- Blood Hound Destroyer -

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# Ship Version

Although it's just a rumor that was spread on the navies of all the empires, most sailors believed that the sailing on the seas on the mysterious day of October 31st was indeed a path to death without return. The waters would strangely and creepily turn green in this day and the ships who defied the rumors were never seen again, only giving so much strength to a rumor to the extent that the countries would agree to, even in the situation of war, not attack each other. Those rumors were very much true, with the Halloween Empire building the fourth gate, or attempting to do so at least because they failed. The first failure was noticeable because the gate would only open when it's October 31st, just like the other gates. The second failure was the fact that ships could only come from the real dimension to the Halloween one, but not the opposite which was the objective of the Halloween Empire since the beginning. The gate was now then called the Cursed Gate, as those who come from the real dimension usually never find their way home and are cursed to live here forever. A recently built destroyer that goes by the name of Blood Hound happened to have been tested out in the very same day, for some unknown motive and, unexpectedly, the destroyer exploded, the HE shells detonated the magazine during stormy seas, killing its crew and tearing it into multiple pieces that would later appear by the water of the Halloween Empire. Because the warship's soul was still willing to live and the destroyer was actually sunk on real dimension waters, it was given a second chance as a gatekeeper, with the remaining forming right in front of the Halloween eyes the destroyer again.

Originally a destroyer named Arthur B. Hensel, which had one of the most advanced technologies of the Monarch Empire during the War of the Empires was a warship that just barely has seen action during the war and was armed with four quadruple mounts of dual-purpose 12 cm designed to have accuracy and fire rate and they are equipable with HE shells that have napalm inside and AP shells that already resemble to be APDS shells that can even penetrate a battlecruiser of the Headless Horseman class. They are also armed with six twin mounts of 40 mm AA guns, four twin mounts of 20 mm AA guns, two sextuple 533 mm torpedo launchers and, lastly, ASW weaponry of two "Squid" anti-submarine mortars. It also has a special ramming system that, unlike Chupacabra's, works with a scythe placed under the warship and when close to ramming, it will go up and grab onto the enemy warship.

With a length of 140 meters, a beam of 12.5 meters and a draft of 4.6 meters, this destroyer would be sometimes confused with the Chupacabra destroyer, but unlike the latter, the former can reach speeds of 44 knots normally and up to 70 knots when using the ramming speed and the lack of armor, pretty much non-existent, helped reach this speeds quite easily. In appearance, the warship seemed to be covered under a black color and sewn together with many stitches causing this impression. Red markings and details of vibrant red, crimson, blue and light gray were seen painted on some areas of the warship, around the nose of the warship and some people claim that stare for too long at this nose would cause the person to die.

# Human Version

Blood Hound, often called just as Hound, is a tall gatekeeper shipgirl with her height being the as her "brother", Chupacabra. On her face, you can see a pair of red eyes with black sclera and she can change her eyes to light purple if she desires to see the submarines that hide under the surface of the water and also allows her to have thermal vision. On her head, the fiery red hair accompanies the pair of eyes, usually kept in a pretty, pretty messed up letdown style or sometimes in a high ponytail. Her body has pretty small curves, quite a lot of muscles mainly visible on her stomach, arms and thighs; and lastly, a peculiar white skin with many cracks and dark charcoal spots which are mainly located on her joints, ribs and back of the neck, and if touched, will sting you with fire that she can just put off, but she usually keeps it like as a defense mechanism. Those spots are also noticeable to be those parts where she was torn off on the real dimension and she also has stitches on the hips, neck, waist and a single one on her shoulder. She also has some more peculiar features as well, her two sharp canine teeth that can make shark teeth look like nothing, her long needle-like claws, a tail which she can either let on fire or put it off whenever she wants and black dog ears, with the left one looking like it's stitched. Usually, she's seen wearing a large black tank top under a black red-lined sailor uniform top and accompanied by a pleated skirt that goes down to her knees and is very visibly worn down on the right side.

Out on the seas, Hound switches her tank top to a darker one and for protection, she wears a few light armor plates, which are discarded in the case she gets enraged, a state where she would attack more wildly, literally, using claws and teeth that become more demoniac-like and the tail becomes now seven, increasing in length about four meters to be used fiery whips. Only her mother, "Haima", and this destroyer's sister, "Banshee", have ever seen her like that. Her rigging meanwhile is displayed with the 12 cm guns appearing like Y-shaped pistols, the grip being the lower part of the Y and the barrels composing the upper "V" part. The AA guns are meanwhile displayed with the 40 mm ones on the upper arms from the shoulder to the elbow and 20 mm ones on a belt-like object around her waist. The torpedo launchers are placed on her things and the last rigging part, the ASW weapons, were held by her like explosive charges with a stick and a grenade on the end and she can throw it at the enemy herself. She concealed with her a foldable serrated scythe for close combat and it really comes in hand when dealing with close combat mainly when paired with her brother's skills as well.

Blood Hound, if asked about her personality, can be called the black sheep of her "family" since unlike them, she's a rather cheerful shipgirl, always with that happy smile of hers and her strange cuddling tendencies, it almost seems like she does that as if it was her duty to come and cheer other people up, what certainly gave her good relationships with most of the gatekeepers. Even though she can be quite cute and good have around, she is a little bit of an airhead, sometimes forgetting about things and ignoring them independent of how much focus she puts on it. Often, this is because she starts to space out and travel to her dream world inside her head, but that's not totally a disadvantage, she seems to have quite a creative mind for drawings, sometimes drawing hellish landscapes, beasts, or even buildings. Some people might not know, but despite being quite the cute and innocent shipgirl that she is, she sometimes can be seen curled in a ball, crying by herself as she remembers what happened to her past, her stitches, her burns. Sadness wasn't alone the only things she feels, however, she also has anger, the wrath that she would unleash during the battle, the fights, in the form of a demoniac wolf with flames coming out from her spine and the through of her overall coursing. The eyes also burst into flames, but she would feel or suffer any pain, it can only harm the others that she desires to harm.

"As a predator is on the verge of death, it will kill whatever will be its opposition"

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