- Amantes Aircraft Carrier -

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# Ship Version

As the idea of aircraft carriers was getting more and more popular the closer the world got to the War of the Empires, the Latin Empire had the desire of building one to make them stronger in case of war. Teiuc II class was the name of the project used and was a huge failure... Low aircraft capabilities, weak armor and armament, with the speed maybe being the only good thing the aircraft carrier had. The Aztec province officers discussed the idea of scrapping, but the Brasa officers intervened and requested the ship to be given them, so they could make good use of her, spreading love to people and celebrating this special day. She operates only on 12th June, celebrating the Lover's Day around the world.

Amantes, when it was still named Teiuc II after the leader of one of the resistance nations against the Iberian Empire colonization, was armed with a light armament of four single mounts of 14 cm guns, four twin mounts of 12 cm dual-purpose guns, eight triple mounts of 20 mm AA guns and 16 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns while the aircraft capability was of 20, usually seven fighters, seven torpedo bombers and seven dive bombers. Upon remodel, the aircraft carrier lost all of her weapons and now had 40 planes on the hangar bay, that were usually 35 "Coração" dive bombers which were modified of the Brasa regular dive bombers to have internal bays for the payload that was usually red paper cut in heart shapes and each one having a very romantic line on it but they can be bombs and depth charges as well, to defend someone who tries to attack the unarmed carrier even though it never happened, and five "Cupido" fighters, which used to escort the bombers in case of someone evil tried to take down the bombers and also had a small internal bay for light bombs or more red heart-shaped papers.

As it was never intended to see action, the carrier carried way too small quantities of bombs and depth charges for the planes, maximizing space for fuel capacity, aircraft capabilities and those zillions and zillions of paper. The armor was also very thin, as already stated before, easy to break and be penetrated by pretty much any gun, causing chaos to spread on the ship very quickly if in a fight, but no one ever did that or didn't have the chance to do so until now. The speed, on the other hand, was very impressive with 35.5 knots, at the time and for many years later, the fastest carrier of the world (well, unless someone creates a faster carrier for this era). As the forests of the Brasa province were constantly having their area decreased, environmentalists would protest against the ship and continued doing so until the ship disappeared, saying that the quantity of paper wasted on that was costing too many trees. The Latin Navy agreed and ordered for Brasa to deactivate the ship but in the following year, zillions of papers had appeared in the cargo on the aircraft carriers, no one knows from where they came and it's known that very small quantities of trees were cut off that year... No one can explain why, but the papers appear again every year and it's also related that the messages that were not kept by anyone would magically disappear the following day. People believe a god might be helping the ship to continue her duties to spread love and if so, he did it successfully with the ship later allowed to operate celebrating the day in other nations, even though most nations celebrate it on 14th February with the name of Valentine's day instead. At that time, the ship was not the property of the Latin Empire anymore, but the property of the world.

With the start of the War of the Empires, however, the carrier disappeared along with her sailors on the deep seas... No one can explain with sure what happened, but theories are pretty much the same as they were for Christmas, sunk in action or punishing the world for the wars that started. Some even believe that because the ship was a sign of peace for the world, the sailors decided to flee for not letting such a symbol to be taken to the bottom of the seas, living now, then, in the UUN, but no one ever saw her docked there or patrolling the near areas. The most accepted belief is that the carrier was taken to the lair of the gods to not be sunk in the wars happening until it ends.

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