- Novobrisk Class Destroyer -

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Ship Version}-------
(I am running out of indicators for Ship and Human version)

One of the plans that the Red Empire had was to create really agile ships that could support their main ships, such as Sickle, Hammer, Sila and Kreml. The result of the plans was a destroyer class named Novobrisk, being an arsonist since they can put fire on the enemies aboard very easily and also being quite maneuverable. Because of the advanced technology onboard the ships of the Novobrisk class, they were one of the best weapons of the Red Empire.

Despite their very light armor, since the best-armored area only has 60 mm of armor, the ships of the class are nearly impossible to be hit, having superior speeds of up to 45 knots and yet being able to make very sharp curves, making their moves unpredictable. They are also very hard to be spotted, despite having a very large size if compared to other destroyers.

The ships of this class have a total of six quadruple mounts of 15 cm dual-purpose guns, with four of them on the bow and the other two on the aft. They are also equipped with the fastest auto-loaders ever built, having the scariest fire rate that a dual-purpose gun already had. The ship also has three triple mounts of 76 mm dual-purpose guns, but they are mostly used against aircraft instead of other ships. They also have 16 triple mounts of 12.7 mm AA guns and 20 single mounts of 7.62 mm AA guns. Four sextuple 700 mm torpedo launchers are aboard the destroyers, usually being equipped with accurately guided torpedoes, making them often hit the middle of the ship. Lastly, the destroyers of this class also carry 156 mines and six depth charges.

The appearance that the ships of this class can receive is created, once again, by Aoi Yumi. When approved by the captains, the ships would be covered in white, while having their hull and a bit more above the waterline painted with light blue. A star made with rubies was put on the bow tip, having drawing a sickle and a hammer inside of it, made with gold. On freeboards of the bow, there would be the drawing of a sickle and a hammer together, one on each side while on each side of the freeboard of the aft, there was going to be a drawing of a red star. On the right armors of the main guns, there were going to be red stars and on the left armors, there was going to be sickle and hammer symbols.

Human Version}-------
(Kancolle/Azur Lane)

Novobrisk is a shipboy with the height slightly smaller than the average, but still being the tallest destroyer to ever exist until now. He has short organized brown hair that has a single streak dyed gold, matching with his right golden eye, while the other eye is a red one. His skin is a fair one, most of the time being covered by the white Red Navy ceremonial uniform he usually wears, having three medals on the chest. He also has a cap, but he only uses it on very rare occasions. Lastly, he was rewarded by the emperor's family with a golden spear for his military achievements and since he received it, he's always carrying it with him.

Out on the seas, Novobrisk would wear a light knight armor that doesn't really impact on his mobility, while he would have two of his main guns attached to each arm with the other two guns being carried one in each of his hands. His 76 mm dual-purpose guns would be attached to his left leg, while the AA guns would be displaced on his sides, on his shoulder and also on the back where a funnel is also attached. He would also have the torpedo launchers usually attached to his feet. Lastly, he would still carry with him the golden spear, with the Red Empire flag tied on it.

Being very friendly towards new people of the Red Navy, Novobrisk is certainly a very caring shipboy, mainly when with other destroyers of his navy, having deep friendships with most if not all of them. For those destroyers, Novobrisk is also a teacher, often teaching them a lot about tactics, weapons, training and a lot of other similar things. Despite this caring side the destroyers always see, he's also very patriot, having blind hate against anyone that doesn't support and is against the Red Empire, having a notebook where he registers about every ship of both the Rome and Sun Empires. This makes him someone that has certain similarities with Stalin.

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