- The Last Battleship Fleet -

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# Ship Version

(Despite being part of the Halloween celebration, these three battleships belong to the official and OP versions of the Naval Conflict instead of the Halloween AU)

It's common to the religions of the wide universe of Naval Conflict to speak about the end of the times when all the beings will meet their fates in a future time... This was no exception for the followers of the Dark and Light even before the banishment of some followers to the Dark's dimension. The "Last Battleship Fleet" (LBF) or the "Order of the Last Battleships" prophecy of those followers was firstly spoken by the strongest magician of the time, who had a mysterious strange vision of the future... He saw many humans acting in a very bad way, fighting against each other and treating the others like insects, but then a kind of black smoke left those people and formed the silhouettes of three battleships that killed all the humans in his vision. His interpretation of the vision was that "when there's evil enough among the humans, it will leave their bodies and form the 'Knights of Doom'/'The LBF'/'The Order of the Last Battleships', which will be responsible for making every single human pay for each of their crimes".

The prophecy was, however, forgotten after the world had to find a way to live with magic and making sure no one would discover it by erasing it from history. You can still find registers of the prophecy if you're very lucky, but even if you do so, the prophecy was wrong, the vision was misinterpreted... The people acting poorly were a representation of the corrupted people and the correct prophecy should be that when Magic, one of the entities of the Naval Conflict, was fully corrupted, she would be able to have control over her own power and she decided to get all the parts of her that are scattered around the world back to herself, making the corrupted people normal again. She would then use all her power to create three powerful battleships that would bring back the order present in the world before life existed. In other words, kill everyone.

The first battleship of the fleet could be called Light, representing one of the children she lost. This one was fully painted white, with the decks painted with gold and bow tip having a silver statue that humans used to represent the Light god. the freeboard of the bow also had the color of vibrant blue on it, fading to white as it approaches the midsection while you had some black details in the weapons, more specifically on the sides. On top of the second turret of the battleship, you could see the statues of a white fox with blue and golden details on the fur and bright and large fire on the mouth, a real flame that can burn if you touch it. The weapons of the ship included four three mounts of 50 cm guns equipable with regular AP shells or the special shells used by the Captor battleships that use magic for a 100% chance of fire and special Rector shells, which stick to the enemies hit and, using a similar spell to the one used on the Magnes battleships, it attracts the torpedoes and shells nearby. The shell, when underwater, uses sonar to guide itself and stick to submarines, attracting torpedoes and shells even when the vessel is submerged. Other armaments aboard used against vessels and aircraft are the eight twin mounts of 22 cm dual-purpose guns and 38 twin mounts of 11.5 cm rapid-fire dual-purpose guns, both use regular AP shells, the flame shells of the Captor battleship, shrapnel shells with proximity fuses and, lastly, Ignis magical shells which when explode become floating fireballs that last five minutes on the sky and will set on fire anything that touches them, often used to lay down a kind of temporary "aerial" minefield and can take down most planes with a hit if correctly detonated just in front of the aircraft, forcing it to move right through it and burn, most of the times, completely. If yet the planes survive the heavy anti-air fire of the dual-purpose guns, the ship relies on 14 quadruple mounts of 41 mm AA guns, the 82 triple mounts of 30 mm AA guns and 38 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns. The ship has also two single mounts of special magical guns used aboard the Sunlight battlecruisers and four triple 600 mm torpedo launchers but they don't use torpedoes at all, they use magical rockets instead, that work like torpedoes with the difference that they only go forward, they don't have to fall in the water first and are, of course, much faster. As some special peculiarities, if wanted to do so, the battleship can turn the night into day and dismiss the clouds, winds and waves to much calmer weather while, when leading the LBF, she applies a special repair skill that slowly restores herself and the other two battleships from the damages just like the Salutem repair ship does.

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