- H-50 Class Hybrid Carrier -

322 3 195

------------{Ship Version

Note that this ship belongs to the OP-verse

As the War of the Empires raged on and the difficulty to maintain naval superiority increased for both sides of the war, the Rome Empire decided to intensify the production and development of the H-class of warships, varying in purpose as the class numbers raised steadily. The developed H-50 class was based on the concept of having so much armor in a single ship that it could be considered invincible, basically incapable of taking any sort of damages. With the high cost of building such a sizeable and armored battleship that even took the Samurai position as one of the largest battleships at the time, only two ships of the class were built, known as Großer Kaiser or GK for short, and Welt. The latter, however, was converted into a full aircraft carrier, serving as a mobile airfield for the Romans. 

Gk is sometimes called a monster by naval officers, the reason for that lies mainly on the armor and armaments of the warship, which although they were always the focus of the H-50 class, was still surprising, with 90 to 130 cm of armor on the belt, 22 cm on the deck, 123 cm on the guns, 100 cm on the conning tower and multiple torpedo bulkheads. The armaments could be even scarier, with six triple mounts of 110 cm guns, three on the front, displayed with the third turret in a superfiring position, and three on the aft, symmetrically to the front guns, then there were 10 twin mounts of 50 cm dual-purpose guns, 26 triple mounts of 20 cm dual-purpose guns, 60 twin mounts of 15 cm dual-purpose guns, 80 single mounts of 37 mm dual-purpose guns, 100 twin mounts of 12 mm AA guns, 40 quadruple mounts of 50 mm AA guns, and lastly, 20 sextuple 600 mm torpedo launchers, made to use G7e "Falke" guided torpedoes. Being a hybrid carrier, the H-50 also had aircraft capabilities, counting with a special railway catapult that crossed through the inside of the ship, from the aft to the very tip of the bow, where a hole is located and the aircraft is launched. The hangar of the hybrid carrier allowed, meanwhile, a capacity for 80 multi-purpose Me-262 jets that can usually be launched by the catapult with an initial speed of 600 km/h. 

The Großer Kaiser has also proved to be relatively fast if its length of 1 kilometer is considered, reaching a top speed of 25 knots thanks to his nuclear-powered engines. They are very noisy at startup, but after a while, the silence is all you hear from the engines and this unique trait gave the captain the strategy of quickly turning off and on the engine, without losing speed, damaging the engine but causing a loud noise, announcing the arrival of GK and scaring enemies away. While some argue that this can alert enemies of the GK's presence and prepare them for the forthcoming battle, they are not likely to stand a single chance against the hybrid carrier.

But even though the warship proved to be quite capable, there are some flaws that put the warships in relatively disadvantageous positions, if explored correctly perfectly by the right ship. First was the citadel problem, which was quite exposed on the aft and bow of the warship, despite being tough to penetrate due to armor. The main guns ended up also being very inaccurate to hit targets in distance and some mysterious problem seems to happen on the secondary guns, making them impossible to shoot all at the same time in a single salvo and the light artillery guns (37 mm dual-purpose guns) seems to fail to shoot sometimes.

Being the new pride of the Rome Empire, this ship uses a paint scheme that is similar to the one that Bismarck used in real life. More specifically, the underwater parts are covered in red, while a black thin line shows where is the waterline of the ship. The bow and the aft of the ship have dark grey colors. A white splotch is touching the black thin line and the dark grey area of the bow while another splotch is touching the dark grey area of the aft. There are also three thick black lines on the midsection of the ship, accompanied by other three thick white lines. Note these thick lines are all not in the same direction but are all diagonally painted. The upper part of the main guns is covered in black. This was a description of the appearance of the ship looking her from starboard. When you look to the ship from the port is exactly the same as the starboard, but mirrored.

A woman from the Sun Empire, name Aoi Yumi, has analyzed this monster ship and planned to propose a new appearance for the ship, with her focus being to create a very patriotic appearance and make the ship unique compared to the other empires. However, it's needed authorization from the ship officers and the Imperial Roman Navy itself, while also focusing on giving such colors to it only after the war is finished. The suggested appearance change is the following: the ship would be divided into two colors, the part from the 1st turret to the aft would be in dark grey and the bow of the ship would be in dark red. A diagonal black thick line together with a white thick line would divide the dark red part from the dark grey part. On the bow's deck, it was going to be put the famous iron cross in black, outlined by a gold thin line. On the place where the bow's mast would stay, there would be put a statue of a German Imperial Eagle, painted in black and with its wings unfolded.

------------{Human Version
(Kancolle/Azur Lane)

Großer Kaiser, the hybrid carrier often called just GK, is a really tall shipboy, with unmatchable height, at least at the time he was built. He has white messy hair with a red streak and light blue eyes, but when at night the eyes can become yellow and similar to feline eyes, allowing him to partially see in the dark. He has a very pale white skin with a few little scars, but he also has a great scar that is almost impossible to pass unnoticed since it goes from the left side of the neck to his left eye. He usually wears formal black clothes that are quite similar to the emperor's clothes, with a similar black cape as well, but it has more medals on the chest and a prince crown lightly rests on his brow. Also, he's always carrying his long and heavy broadsword with him.

When on the seas, he uses a full dark black knight armor, being a really tough armor that can protect from a lot of attacks and also make him look more intimidating. On his mask, there is a white and a red stripe, being side by side and crossing the visor on where it would be the left eye of the Großer Kaiser. Attached to the back of his torso armor are four funnels. His 50 cm guns are displayed on his arms armors and he carries a giant shield made from the 20 cm guns upper armors while to his broadsword it's attached some of his AA mounts.

Talking a little more about his broadsword, it's a weapon he really likes, training with it constantly. It was a reward for his achievements in battle, but with it cames a sad memory of her dearest and close friend Gesundheim, of the Escht class. He had a crush on Gesundheim, a shipgirl who had silver hair and emerald eyes, with a kind, calm and motherly personality... but... she sunk before Großer Kaiser could even say that he loved her... In a battle where he was present... Because of his achievements, after that battle, he was rewarded with the broadsword, which accompanies him wherever he goes and remembers him of Gesundheim.

He's not very social because he doesn't want to have close relationships or romance anymore, afraid to fail like on the battle he lost Gesundheim. Despite that he's very kind, acting a little like a brother towards other battleships and battlecruisers, but with caution to not let them become close friends or even lovers. Due to his size and weaponry, he receives some nicknames such as "Scourge of the Empire" or "Beast", but luckily he doesn't take shame in these nicknames anymore. He's new on the Rome Empire's navy, but is already the main flagship and that put a lot of pressure over him, that's why he can lose his temper really easily.

Music theme: Haus in Neu Belin/Dance of the Knights

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