- Amaterasu Class Hybrid Carrier -

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---=== Ship Version ===---

The Samurai class of battleship ruled the seas as maybe the strongest ship of the world for a good amount of time, but nothing lasts forever. Samurai lost the place first for the ascension of the power of the aircraft carriers and then the class lost to the H-50 class of the Rome Empire. After a meeting with representatives of both the Sun Empire and the Rome Empire, the developments of new giant ships of the classifications "Contingency" started, leading the Romans to the development of the H-100 and the Rachen while the Suns were led to the development of the Fujin class and Amaterasu class. This last class was used to build two ships, Amaterasu and Hachiman.

The Amaterasu class had a total length of 2900 m, a beam of 490 m and a draft of 135 m, which made it be the second largest class of hybrid carriers. To protect the ships of the class, they have an armor of 10.3 m of pure high-resistance steel protecting the belt while the barbettes of the guns are protected by an armor of 10 m of titanium, except the 7th turret's (Eta) barbette which has an armor of 9.6 m of steel instead. The turrets themselves are protected with 8.7 m of high durability steel, while the deck has five meters of concrete and 90 mm of wood. The class was yet equipped with a tech used mostly by the South Roman Fleet, the "Pugliese" torpedo defense system. Even with all this armor, the 100 "Yasei Kokyū" nuclear reactors of the ship were capable to give the ships of the class a top speed 27.4 knots. Intentionally, on the archives is said that the contingency ships are capable of reaching only 24 knots of speed, a lie that would trick spied of other nations that could put their hands on the archives.

The ships of this class still showed a very good aircraft capability. They carry 160 Taifūs, model 10/40, an experimental version that is larger than the previous models, equipped with four machine guns on the wings and two cannons on the nose. The wings of the Taifū were capable of folding the tips (like an F-15) and fold in the area close to the fuselage (like an F4U). The size of this aircraft made it capable of assuming multiple roles, unlike its antecessors, and yet it reaches a maximum speed of 1530 km/h. 90 of the aircraft aboard are fighter/interceptors variants, 10 were scout variants, 50 were bomber variants and the last 10 torpedo bomber variants. To send this aircraft into the skies, the ships of the class use an inner launcher with the form of a "Y". In the two parts of the top of the "Y" is placed two Taifūs and they will follow the rail to be launched in the same direction, with the launch speed of 978 km/h and a minimal delay between them.

In terms of main armament, the ships of the Amaterasu class proved to be quite strong with their seven twin mounts of 270 cm guns. A shell called "Hakai Mod.25" was developed to be used specifically by these great guns, with the peculiarity of being nuclear shells with an explosion strength 50% stronger than the bomb called "Fat Man" and even worse after-effects. Other armaments of the ship include 30 twin mounts of 52 cm guns that although are the same ones present on the Samurai class, have improved ranges and are equipped with auto-loaders which makes them superior in comparison to the Samurai's 52 cm guns. The ship also was equipped with 30 triple mounts of 41 cm guns that also have auto-loaders, but differently from the 52 cm ones, they can be equipped with shrapnel shells, dangerous for aviation.

When comes to AA, the ships of the class have a large array of guns. 170 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose guns are aboard the ship, being used against both vessels and aircraft. These guns are the same one used on the Akizuki class of destroyers, but they are not alone, 130 mounts of triple Type 4 7.5 cm dual-purpose guns are also aboard the ship, being modernized to be belt-fed. Lastly, there are 300 quadruple mounts of "Kaze" 25 mm AA guns, the same ones used on Samurai, with improvements that made it be belt-fed and be semi-guided. 

The ships, however, had their weaknesses. Below the 1st turret of the ship, it was the nuclear shell storage and if an enemy manages to pierce through all the layers of armor and hit this room, the results will not be pretty. Another weakness is the chance of the nuclear shell not be launched, which forces the crew to move the shell to another barrel.

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