- Frankenstein Battleship -

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# Ship Version

Although Dark was already pretty much close to being defeated at that time, Light's forces were visibly wearing out little by little during the final push against the enemy... His final plan was becoming what seemed to be a huge failure with a sky-high number of casualties already. Frustrated, he was about to go to order retreat to his forces when an officer sighed and thought out loud, "if only we could build a ship that doesn't get tired and brought casualties when was sunk". Light was filled with upon hearing that words from his officer, thanked him very much and ordered the forces to instead of continuing to push forward or to retreat, to hold their positions while he prepared their final ally that should help in the final push, a battleship by the name of Frankenstein, named after the scientist that helped give life to this battleship and travel on the seas without any crew, just like Light wanted.

This battleship was armed with four triple mounts of 44 cm guns positioned two in the bow and two in the aft, four twin mounts of 20.3 cm guns, 38 single mounts of 15 cm guns positioned on casemates, 20 twin mounts of dual-purpose 10.5 cm guns, 10 twin mounts of dual-purpose 8.8 cm gun, six quadruple mounts of 49 mm AA guns, 36 twin mounts of 37 mm AA guns, 16 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns and two very well-hidden triple 533 mm torpedo launchers. However, it was not this that made this battleship essentially strong and dangerous to the enemy, but rather it was its peculiar shells that were extra heavy and were known to be great armor-piercing even at the maximum range of this battleship whose 44 cm guns were magically enhanced to have quite fast reloading and turning speeds, and an almost unimaginable long range, giving it the capability of hitting targets without even seeing them, although it was paid the price of accuracy and dispersion which are pretty horrible at medium range, but at long range and very close range they show to be quite the opposite. The second turret is a special one, however, it loads with electric shells which will deactivate all enemies electronics and possibly stop the engines of the warship as well for a time, allowing Frankenstein to easily defeat them without taking any damage, but an electric shell salvo takes much longer to reload than normal shells, much, much longer.

In armor, the battleship was probably one of the best that Light helped to design himself. It is pretty tough to penetrate it and the citadel are is placed on underwater levels, meaning it is even harder to hit vital parts of the battleship, even other battleship at close range can have a little bit of struggle to damage this battleship and if you think the price for this advantage is the warship's speed, you're mistaken as the battleship can very easily reach a top speed of 31 knots which's pretty fast actually, but it lacks maneuverability for dodging more properly against enemies incoming torpedoes and shells. Try to board the ship is also not such a good strategy since, as already said, the battleship guns are pretty good at close range, maybe not as good as Kraken's but still very strong and even if you manage to board the ship, all you will be able to do is to set explosives and destroy the warship, as there is no crew aboard. As it was claimed by the scientists and Light, the warship was literally alive but it never saw the end of the conflict, as Dark and his forces surrendered one day and the war ended without the new battleship. Instead, then, Light decided to assign it to the Halloween world and when finished, it should help in the gates' defense.

In appearance, Frankenstein is was painted with a dark gray color and the sides were decorated to look like metal plates rather loose and stitched to each other. Many cuts and marks were also painted all over the warship and in the bridge, you can see the bridge was apparently increased a little. The bow tip has one bolt on each side, just like the second turret and the bridge has on its sides for decoration. A little bit of blood was used to pain coming from the holes on the bolts, the stitches and cuts. Lastly, a triangle crown was placed on the bow tip of the warship.

# Human Version

Frankenstein is a very tall shipboy gatekeeper, much taller than normal battleships like Hopeless of the Light's side and Menace of the Dark's side. His forehead is very clearly seen and looks much bigger than what should be normal and his very, very short messy black hair on his head was not enough to hide it. His eyes have a black color that camouflages the pupil with the iris and when he wants to be scarier than he looks, he can make the sclera becomes black as well, making the eyes seem to not even be there and all you're staring at is the darkness of his skull, but this is not the most peculiar part about him, his body that's a little bit fit and is covered under a strange gray skin with bolts penetrating the sides of the neck, and stitches and marks everywhere as though his skin was just a big piece of cloth whose holes were patched and it gets a little bit terrifying seeing the blood leaving those marks and the bolts from time to time. Usually, most of those stitches, luckily, are hidden under his clothes that are simple wine red shirt under a dark brown dusted and dirty blazer with the triangles crown emblem detailing a pin on the collar of it, black torn formal trousers and dark brown shoes.

Out on the seas, he does not change his clothes at all, he only adds protection to himself which is more specifically some armor plates on his arms and lower legs. The main guns are placed two on each of his arms, one on the upper arm and one on the elbow, the 20.3 cm guns are placed meanwhile on the forearms and the 15.2 cm together with 10.5 cm guns are around his hips, leaving the thighs to have the 8.8 cm and the 10 mm guns and the lower legs to have the torpedo launchers. His last two rigging weapons are the 49 mm AA guns that are on his shoulders and the 37 mm ones placed randomly all over his torso. In the case of close combat attacks, he doesn't rely on any melee weapon but rather his fists are those weapons and he can deal very strong punches with them.

If there's one word that would most likely be used to describe Frankenstein the best, is the word "dumb" or "idiot", although the correct term that should be used to describe him is "slow". That's because when you tell him something, anything, he will take a minimum of a few minutes to think through it carefully and then finally understand what are you trying to say. It can take full months for him to finally understand sometimes and this can be seen mainly when he suddenly starts laughing and when you ask him why he says that he just finally understood the meaning of a joke told to him a long time ago, but despite that, he's very well known to have a great memory capacity, remembering every single detail of an object or someone and every word of a sentence, including its intonation, even if he doesn't know the meaning of it, or if he heard or saw it ages ago. He can also be a little non-emotional with a serious face on his face most of the time, but he's very smiley when around people and people like to have him around, mainly when he's so caring about everyone. Do not mistake him for someone who would never hurt a fly, though, if he understands what's happening and it's a serious matter or if he's in battle, he faces suddenly becomes one of more seriousness yet, shooting death glares at his enemies while he crushes them like flies, or at try to do so.

"If you can wait for me to finally understand your words, if you have the patience to do so, I am sure we can be very good friends" 

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