- Soulèvement Class Destroyer -

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The Revolution Empire started to get worried about the principles class of battleships since they should represent, obviously, the principles of the nations. It was predicted that the loss of such battleships could cause a great impact on the morale of the people and, to prevent this, the Revolution Empire started research in the development of the Défenseur Class of destroyers. However, the construction of the battleships led to a rebellion and during it, the destroyer plans were stolen and taken to a shipyard recently conquered by the rebellion. They continued the development of the project and renamed it to the Soulèvement class (should be "Uprise Class" before, but I decided to rename it). Large numbers of ships of this class were built to oppose the Emperor and were used during the "War of the Empires", but only three were noticeable to make a great difference during the war.

Soulèvement was the first of the class and sank many ships of a convoy of the Revolution Empire, coming from one of the colonies to make a naval invasion in the rebellion controlled areas. Rébellion was the fourth of the class and played a role in sinking alone all the Roman submarines attacking a convoy of the Revolution Empire, already during the "War of the Empires". The resources were used to build the Révolution hybrid carrier. Volonté is the most prized one as the daring captain of the ship already made many suicide missions of charging against enemy fleets alone, escaping damaged but causing even more damages to the Romans.

The focus of the class was mainly the speed since the objective of it was to fight against light ships that could be dangerous to the battleships, such as other destroyers and submarines and it needed to be fast to intercept the ships before they could get close. Because of that, the armaments of the destroyer were very light, three twin mounts of 12.7 cm dual-purpose guns, six single mounts of 10 mm AA guns, depth charge projectors in the aft and lastly two quadruple torpedo launchers of 533 mm. After a small modernization, the ship gained a submarine mortar, an efficient passive sonar and surface radar, three quadruple mounts of 40 mm AA guns, six twin mounts of 20 mm AA guns and, lastly, two single mounts of 10 mm AA guns.

The armor was also very light and made the class very vulnerable to almost anything, but it was rewarded with one of the greatest speeds a destroyer ever had: 45 knots. This made her a great addition to the Revolution Empire's arsenal, very hard to be hit, unpredictable movements and perfect for ambushes and ruining the day of most destroyers and submarines.

The appearance of the class was planned to be received after the end of the war. "Libert Leading the People", a famous piece of art of the Revolution Empire, was used to make the appearance, so it would look like a floating piece of art. Liberty would be drawn in the conning tower, so it would receive more attention than the rest of the ship.

{}> Ship Version <{}

Soulèvement is a short shipboy, but just slightly smaller than the average, with a pair of bright pink eyes on his face and a medium turquoise hair that usually are let in a pretty messed up style. His body is covered by a very lightly tanned skin with a scar located on the left thigh, a gift from the submarine Jan (U2-135) of the Rome Empire. He covers himself under the clothes of classic Revolution sailor uniform along with a neckband that has a small chain attached to it. He also wears a pecked captain hat on his head and has a small medal he gained from protecting convoys placed in the left of the chest area.

Out on the seas, Soulèvement does his hair in a ponytail and wears a very light set of armor, with a few plates on his legs and others in the arm, accompanied by a mask with the right side receiving drawings of waves. His main guns would be all displayed in his right arm, the first turret on his hand, the other in the elbow joint-down and the last one in the shoulder while the 40 mm AA guns are on his left arm, all the way to the shoulder to the hands, with the ones in the hand are carried and work like pistols. His 20 mm AA guns are on his back, together with the submarine mortar in the form of a long tube while lastly the 10 mm AA guns are on his neck and the torpedo tubes are attached to his thighs.

Not many people know who's Soulèvement since he's very awkward and clumsy when comes to socialization, so he tries to avoid this the most he can, but there are people who are very close to him and know he's a very funny person who likes to crack a joke from time to time. During his free time, he likes to run away from the base to some quiet and relaxing places like forests and lakes where he would stay for long hours. In battle, he shows to be a brave and full of courage warrior, who would fight anyone, mainly the ones who dare attack his siblings and fellow friends of the Revolution.

 "Millions of galaxies, billions of stars and multiple trillions of planets and all without any other life, we should appreciate our planet for being so special and be thankful for her giving us such an opportunity"


Rébellion is a shipboy, slightly shorter than his older brother Soulèvement, with a white short hair, dyed navy blue in the back. On his face, he has a pair of light gray colors, that are so shiny that looks like silver. His body has a skin that is lightly tanned, with a few scars he got when fighting to protect Liberty, but none of them are visible when he's wearing his black Revolution military naval officer uniform along with a cap and a medal he acquired when fighting off the enemy submarines to protect a convoy placed in the chest. He also has a notebook with poems and musics registered there, since they are his passion, mainly the piano.

Out on the seas, he would wear a full armor set of a knight, but you can see it's made from a very light material and yet there are many weak spots you can easily hit. Well, if you're lucky enough to hit him, at least. His submarine mortar is attached to his left forearm while the main guns are all the three placed in the forearm of the right. His 40 mm AA guns are equally displayed on his upper arms while the 20 mm AA guns are on his shoulder and the torpedo launchers are on his legs. The 10 mm AA guns are placed on his broadsword with blue and gold he brings to battle.

His a bit of a quiet shipboy, but it's not because he doesn't like to talk or he's shy, it's because he prefers to talk using music... Only his melody can transmit a thousand feelings, just because of how skilled he is. He's also a very serious and brave warrior in the battle and there's no motive to not trust him, he's loyal to his words it doesn't matter the situations, which explains why he's so protective with anyone of the Revolution Empire, he made a promise to the admiral that he won't let anything happens to anyone of the Revolution Empire in his presence. His also very devoted to Liberty, since he made a similar promise to her when they were in one of the most important battles of the Revolution Empire and were put in the same fleet. "I won't let anything happen with you!" is what he said to help her get calmer during the battle.

"You can hurt people, you can kill people, but there's nothing worse than manipulate them with lies" 


Volonté is a shipgirl with about the same height as Soulèvement, with dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulders, done usually in a ponytail by a white, red and blue band, but the hair still looks pretty messed up. She has a pair of dark brown eyes, wears a pair of glasses with a dark gray frame and has a pencil most of the time placed just above her ear. She uses very casual clothes, as she doesn't care about that at all, she just wears whatever things she is comfortable with. She also has a small notebook she uses sketch dresses and clothes.

Out on the seas is the only moment when she would care a bit more about her looks, as now her hair looks much better and she wears a military uniform similar to the one her brother Rébellion wears, but with no medals, since she likes to keep them hidden in her quarter. She brings with her a dagger with the 10 mm AA guns attached to it and has her main guns on the shoulder while the third is placed in the back of her right hand. Her 40 mm AA guns are displayed on her upper arms while the 20 mm AA guns are on her forearms, with the torpedo tubes in the legs. Lastly, her submarine mortar is carried just like how Soulèvement carries his, in the back. 

She's a shipgirl who can't be organized and is also lazy. Her stuff always look pretty messed up in her quarter, but she knows where everything is located. The only thing that might look organized at all is the area around her sewing machine, since she dreams of designing and making clothes for people, not only famous ones. Her notebook also has the drawing pretty organized... However, she never touched the sewing machine because of her lazy side, she always says "I will let it for tomorrow" and stars to kill time drawing clothes in the notebook, sleeping or playing games alone. She's still very skilled during battle somehow and becomes serious and strategist during fight.

"Sometimes you just need to be in a good mood to do the things you need to do"

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