- Spider Battleship -

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 # Ship Version

Although the whole world was in war and most creatures and humans were forced to take a side, there were those small exceptions that managed to stay neutral for a very long time. One of them was a strange creature that lived in a giant cave of a forest, sewing webs and eating anything that tried to venture inside or got stuck in the many traps she laid on the forest around the cave, its name was Spider. It was a giant spider, with powerful poison and sticky web and although it remained neutral during the whole war, after it she offered herself to be one of the gatekeepers, its motives were never explained, but its believed that it was interested in Light's offer to give it a battleship. It would be able to use the warship to go after enemies and find food for itself, much more easily than wait for an eternity for someone to get her food.

Originally, the Light's battleship was named Hopeless, signing that its victims had no chance of escaping once they engaged in combat against this vessel. It was armed with four twin 39 cm guns, 30 single mounts of 15.4 guns, 20 twin mounts of 13 cm dual-purpose rapid-fire guns, 38 quadruple mounts 40 mm AA guns, two triple mounts of 13 mm AA guns, 26 single mounts of 7 mm AA guns and lastly, but not least, four submerged 530 mm forward-aimed torpedo launchers. The battleship never managed to live up after its own name, however, at least until it was renamed Spider and received small peculiarities that this time truly made anyone who engaged this ship to be hopeless now. First, new kinds of torpedo one being an acoustic-guided "web-pedo" that releases a strange stick substance in the form of web upon impact and because of the acoustic guided part, they usually hit the propellers and the rudder, forcing the warship to stop for a considerable time until the web was taken out or dissipated like they always do after a time. The other torpedo was a venom torpedo, that instead of explodes it gets attached to the hull of the warship and drill a small hole, in which the torpedo will release gas toxins to kill the sailors aboard on that sector, but they aren't strong as Naja's and won't last as much as Naja's either. The second thing that was added was two types of shells, a "Weshell" that should release a web on impact or a few seconds before it, trapping sailors that are caught in the hit and getting weapons stuck in the position they are aimed. The other shell was a "spider shells" since after impact, they do not explode, but instead, they create small spiders that will infest the warship, up to 10 spiders are created by the shell. If this is not taken care of quickly, it's usually just a matter of time until everyone on the warship was bitten at least once by those spiders, paralyzed and then, the battleship will come to pick survivors for the creature's meal.

Hopeless wasn't a really strong warship when it comes to armor either and this was flaw was preserved when it was converted into the battleship Spider. It was difficult to fight even heavy cruisers without getting moderate damages, but at least the speed of this battleship was rather fast, traveling with 34 knots and excelling in maneuverability capabilities to dodge shells, torpedoes and get its own torpedoes aimed correctly. Since it would very often try to board ships to capture prisoners, the battleship relied on a very capable small army aboard the vessel, responsible to take the food for Spider out of the defeated vessel and kill anyone who wasn't paralyzed... Spider also almost received some aircraft to help her out, but the creature thought it would be useless and in the end, convinced to not install it.

In appearance, the warship would be painted with black color all over, with just very small and almost unnoticeable details of a very dark brown color. On the freeboard of the bow, you can see what seems to be two spider fangs pointed down and just still on the freeboard, in the areas below the two bow turrets, there was a pair of spider legs on each side with the four remaining ones placed on the bow area on the freeboard of the area below the aft turrets. Just over the windows of the bridge, four ruby-red spider eyes were painted there. Slight the details of the old appearance, Hopeless, do also appear on the warship, on the top of the main guns more specifically, you have the slight silhouette of the Triangles Crown, the symbol of the Light's military that's composed of five triangles organized to look like a crown. On the area between the legs and the fangs, on the freeboard of the warship, you can also see the silhouette of a dead flower that seemed to have been crushed several times, signing that there was no more hope to the enemies.

# Human Version

Spider is a tall shipgirl that defends the Second Gate from the Halloween Empire. In a certain way, she's pretty similar to the battleship Kraken, she's actually named Hopeless and has a quite big spider that walks around her and made the giant hold on her neck its home, covering it with its own silk although it gets red because of the blood of Hopeless. Differently from Menace, however, Hopeless has long pure black hair with a small bang in front of her dyed with white and a slight touch of blue and she keeps it on a letdown style, usually. It's accompanied by her two red eyes that are both close to each other, in the right part of the face. She has another pair of eyes on the left, but those are blind and are hidden behind the eye patch with the Triangles Crown emblem on it. She has curves that are slightly bigger than what would be considered normal and she seems to not be fit or fat, neither thin and has a lightly tanned skin covering her body with countless imperfections ranging from the burn scar around the area of her lost eyes, the big hole on the right side of her neck where the spider lives and she has another hole on the left forearm, unknown is the motive why. She wears a more pirate-like outfit most of the time, composed more specifically of a short-sleeved white shirt with a hole where she has the hole on the neck, painted with blood because of it; black trousers accompanied by a dark brown belt, medium very short-heeled dark brown boots, a long black golden-trimmed jacket that goes down to the middle of her thigh, has the symbol of the Triangle Crown again and a few medals; a black pirate-like hat and dark brown gloves. She also has a shoulder bag where she and her creature extra food that they looted from their victims is kept as well. Lastly, you can see her sword on her side, which she uses in case of an emergency.

Out on the seas, this gatekeeper does not change anything on her clothing at all, she just ties her hair up on a medium ponytail with a small red elastic hairband and wears now metal boots. Hopeless meanwhile has her weapons displayed with the long four robotic arms attached to her back coming like spider legs, each of them having a main gun instead of the hand. On the forearm of the upper robotic arms, you have the 40 mm AA guns of Hopeless while the upper arms of the same robotic arms hold the 13 cm dual-purpose guns. On the upper arm of the lower robotic arms, she has her 15.4 cm guns attached while the remaining 7 mm AA guns are attached to the forearm of the same robotic arms. The 13 mm AA guns are on her shoulders and lastly, the torpedo launchers are attached to the metal boots. She doesn't bring any extra weapons besides her sword that she already carries with her wherever she goes.

As an original warship of the Light's Navy, Hopeless was easily known to be a very caring shipgirl towards everyone and she would often expose herself to the danger, sailing ahead without much cover of her fleet to show them leadership and put her in the place of leader wasn't an exaggeration, she was very strategic, not in offensive terms, but she was extremely skilled on preserving the lives of her fleet and the bases she is at currently. She once saved a whole base with a very small fleet from a large scale enemy assault... They lost the base in the end, but no lives were taken at all. It was kind of ironic, Hopeless was the symbol of hope of the Light's Navy for a very long time since then. However, be seen as a leader, symbol and friend of every one give her some of the most classic fears of people, the fear of not living up to the expectations of everyone. Which's why despite being so popular, having so many friends, she would sometimes desire to be alone, where she can't be seen crying, where no one will ever see her failing... This also justifies why she has decided to offer herself as a stand-alone gatekeeper of the second gate, but she didn't expect to meet Arack, her spider before she could go to the Halloween dimension. It became the first friend she could ever vent out everything to and the creature and Hopeless became very good friends, with the battleship even allowing the spider to make her neck its home and always trying to find for it when battling enemies and this shows how she can be quite violent and kind of gross, storing food for herself on her bag and independent of how old the food in there is or how not hygienic is inside of it and they can eat it just like if it was normal food without getting sick or anything similar. Since she has been living alone by the second gate, however, she changed very considerably. While she still cares about the others and excels in defensive strategies, she developed more aggressive strategies as well and felt freer to be just the way she is, more honest and more daring sometimes, even after new gatekeepers joined her. In fact, the next gatekeeper that came to help her only intensified her way of acting to be more herself... If you get what I mean, she started to show what she truly feels about someone and she goes after her dreams, even the ones that are... More private.

"Attack and defend are often a choice you will need to make, but they will both bring a consequence, often different. Choose what you will do carefully" 

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