- Yōgo-sha Class Heavy Cruiser Carrier -

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# Ship Version

With the War of the Empire getting progressing more and more, with no significant advancement in victories but only in technology, the Sun Empire saw themselves in need of a heavy cruiser and, at the same time, in need of ships with aircraft capabilities, leading to the idea of mixing the two types in a single class of ships. The class developed for this purpose was named Nozomu class, but for unknown motives, the high-command and the emperor didn't approve the construction of the ships. Still in need of a heavy cruiser of capabilities, the engineers of the Sun Empire would start the development of a new project, the Yōgo-sha class. Prooving to be successful, two ships of the class were approved to be built, named Yōgo-sha and Gādian.

In terms of armament, the class was equipped with five twin mounts of 20.3 cm guns mounted two in the front, two in the middle and one in the back, two twin mounts of 12.7 cm guns located on the sides of the ships and 35 triple mounts of 25 mm AA guns located on the sides and also along the runways, while its hangar had the capacity of 20 aircraft that could be torpedo bombers, dive bombers and air superiority fighters. In armor, the class relied on a 38-127 mm armor on the main belt, 37 mm for the decks, 12.7-25 mm on the upper deck, 76-100 mm on the bulkheads, 25 mm on the turrets, 127 mm on the tapered to 38 mm on magazine belts and lastly 79 mm on the flight deck. With the ship fully loaded, the engines were capable of giving a top speed of 32 knots. The ship also received a color scheme that was quite similar to the one of the Takao, from the Japanese Empire.

# Human Version

Yōgo-sha was a tall shipgirl, about the same height as Orochi, with long brown hair that goes down to her lower back and fades to red and then to orange as it gets to the tips, while her two eyes share the color cold cyan. Her body is covered with tanned skin and possesses modest curves. Usually, she can be spotted wearing a uniform worn by the Sun Empire captains, with only the pair of trousers replaced by a skirt. For most people, she's described as a rather cold and intimidating person, always with that rather serious expression of hers and she can show a kind side to the others, although only her brother, the admiral/shikikan and her escort ever saw this side of hers.

Out on the seas, she wears a samurai armor set without the helmet and painted with the same colors used on her ship version, while she has most of the secondaries all displayed over her left arm and the remaining ones, together with the AA, are placed on two platforms that look to the bow and aft of the ship and are attached to the sides of the funnel. Her flight deck is attached to the right arm, while two of her main guns are carried on her left hand as double-sided pistols with the last three main guns placed on the platforms, just how they are on the ship version, two in the bow platform, one in the aft platform. To launch her craft, she uses classics Japanese cards, throwing them in the air.

"There is no death, only life. There is no war, only peace. There is no hatred, only love. There is no defeat, only victory. These are the things I go by"


Gādian is a tall shipboy, just slightly shorter than her sister, with short brown hair that fades to red and then orange just like on her sister, while her eyes have a brighter cyan color, full happiness and love, but will become cold cyan when in battle. His body is covered with lightly tanned skin and a captain uniform of the Sun Empire as well, a darker gray version of it. He's known to be a rather kind and happy person, often doing things to cheer the others up, but in battle, he's an entirely different person, with a cold and intimidating expression, without count his strategist mind that becomes active.

Out on the seas, he wears the same samurai armor set as her sister, with the same colors and without the helmet, having the majority of the secondaries on his right arm and the flight deck on the left arm. The rest of the rigging are displayed exactly how they are on his sister, on the two platforms that look like the bow and the aft of the ship and the two-sided pistol. To launch his planes, he just says the name of it followed by the word launch, which will make them summon immediately. 

"We push, they push, and sometimes the light breaks through and we see living beings on both sides just...fighting for survival or freedom. But there are those who use the fighting to gain power and those people must.be.stopped!"

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