- Stella Class Destroyer -

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A/N: Apologies to HardBassOverlord, seriously. You asked once about making spaceships, but we said we needed time to think about it... That was a lie, we were just preparing something for May the 4th and we wanted to be a surprise. Be free to make spaceships now!

# Ship Version

Some years after the start of the war between the Imperial Alliance (Formed by the Eagle, Monarch, Red, Revolution, Rome and Sun Empires) and the United Unique Nations or UUN (Formed by nations that didn't support the imperial rule), the war reached space. The first one to reach it was the Imperial Alliance, but it didn't take long for the UUN to reach it as well with their Stella class of star destroyers, capable enough of fighting against the imperial ships. It was known by most at least three ships of this class named Stella, Solis and Luna since they have quite important and impressive doings in battle. Stella alone managed to invade an underwater research facility of the Imperial Alliance and help in the development of the next generation of small spacecraft while Luna and Solis faced considerable odds against them, but survived with only light damage and causing heavy small spacecraft loses to the imperials.

As for armaments, the Stella class could rely on eight triple mounts of A-1 prototype of heavy laser guns used against large targets and with a rather long effective range but very bad accuracy; 60 twin mounts of T-4 heavy laser guns used against large targets and that weren't stronger or had long effective ranges like the A-1, but were faster and more precise; four single mounts of I-1 prototype of ion cannons used to deactivate enemy ships' electronics, but used only in emergency cases since it quickly gets high temperatures when used, causing melting of the own gun and near areas; two octuple mounts of M-7 medium laser guns used mainly against small spacecraft effectively at medium ranges but can be used against larger ones as well; six sextuple mounts of R-5 rapid-fire light laser guns used to fight light and small spacecraft at close ranges but can also intercept warheads; four triple heavy warhead launchers and lastly a single 3x4 light warhead launchers used against light aircraft and to intercept warheads. The class made use of the "Astro" targeting system, located deep in the hull with layers of protection. It was divided into two rooms, one responsible for aiming and controlling the warhead and the other used for controlling the aim of laser guns. The ion cannons, on the other hand, needed to be manually aimed.

In spacecraft capabilities, the Stella class carried with her 30 Caçador fighters, 20 Gravis bombers, 10 Invasor transport/border ships and lastly three Kuījiǎ vehicle transporters. Caçador was a very fast and agile fighter with good shielding systems and armor, but with only two light laser guns and two light warhead launchers that due to the capacity of the aircraft, could only launch one warhead each. Gravis was a heavy bomber with impressive shields and armor, without count the two forwards fixed light laser guns, the light rotating laser gun on the rear, single light warhead launcher and a last heavy warhead launcher, with the Gravis having a capacity for 10 light warheads and 20 heavy warheads and of course, this gave it the disadvantage of speed. Invasor was a medium armored spacecraft with a twin mounted light laser gun and four forward fixed guns and was rather slow but capable of carrying 20 people each. Lastly, Kuījiǎ was rather slow and heavily armored spacecraft, with three twin mounted light laser guns and a single forward fixed light laser gun, made for carrying vehicles, but capable of only two small and one medium per trip.

The ship also carried a total of 40 Naga light patrol walkers and 10 Zhīzhū medium AA and antivehicle walker. Naga is a very light and fast vehicle developed by the Kekayaan (Malaysia) and is independent of crewmen, remotely controlled from the ship. It also is equipped with a magnet and climbing claws on each foot that are six and two forward fixed light laser guns. It can transport a single man and if so, it can be attached with a single fast-firing laser gun to be aimed by the person. Zhīzhū is a considerably armored and fast walker developed by the Dynasty, which needs seven people to be used. It's equipped with two medium laser guns that can be set to split for AA purposers, a single twin mounts of fast-firing automatic laser guns that aim and fire automatically, two light warhead launchers for AA purposes but can be used against light armored vehicles or groups of infantry and lastly six legs that have magnetics and climbing claws. However, it only needs four of the legs to walk, the other two are extra weight just in case one of the legs is destroyed or to add stability for the shots.

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