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Maybe it wasn't the best idea. Maybe it escalated too quickly. But with everything going on, he couldn't handle it anymore. His heart was torn, if not shattered. He found it so betraying how he suddenly could disappear from others' mindsets. He knew he couldn't even keep a single person close enough to love or better said..to be loved.

That's why he made a crucial decision. He needed a serious break, away from the hospital, away from his parents. If Chan and Hyunjin felt like playing cold, then he didn't mind joining the game plan.

He was the one getting hurt in the end, the way he felt secure in their arms only for them to treat him as if he was invisible..it felt like trust being broken by your one and only.

That's why he managed to make a deal with his doctor, and Hajun. The hospital didn't know Hajun, so getting permission wasn't easy. It took a lot of convincing just to be able to even speak to his doctor on days that wasn't settled as an appointment. So he felt happy to be heard out for once.

So now, packing his bags for the next week. In an attempt to escape the current chaos, it felt like the best option. He couldn't tell his psychologist or his doctor. He didn't have Chan nor Hyunjin, who dared sparing a glance at him. He had himself and a phone call to be able to escape the harsh reality of some people's true intentions.

At this point, he didn't even want to hear the two men out. He just wanted them both to regret their decision, as much as he regretted trusting them.

So, with his bags in his arms and a message from Hajun stating he was 3 minutes away from the hospital. He took the opportunity to leave through the doors of the hospital, waiting patiently outside. He saw a rusty car pull up, scratched on the surface, and paint peeling off, graffiti written into inappropriate words and drawings. But he couldn't care much about that.

Hajun was genuinely his only hope at this point. He didn't know how to feel about it, but even so, it would be much better than to go bag to his parents' house for a week.

Hajun roller down the window, a cigarette between his lips, turning off the loud music.

"You coming or what?" He grumpy mumbled, making the boy sigh before he opened the trunk to put his bags in.

As he sat down on the passenger seat, Hajun turned to him with a small grin.

"You know I'm mean, but I'm not that mean" he spoke, driving away from the hospital as he kept the music low.

"What is that even supposed to mean..also aren't you too young to be driving?" He glanced at the other who simply chuckled in response.

"Am I supposed to go into detail? And yeah, but no one suspects me not being an adult with a driving license, i follow all rules in and out" he explained.

"I thought you were a rule breaker" he chuckled, but got a soft snarl in reply.

"I believe that certain rules are bullshit, and some rules need to be followed. I'm not a ruthless serial killer, I also don't want to get into an accident and get bad blood on my hands".

"So you aren't high right now?".

"I'm sober quite more often than you'd think" he rolled his eyes, turning left down a familiar road.

"So you just take drugs for fun? No strings attached" it has always been a question he was curious about.

Hajun, in his eyes, has always been the known junkie through the whole school. He has always been a direct asshole, blackmailing people, cheating on tests and girlfriends. He couldn't even believe it if he was genuinely just a drug addict for no reason at all.

But it wouldn't surprise him if that was the case.

"I suppose I don't mind getting a bit personal with you" he sighed, keeping his eyes on the road, as he lit his cigarette with one hand. "Believe it or not, but I'm not just any poor junkie who doesn't know about economics. The reason I'm not in bad trouble for any of the shit I've done is because I have shitty parents who bribe people to keep their mouth shut about me and my behavior. My parents are never home. They haven't ever been home. I genuinely think the last time they saw me was when I was born. I've been fed and lectured by maids since then. I don't get a single text from anyone, I only get hit up if someone is throwing a party. People think they know me when, in reality, they don't know shit about me. That is why I do what I do..when I do something stupid, I have an excuse to hear my parents' voice for a moment. It brings me comfort, but it also dissappear as quickly as it arrives, because I know that deep down..they don't even know what I look like" Hajun spat with a cold face, taking a drag from his cigarrete as he turned to the left for the highway.

Jeongin was beyond shocked to find out that Hajun was just like any other person on this planet, having a hard life. He could relate to some of the things Hajun spoke about. He felt like it hit far too close to home.

"So cheating is justified because of that?" He asked, genuinely not knowing how to keep the conversation going.

"I never said it was. I cheat in school because I feel like I'm wasting so much knowledge on stupid questions that won't get me far in life. I cheat on girls because they are all the same greedy sluts, spreading their legs to gain an advantage in something. None of the girls I've been between, has never been someone I liked. I found their body attractive, so I claimed it for a while, they got old and used, starting up shit and becoming too much of a bitch. I find someone new before quitting them for good".

"But it still hurts their feelings..doesn't it?".

"Oh please, give them a week to cry in, and they spot another person like me, and they will spread their legs further apart" he laughed, throwing the cigarrete to the backseat without care.

Jeongin might not have felt it was fair, but he accepted that was how Hajun saw the world. He couldn't judge someone who knew those girls better than him, and he certainly still didn't find cheating to be a valid thing to just do. But in the end, he figured their must be a reason for at least something in this world.

"We are almost there..anything you want to get or eat before we reach my house".

"No, I'm good" he mumbled, fiddling with his hands.

"Okay..I just want you to know something real quick..if you do not eat anything each day, and frankly I do not give a shit about what you choose to eat, you will be going back to the hospital as soon as I get the opportunity to drive you" Hajun stated, glancing at the boy with a glint of concern.

"I know.."

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