- Posterus Class Destroyer -

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# Ship Version

Even before the Utopia Empire was a great nation with the most advanced technology equipment in the world, the emperor foresaw the prosperity and technological advancement of it. The more his prediction seemed to be right, the more his fear of the war grew, thinking that the other nations could be jealous of the tech and would try to steal its specialists, projects and already built tech... This fear gave the Utopian Imperial Navy its golden ages. Firstly, it was focused on protecting the people and the empire only, with the class of destroyers known as Clypeum class, but as time passed and some of the destroyers witnessed the battles of the Celestial-Shadow War, the high-rank officers noticed that play defensive was a bad strategy, which would lead to the scrapping of all the Clypeum destroyers to have their resources used on the next class of destroyers, Posterus, a more aggressive and much more modern class than Clypeum. Following the new doctrine of the "One-ship fleet", the Utopia Empire built only four destroyers of the Posterus class, unlike the Clypeum that had already 12 ships. They were Posterus, Facilis, Tempestatis and Crepitus.

As the main armament, the class was equipped with two twin mounts of 10 cm rapid-fire dual-purpose guns positioned one in the bow and one in the aft, using advanced reloading technology that allowed scary fire rates and minimal delay when switching the shell types, that are very varied, including HE shells with an extra storage space in which an unknown Utopian inflammable substance was put for better fire chances, never studied by the humans as the substance burns completely once ignited, nearly impossible to be extinguished; APFSDS shells adapted from the tank version to be used on warships and currently, they are more of a special shell reserved for being used against armored targets which were not faced by the destroyers yet; Melting shells used for literally melting components of the enemy ships, using a perfect isolating material as sabot while a highly-heated material is kept inside for being released and have a slight penetration in the armor and then start to melt everything around it or even burn, depending on the hit material; Telepertotion shells linked wirelessly to the teleportation system; Sticky shells, which have nine claws and a drill attached for sticking on the armor and cause certain penetration just for them explode, maximizing damage; Shrapnel shells used mainly against aircraft and missiles, with proximity fuses to allow better efficiency; and the infamous Poisonous shells, used only in emergencies, releasing a liquid sticky toxin once it hits. The liquid quickly vaporizes and can easily get inside the ship by any small space you give it, quicky killing the target via the respiratory system.

Other armaments of the class include a Sagitta CIWS in the aft, which's a missile-based, the launchers organized in a 4x3 way; a single Aes CIWS in the bow, which consists of a turret with two six-barreled rotary guns, one each side and had advanced radars for enemy detection and computers many times faster than the fastest human computers; a quadruple torpedo launcher equipped with remotely guided torpedoes or acoustic-guided torpedoes; teleportation mines wirelessly linked to the teleportation system; conventional magnetic mines; and lastly a prototype of a Fulgur weapon, equipped with solar panels and the most powerful battery developed so far. It stores energy in the battery that comes from the panels and partially from the engines. Once full, what takes what seems to be an eternity to happen, the energy gathered would all be redirected to the main battery of the ship while the weapon's battery would have the energy of the weapon. The weapon uses nearly all the energy of the battery, releasing a lighting strike towards an enemy... Depending on the size of the target, the lightning strike can be a chain attack, hitting multiple targets very quickly, taking down a group of aircraft very easily. Because it still is a prototype, the energy is not fully sent into the lighting, instead, it can lightly damage the own solar panels, making the tower take even longer times to reload each strike.

The class also carried four remotely-controlled robots, which can swing underwater like submarines and attack enemy vessels directly to the hull. They can only be defied by ASW weaponry as they don't even need to surface for attack or oxygen lack and they themselves are ASW weapons to stop the submarine attacks on the destroyer. The class also had an EMP jammer, used for disrupting radars and aiming systems, to make the class close-range attacks even more deadly while receiving very little damage from the enemy.

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