- Espirit Class Aircraft Carrier -

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<Ship Version>

With the number of heavy ships (Battlecruisers and Battleships) in the Rome Empire quickly raising, the emperor had ordered the construction of big and invincible aircraft carriers. However, the requested class by the emperor was impossible to be created, so a naval engineer was contracted to make a few (a lot) of changes on the carriers, making them possible to be built. The class he created was called the Espirit Class and three ships of this class were built. Espirit, Roi and Esperér were those ships.

The ships can hit a top speed of 27.9 knots, what's pretty good considering that the ships use a thick and good armor and has a length of 320 meters. The strong belt armor used on the ships is extremely powerful, able to protect the citadel from most enemies, except battlecruisers with high caliber guns and battleships.

Each ship of this class has a hangar able to house a maximum of 117 planes. Usually, they carry 30x M.S.406 fighters, 60x Laté 299 torpedoes bombers (Those planes can be used as dive bombers as well, but it's not so common) and lastly 27x SBD Dauntless dive bombers, being this last one bought from the Eagle Empire. As armament, the ships have 20 twin mounts of 13 cm dual-purpose guns, 49 single mounts of 37 mm AA guns and 60 single mounts of 13.2 mm AA guns.

The designer of the shipyard, Aoi Yumi, who seems to not know to mind her own business, has taken a good look at the ship and plans to propose an appearance scheme. The midsection of the ship would be white, the bow would be navy blue and lastly, the aft would be bright red. On the part of the flight deck that's on the bow, there would be a Fleur-De-Lis painted in gold and on the freeboard of the white part there would be two draws of Eiffel towers, one in each side in black. On the bow area where the flight deck is not covering, there would be a statue of a woman using a crown with six spikes. (People say that she forgot one spike, because the Liberty Statue has seven spikes, but she did that on purpose. Losing one spike would represent the loss of liberty with the ascension of empire regimes). The statue also holds a mast with the Revolution Empire flag.

<Human Version>

Espirit is a really tall shipgirl... The only "ship people" of her empire able to beat her in terms of height are the ones from the Alsace class of battleships. Her eyes have a crimson color, but her iris are able to change to an infinity of colors and that makes them mesmerizing. Her white hair is long, being used in a let down style and there are two streaks on her hair that are dyed in blue and red. They are almost side by side, but a third streak, one that's not dyed, is between the other two streaks... She did that with her hair to honor her empire. Her body has slightly pale skin, with her curves being considered to be ideal for the nowadays society. She wears a long red dress that exposes her left leg a little, along with short black heels.

On the seas, she does a ponytail with her hair, carrying a crossbow with her to launch her aircraft. The planes are stored in the form of arrows in the small belt she uses, being organized by type, this helps her to not accidentally launch the wrong planes. On her left hand, she carries her guns, but some of her AA guns are attached to her short sword she carries with her when on the seas.

Espirit is someone that's often showing a smile, having a very bright and happy personality. She likes to tease her sibling sometimes, especially her younger sister, Espérer, using most of the time Espérer's makeup as a motive for teasing. She has some high appreciation for art, liking to collect the art in all its forms. She sometimes is called, in a joking way, as the "The 2nd Big Bang" because of this appreciation for art. Lastly, she often can be seen training with a bow or with her crossbow, having a lot of interest in archery.

Music theme: Le Vien En Rose

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in the others. For beautiful lips, speak only words with kindness. And for a good poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never going to be left alone"


Roi is a really tall shipboy, having a skin very lightly tanned. He has some freckles across his face, on the cheeks and the nose more precisely. His short hair is jet black, having the left front part of his hair a little long, covering his left eye, while the right part is shorter, not hiding his right eye. His eyes are originally hazel, despite the fact they can change color just like Espirit can change the color of her eyes. He wears a military uniform similar to the one that general Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle wears, having on his chest multiple medals. A sword he carries on his side was a gift from the emperor has some personal value to him, it's a rapier.

On the seas, Roi uses an armor similar to a knight one, with three stripes on the left side of the mask in the order blue, white and red, honoring the Revolution Empire with it. To launch his planes he uses a rifle, a MAS-36 rifle, with his planes stored in the bullets that are inside mags. He keeps those megs inside small pouches. His secondary guns and AA guns are carried on his left hand, except for some of the AA guns that are attached to his sword, just like how the armament of Espirit is displaced.

Roi is a very optimistic person, always trying to see the bright side of the things that are happening, it doesn't matter how hard is to see this side sometimes. A thing he likes to do, mainly with other carriers, is to prank them, as this can be some good entertainment not only for Roi, but also for the watchers and sometimes for the victims as well. He, despite being an enemy of the Rome Empire, has a friendly rivalry with the carriers Ariana and Herzogin of the Rome Empire Northern Fleet. He's often seen training with his rapier. He doesn't have a very solid opinion about some subjects, so he can easily be influenced by the others... However, two opinions are strongly fixed on his mind, opinions that he will never give up and change: First, that love is beautiful and the difficult to acquire only makes it more beautiful. Second, that every one that is in history is someone that brought something unique and original for history.

Music theme: La Marseillaise

"It's nice to age gracefully. Ok, you lose your youth, certain stamina, dewy glow, but what you gain on the inside as a human is wonderful: the wisdom, the acceptance and the peace of mind. It's a fair exchange"


Espérer is a shipgirl with normal height, having a long light brown hair entirely dyed blond and dark gray eyes. She needs to wears glasses because of her horrible vision but instead she uses contact lenses that not only help her to see but also change her eye color to green, making them look like emeralds. She's almost like Ryūjō when you talk about curves and wears a simple navy blue shirt under an unbuttoned white formal jacket along with a white skirt that goes to the knees and black short boots. She also carries with her a necklace with a Fleur-De-lis, that remembers her of her best friend. She has a red hairband in case she needs to tie her hair, but she usually uses it as a wristband.

When out on the seas, Espérer uses a rifle that has 13 cm guns attached to it and a belt with AA guns attached to it, but on the left part of the belt, it's attached a flight deck from where planes are launched. On her back, she has a funnel attached. Lastly, she carries a shoulder bag where the planes are stored, she just needs to put them on the flight deck to launch them.

Espérer is often happy and is very optimist, dreaming about being an actress. She trains a lot and her actress skills are almost perfect. However, sometimes she uses these great skills for lying. She also cares a lot about her appearance, being a little obsessed with it. She is always using makeup and perfume, but knows how much to use or in other words, she knows how to not exaggerate. This is also why she uses contact lenses and dyed her hair.

She's also really competitive, having some friendly rivalry with other carriers and battleships from the Revolution Empire and allied empires. She obviously doesn't like to lose, that's why she sometimes makes use of... unfair acts... like create rumors, prepare some pranks or traps and etc.

The necklace she uses was a gift from her best friend. He's now dead, but she always remembers him when looking to the necklace and tends to say one of his quotes a lot (the one on the end of Espérer description). This same friend actually loved Espérer and once wrote a letter to her, but he didn't have the courage to put his name on the letter. The letter reached Espérer's hands... Two days before her friend's death. Without know who was the one who sends that letter, Espérer waits to meet this person, something that will never happen...

"It doesn't matter how good are things... It doesn't matter how bad are things... Show a smile and everything can get better"
- Espérer's Best Friend -

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