- Acies Class Battleship -

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# Ship Version

With the war progressing greatly for the Nomad and Utopia Empires in the first years, the Utopian Emperor called upon his navy to order the development of the final-blow weapon, the Acies class. However, the project was only half complete in the paper when the war started to get harder for the two previously mentioned empires and this would lead to a total redesign of the class by a recently promoted vice-admiral, responsible for the improvement and fixes of the Fulgur weapon. The total redesign was a success, with the battleship now created for dealing with any of the enemy warships, both the recommissioned and the modern ones, with two battleships ever built for the class, Acies and Ferocia. The two would also be in the future the flagships of fleets, as the Utopia Empire found themselves in need of fleets in the war, discarding the "one-ship fleet" doctrine. Acies led the Assero fleet and Ferocia the Grassor fleet, designated for protecting the Utopia Empire and attack the enemy, respectively, both composed by two Posterus destroyers and two Wrath destroyers.

In armaments, the class was equipped with four triple mounts of 115 cm guns positioned two in the bow and the other two in the aft, all the four showing a precision even better than the 110 cm guns of the GK class, faster speed to turn and reload despite they are still quite slow and are equipable with Utopian HE shells, the same used aboard the Posterus; APFSDS shells adapted from the tank version of the shells for better penetration against the strong heavily armored old warships; XL and XS shrapnel shells with the first one having Utopian HE 15.5 cm shells inside for attacking a group of enemy ships and the second having very small ones to be used effectively against aircraft groups; ASW shells to be used against submarines and lastly poisonous emergency shells. On top of the second and the third main gun, three improved missile-based Sagitta CIWS with 5x4 launchers were put on each to attack aircraft and intercept missiles and aircraft, but they were modified to be strong enough to attack ships in a close range as well, while the eight Aes CIWS each with two rotary six-barreled guns intercept mainly, but can attack very lightly armored vessels as well, installed one on the roof of the conning tower, one on the roof of the secondary tower, two on the bow deck between the main guns and the bow tip, two in the aft deck between the aft end and the rear guns and the last pair on the midsection, one on each side. The battleship also carried four improved Fulgur towers, two on each side of the midsection of the ship, with the solar panels and battery removed to use energy directly from the ship batteries and they are now more effective, with all the energy directed in the lightning strike, showing a greater capability of destroying large groups of aircraft and damaging armored ships without backfiring and they can power the Fulgur towers of other ships to increase the destruction capability of the weapon, one can receive up to five lightning strikes to release their attack with 50 times stronger power while Posterus class destroyers use the received electricity, however, to supercharge their systems and increase capabilities for a time.

Six 600 mm twin torpedo launchers were also installed using only acoustic guided torpedoes for ASW purposes rather than attacking other enemy ships and the class had a deck in a superior level of the ship, in which the railgun of the warship would be installed, equipable with three types of shells, a normal one relying on its speed for damaging and other two that can detonate into large smaller projectiles or very small projectiles, used against groups of vessels and aircraft respectively, similarly to the XL and XS shrapnel shells of the 115 cm guns. In this upper deck, there were also 48 vertical missile launchers equipped with anti-ship and anti-aircraft missiles and aboard the Acies there were also special prototypes of a new weapon of the Utopia Empire, called Weapon-Mine, which is essentially an advanced float equipped with radars and sonars along with either a twin mount of 11 cm dual-purpose guns or a twin 533 mm torpedo launchers. They are upside-down at first, disguised as mines when you look at them, but when activated, they will turn into the correct position and engage any nearby targets that can be underwater threats, surfaced vessels or even aircraft and when they start to malfunction, are out of ammo or are very close to the enemy, they self-explode, inflicting damage or at least not allowing themselves to be collected for research purposes. Because of the lack of secondary armaments, it was tried to use the Gun-Mines still aboard the ship as secondaries but that was unsuccessful as the mines once out of ammo exploded aboard. Instead, then, they later added new guns aboard the ship for that purposes, more specifically, eight triple mounts of 55 cm guns, 24 triple mounts of 21 cm dual-purpose guns, 74 twin mounts of 10 cm dual-purpose rapid-fire guns developed initially for the Posterus class, all of them are equipable with Utopian HE shells, APFSDS shells, proximity-fuse shrapnel shells, ASW shells and emergency-only poisonous shells, except for the 10 cm guns that have melting shells as an extra.

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