of armaments of the ships, they also wanted it to have the representation of it in the appearance of the ship. Firstly she proposed that a white line was put in the middle on the, dividing the big warship into two parts. On the bow deck edge, there was an ornament of golden Japanese-style waves that seemed to be coming from the bow mast, which is made of gold as well, with the statue of an Imperial Eagle wearing a samurai helmet landed on the top of it. The part located to the right part of the line, starboard side of the ship, were all painted in red, and the other all was painted in white while on the bow deck there was yet statue of two men, one wearing Sun Empire military clothes and placed on the white side, handshaking the other who's wearing North Roman military clothes and is positioned on the red part. In the deck area just behind the statue was drawn of half of the flags of the Sun Empire and Roman, in the white and red areas respectively and they seem to complete forming a new flag. In the upper armor of all the guns, there was half of a circle and half of an iron cross. On the right and left side of the funnel, was placed a swastika and a red circle, respectively while lastly on the freeboard of the midsections was placed a red circle and a swastika again, respectively. The same red flag drew in the deck was drawn in the aft of the ship. Lastly, but not least, the black and gray stripes were put on the ship, as if they were the same on the Bismarck, and the stripes invade the two sides of the ship.

-||- Human Version -||-

Jāganōto is a shipgirl who's rather tall, having white hair that goes down to the back of her neck, is usually messed up with a few bangs in the front and the sides, covering her forehead and normal ears, and is accompanied by her pair of white fox ears. On her face, she has a pair of two red eyes while her body has considerable curves, has foxtails and is covered by fair skin accompanied by her red lose kimono that has details of black and gold, revealing her shoulders and considerable area around her neck, although there's black transparent clothing covering the neck area and her curves. A belt with the Sun Imperial Family and the Rome Imperial Family emblem is used around her stomach, holding the kimono tight on this area, but are also accompanied by her pair of long black socks that go up all the way to the thighs and have some golden details and also by a pair of Japanese sandals made of metal and painted with yellow. She also has a pair of earrings with pieces of red and golden cloth on her fox ears and a tiara crown with a sakura flower and an Iron cross over it. She's often with a black pipe on her mouth, that looks like the ones fabricated in german, but on the tip is the funnel of her ship version and lastly, she has a rather heavy metal wheelchair that looks like the bow of her ship version but without the wave ornaments and has golden ark as the back of it, with a red circle in the middle that has many "sunlights" that connect it to the ark. In the middle of the circle, there's an Iron cross. She uses a wheelchair due to a problem that doesn't allow her to talk. 

Out on the seas, her wheelchair would allow her to float, with her carrying a scepter that looks like the bow mast of the ship, used to control the wheelchair. She starts to wear two rather small armor plates on her thighs and a total one five platforms are attached to her wheelchair, the four on her sides looking like the bow of her ship version, with the golden ornaments and the fifth on the top of the back of the wheelchair. The two lowest platforms, located on the side of the chair, have two of her 10.5 mounts and one of the 38 cm mount while the other two platforms on the side have each one a 38 cm mount, a 10.5 cm mount and three 12.7 cm mounts. The fifth platform, on the other hand, has her conning tower in the middle and the rest of the guns equally distributed on the two sides of the platform. The half right of the platform is painted red and the other half is white with lastly, but not least, the platforms to the right and the equipment on it painted red and the others white. 

Jāganōto is rather known by her intelligence and good tactics, as she can find the answer to a large array of situations quickly and this gave her a very determined side, who would give up for nothing since she gets really confident and thinks she will surpass this, no matter how. She's a very good person to talk with, as she selects the words to use very carefully to make the conversation pleasant and to not offend the others and this reveals her caring side for the others, someone who would help and hear the others if needed and can get worried about him or her. In important and formal situations or battles, she shows to be very serious, an emotionless warrior who would kill the enemy without thinking twice.

"I fight not for glory or riches but to put the souls of those who died during these pointless wars to rest and so that their souls may rest"

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