- Rosehip Class Destroyer -

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# Ship Version

As the research was intensified on the Monarch Empire, the closer they got to the development of a shell that had a 100% chance of igniting fire on the enemies. The efforts would be rewarded later with a special HE shell designated as GFFBHE shells (gasoline-filled fragile body high explosive shells), which, in the contact with any surface, the fragile body would break, spilling gasoline over an area while a small explosive charge would be used to ignite fire on the enemies. Needing a class of ships to effectively test the new shells in battle, the research was now directed to the Rosehip class of destroyers that would use the shells on fast-firing guns to start multiple fires very quickly. Three ships of the class were built, named Rosehip, Vanilla and Cranberry.

The class was equipped with three twin mounts 10.16 cm dual-purpose guns, 10 single mounts of 57 mm guns equipped with special HE shells, eight quadruple mounts of Bofors 40 mm AA guns, four single mounts of Oerlikon 20 mm AA, 60 depth charges, a hedgehog submarine mortar in the front and, lastly, three 558.8 mm quintuple torpedo launchers. The class would also receive prototypes of a new 50 mm guns, but then they canceled it. In armor, the ship had 30 mm thick on the belt, 5 mm thick on the decks and, lastly, 50 mm thick on the turrets. The engines proved to be quite capable for the class, giving it a top speed of 50 knots, but, usually, the ship never exceeds 45 knots since speeds higher than this can result in damages and bursting pipes leading to a considerably reduced speed after.

A/N: Damn, I am really sorry... My creativity is only running short recently and this might be affecting negatively the quality of the last built ships and forgive me for this. I can't think about any new marks to use them together with the "Ship Version" and "Human Version", I can't find any images anymore and now it got worse as I can't really think in any appearance schemes. Sorry if you were expecting appearance schemes, but they will now only appear if I can think about something for a ship... Sometimes ideas simply don't appear. Again, I apologize.

# Human Version

In appearance, the three Rosehip sisters look pretty much the same, 1.54 m tall with a fair skin over their body, small curves, shoulder-length hair slightly curly on the half and below, but they are different from each other and you can see that by her eyes and hair color, Rosehip having pinkish-red hair and orange eyes, Vanilla having... Well, vanilla-colored hair and orange eyes while the Cranberry has cranberry-colored eyes and hair. If they weren't already similar enough, they wear the same clothes that are a red jacket with black sleeve ends and collar, a black short skirt and lastly long black boots that go up to a bit below the knees. They also have the equipment placed precisely on the same places, with the main guns over two platforms that look like the bow and aft of the ship version, with two and one guns respectively, while the torpedo launchers are one on the bow platform and two on the aft platform and lastly the AA and dual-purpose guns platforms below the hips on both sides.

Rosehip, in terms of personality, is a shipgirl very energetic and a speedrunner, always doing the tasks restless and the fastest as she can to finish the earliest as possible, you can even notice that when she's eating food, always being the first one to finish. She's also rather careless when starting to do something... Not in the meaning that she doesn't care about it, but in the meaning she doesn't care if the failure will be the result, about the opinion of the others. Vanilla, on the other hand, is a shipgirl that received the nickname "Walking Fire Hazard" since she has a tendency of being hot... Hot because she literally puts fire on things like a pyromaniac, often carrying around jerry-cans of gasoline around, which will also be used when she's in a battle to cover the enemies and set them in flames. This also emphasizes a bit of her childish personality, but of course, nothing, not even fire, can be put above her family. Lastly, Cranberry is a shipgirl who people would say is a mix of her sisters, enjoying fire but not as much as Vanilla and being fast but not as much as Rosehip. She also uses a kukri the battle to fight against enemies at rather close ranges and often escaping unhurt. Something the three have in common, however, is that they all enjoy tea, often seeing with cups of the teas that share the same names as themselves. 

"Power and speed be hands and feet"
- Rosehip (Ralph Waldo Emerson) -

"Gas lights up first time every time"
- Vanilla -

"History is written by the victors"
Cranberry (Winston Churchill) -

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