- Haima Battlecruiser -

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# Ship Version

One of the longest researches ever made and still being done in Naval Conflict history is the one regarding the human blood properties and capabilities, ranging from the physical and biological aspects to the magical and inexplicable ones. The first researches ever made are dated to have happened even before the war of the two gods, although the scientists that were really involved in this research and made countless discoveries lived during the war of the two gods and even fought at it. Aiming for continuing their research, they asked for the gods to allow them to carry out their research by using prisoners and with the refusal of Light to allow such a thing, the scientists at that time sided with Dark who allowed them to that freely on the prisoners. Dark even built a warship, named battlecruiser Haima, to help them out on capturing Light soldiers and do their tests and experiments on those - It was very terrifying to be one of the captured warships. After the defeat of the Dark, the battlecruiser and scientists were forced to stay, just like the other Dark forces, on the Halloween Dimension, but they continued their research, although they had no more prisoners of the light forces. The solution was simple, Haima started to kidnap random people on the streets of the Halloween Empire. But that, of course, has its consequences, the battlecruiser was banished and forced to live on the seas for all its life with the Halloween ships allowed to fire at will if ever spotted again. But the research has not stopped, Haima and its scientists managed to strike a deal with the gatekeepers - as long they were served with the prisoners of the Halloween Empire, Haima would help in its protection and share all the knowledge it has with them.

This battlecruiser was armed with three triple mounts of 37.5 cm guns displayed with two on the bow and one on the aft of the warship; 14 single mounts of 15.2 cm, eight twin mounts of dual-purpose 12.7 cm guns, 18 twin mounts of dual-purpose 10.5 cm guns, eight single mounts of dual-purpose 7.8 cm guns, six sextuple mounts of 45 mm AA guns, 32 twin mounts of 35 mm AA guns, 12 single mounts of 10 mm AA guns and, lastly, four triple 550 mm torpedo launchers. Carrying no planes, this warship also was equipped with certain special weapons of the Halloween Empire, such as the bonesaw torpedoes and also the prototype of a strange shell that was researched aboard the Haima. It does not work yet, but a magical elixir obtained from blood proved to have an anti-magic effect on direct contact within specific circumstances, the scientists are studying and trying to discover those specific circumstances to create an anti-magic shell... Because prototypes and research notes were left in the Halloween Empire, a way to produce the elixir without using blood has already been discovered, and Haima has no financial support to help in her research, is very likely that the Halloween Empire will be using anti-magic shells before the gatekeepers can, but she's doing what she can to prevent this.

As a battlecruiser of utmost importance to be preserved because of the important research and data aboard, Haima was protected with very tough armor and torpedo-protection against enemies of the Light's forces and the gatekeepers although it now protects her from the Halloween ships. As part of one of the successful researches, the engines of the warship are moved by blood and it works as special efficient fuel, giving her a very large operation range when the tank is full and quite good speed to move across the oceans, 33.7 knots. When they were given the ultimatum from the Halloween Empire, the scientists kidnapped the most people they could and on the following day were already a long time gone from the Halloween Empire, which explains why they were not actually destroyed in place and were instead considered banished.

In design, the battlecruiser wasn't really planned to receive one, as some of the scientists were afraid that would make them stand out in combats, but after a lot of persistence, the warship received one that painted it all in white, with the appearance of dirty tiles and blood all scattered in random places of the warship. On the bow of the warship, it also seems to be a kind syringe filled with blood and it looks like it transfers the blood to inside the warship, but it actually plays no other role rather than mere decoration. Inside is when things get creepy, as there are three rooms on which the prisoners that will have the blood extracted will stay over. the first one is, of course, the extraction room where you have four seats and a fifth different one, but all of them have straps and strange devices on them, that are connected to the blood reserve of the battlecruiser. You're lucky to be chosen to stay in the four normal chairs as they will extract your blood and let you die from blood loss but that's not the case for those who get to have their extracted blood on the special fifth seat as it was made to extract only a specific amount of blood and then you will be kept alive for recuperating the blood and then be extracted, again and again. All prisoners are kept in the second room, a precarious area where they will be kept until the end of the battle and then, four by four, they will be sent to the seats, with a few times they choosing five meaning one of the five will be kept alive. Bodies are usually dropped on the seas after that while the ones chosen to stay alive will stay in the third room, being fed with specific potions that help with the blood recuperation and do not let them die from hunger, although only drinking it every day will eventually lead to their death anyway.

# Human Version

Haima is a quite tall shipgirl whose heights lies somewhere just close to the Sea Dragon siblings, although she's still just slightly taller than the tallest of the three dragons. She has quite long black hair upon her head, falling all the way to her midback and she already thought about cutting it countless times since they usually mess up a little with her experiments and tests, but instead, she ties it up on a pretty messed up bun that at least helps to keep it out of her way, although the red marks on it indicate that the blood of her experiments still gets spilled on it somehow. Her eyes are seen to have a dark red color and the marks around the eyes and the red sclera are indications that she hasn't had much sleep. On her body, she has not many curves, she is a practically flat person with a rather thin figure, kind of long limbs, although this is not really noticeable; and, lastly, a rather pale skin noted to have not so many scars but many distinguishable blood marks on certain areas, although she cleans those every day, they always reappear after an experiment. She is usually seen wearing a white shirt with a few blood marks on the frontal part, black trousers with three red drops emblem, the emblem of the "Bloody Scientists", or how so it is called the crew of Haima. She also wears medium short-heeled black boots, black gloves and a scientist coat that she keeps unbuttoned, with many stains of blood everywhere, the unwashable ones completing the stains on her shirt while the ones that are washed away being simply from recent experiments. The coat also has, on the left part of the chest, two symbols, the emblem of the Dark's forces, the eight-pointed star that has been modified, with the three lower points removed, leaving the five upper points that kind of resemble the triangles crown symbol of the Light's forces, but it needs to be a little less arched to completely look like one; The second symbol was again the three blood drops that are seen on the trousers, although they camouflage a little with the bloodstains. She has on her side what seems to be a large shoulder bag in which she keeps thousands of empty plastic bags that can be attached to the strange pistol-like weapon that she uses for purpose of extracting blood and is kept also on the bag. Three long needles are seen on the tip and they will pull the blood from the victim to the plastic bags, if one is full she just switches.

Out on the seas, she doesn't change what she wears at all and adds very little protection to her, ranging from simple shoulder armor plates and knee protectors only. Her rigging is meanwhile displayed with the torpedo launchers separated in pairs that are one on top of each other, one pair is on the left lower leg and the other pair is seen on the lower right leg. The main guns rest on her arms, one mount on the right upper arm and the other two on the left arm, more specifically on the upper arm and forearm. The 15.2 cm guns are displayed on thighs and the 12.7 cm guns have the right forearm, leaving the 10.5 cm guns and the 7.8 cm guns to have the whole strap of her shoulder bag to stay. Meanwhile, the AA guns are displayed with the 45 mm on her shoulders, the 35 mm around the waist and the last, but not least, the 10 mm on top of the main guns, with one exclusively being attached on top of her pistol-like weapon, that she will for sure bring to battle with the purpose of blood extraction from the enemies. She has a small dagger hidden under a coat when on the seas as well, but she only uses in situations of a real emergency.

If there's one thing that Haima is very famous for, is for her very high dedication to science, seen on her in the form of the red sclera and the wrinkles around her eyes since they show how much she is capable of neglecting her very own health and needs all for science. It's hard to say anything else besides that as she often stays alone in her laboratory, making tests and experiments, not chatting with anyone and leaving only if she needs more blood or if her help is requested at one of the gates, but if you go inside her building, you can see how messy is that place and is a wonder how can she keep track and do experiments in such a precarious workplace and given how she usually looks, this place matches perfectly with her. If you manage to start a conversation with the scientist, she shows a little too much pride in her few discoveries over the properties of blood and what it can be done with them and she claims very strongly that the elixir made with human blood has not the same efficiency as the one that is produced in the Halloween Empire which is why she insists to do her experiments with blood. Every bad thing she has done until now, from taking prisoners and forced blood extraction, is for science above everything else, as she values it above everything else she has, but don't mistake her as a person with a cold heart, as she still has some pain from having to betray the Halloween Empire as she has many friends there and she even has a photo of them and now, now she has the gatekeepers that are kind of a family for her, mainly Grim, Blood Hound, Chupacabra and Banshee, the three last ones being like her children and the first one being her lover.

"Senses for observing and analyzing, a mind for interpreting, and above all else, science to be discovered!"

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