- Taiyōshima Class Destroyer -

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][[ Ship Version ]][

As the Sun Empire fought for new lands on the territory of independents nations around them, the navy saw themselves in need for a new and modern class of destroyers, one that could replace the old and outdated Surudoi-class destroyers, which, although proving themselves to sufficient for the current nations the Sun was facing, clearly wouldn't hold out for long against larger and more militarized nations such as the Dynasty Empire, one of the potential next enemies of the Sun Empire. Projecting this new ship with influence on the success of the flexibility of the Yumi-class cruisers, the navy designed the unique, Taiyōshima class, with only three of them (Taiyōshima, Tsukishima and Hishima) finished after the failure they showed themselves to be. 

Although the idea was to be a quick-to-build class so they could replace the outdated destroyers quickly, Taiyōshima turned out to be particularly large for its type, especially because of its special characteristics. Fixedly, the class carried 22 triple mounts of the classic Kaze 25 mm AA guns and 16 single mounts of the manual 7.7 mm AA guns, as well as the two depth charge racks at the aft of the ship, but what made the destroyer so special was the seven armament placements on the ship, two at the bow, three at the middle, and two at the aft, each capable of housing either a twin-mounted 13 cm gun, a twin-mounted 10 cm dual-purpose gun or even a 610 mm quadruple torpedo launcher, infamous for launching the "Katana" torpedoes of the Sun Empire.

This allowed them to play the role of super torpedo destroyers with seven torpedo launchers equipped, or an sky cleaner with the fast-reloading dual-purpose guns and even a good gun destroyer with the 13 cm guns, but they couldn't be all at once, and every weapon change could take days or even weeks, leaving the destroyers often stranded at the port switching weapons, a testment to the wrong path chosen by the navy for its destroyers. As a result, they were fixedly equipped with four 13 cm guns and three torpedo launchers so they don't have to change weaponry every single mission. They were also placed in a special missions fleet ocasionally, chainging their weapons to the roles of those very specific missions.

Since seven armament placements and the size made the destroyer somewhat slow, hitting only 35 knots at top speed with a possible 36 with a engine boost active, the ship was enhanced with a good armor to defend itself, tougher compared to other destroyers and capable of fending off some light cruisers' guns, but making it a easy target for heavy cruisers and beyond. They were fitted with the top air radars and sonars to help dealing with their respective targets, but got them replaced by less modern ones so those could be more useful in the more modern ships, including the torpedo boat, submarine hunter, Mizushima class.

They all had camouflages schemes after their names planned as the navy had high hopes for them, but never received as they turned out to be a failure. Taiyōshima, for example, was covered with white color and was drew with many red circles displayed everywhere, emphasizing the sun, "Taiyō". Tsukishima, on the other hand, was covered with navy blue so dark that almost looked like black, with many points of white, different from each other in shape and also with a bright white and slightly yellow circle in the conning tower, emphasizing the night and the moon, "Tsuki". One last example, Hishima, which was covered with the many tones of gray, but having the freeboard and the base of the conning tower drew with flames, emphasizing the fire, "Hi".

][[ Human Version ]][

Taiyōshima, also called Taiyō for short, is a short shipboy, who looks a bit fit, with a short black hair that has a single streak dyed with a bright yellow color. On his face, he has bright yellow eyes, who can be set to work as spotlights if needed, but he doesn't use this that much, since the star shells are much more useful and don't denounce his location in night battles. He has fair skin and a slightly small scar he got when fighting dueling with a ship of the Vulcan class, but people don't see it since it's on his chest, covered by the white short-sleeved shirt with the kanjis "日本" inside a red circle located in the middle, which he wears along with his pair of white shorts, black boots and black leather gloves. He always carries a small dagger in his pocket and he keeps using an earpiece on his right ear, which serves as sonar and radar as there is need.

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