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The small tuck on the plant released a rather pleasant price as he smiled gently and placed his so-called price into the wooden basket he brought along with him. Just a few meters away stood Chan, plucking the same price from the small bushes beside them.

Hyunjin was further away, scavenging throughly through the bushes for the best-looking and tasting price.

It was sunny out, and they all had planned a small road trip to the countryside, where they were going to stay for just two days. There were plenty of activities out there for them to spend their free time participating in. It seemed to do wonders for them all.

Chan had the opportunity to stick a bit closer to the youngest amongst them, carrying out conversation that didn't necessarily depend on how well both of them were doing or how to become better versions of themselves. It was just a calming silence with occasional conversations in between.

Hyunjin got to yet again take pictures of a scenery that wasn't available in the city. His hobby in for photography always showcased when they went somewhere worthy enough to be remembered through pictures and not just on depended memory.

Hajun could get away from the city, where dealers barely just stood around the block, and almost in everyone's home. Where alcohol wasn't a thing to just reach, and someone to fuck not necessarily being as easily available. Getting away from a place as tempting as a city filled with various different kinds of people seemed to do wonders on Hajun's improvement. Not only did he become much brighter and less provoked by chaos surrounding him, but he also seemed relieved by how peaceful other parts of the country can be.

Jeongin was kind of the same. He was away from the big city with triggers lingering around him 24/7. But the activities they did together involved edible things. Like how yesterday they cooked a meal over a bonfire in the forest after hiking for about 3 hours. Today, they were plugging strawberries on an open field to use for a fruit salad later. It made the practice of getting used to food much easier for him. Because all though he was feeling a lot better and consuming a lot more. Parts of his brain were rightfully so, still disordered.

So this was for everyone. All of them. To get away from chaos and stay back and relax their own mindset.

"Hyunjin is so picky when it comes to these things" Chan complained as he looked down towards where Hyunjin was standing, observing the strawberries for any imperfection.

Chan was right, though. Hyunjin was quite a perfectionist. A good kind of perfectionist, he didn't bring himself down if he got something wrong or if something great wasn't available. But he strives to find the best berries, draw in for the lines to not ruin a painting, and keep calm even with a storm approaching him.

Hyunjin was strong-willed. Something Jeongin admired as he stood back and watched Hyunjin examine all the bushes for perfect berries.

"He is in his element, Chan. Look at the smile on his face. He looks so happy" Jeongin mumbled, as he pointed out the creeping lines forming a soft smile on Hyunjin's face.

"Hajun seems to like it too, though, I don't think we are supposed to eat the berries right now" Chan spoke as he stared at the other line of bushes, chuckling to himself.

Jeongin widened his eyes as he followed Chan's gaze. Sure enough, there stood Hajun with remains of berries on his face and shirt. Chewing on the fruit with pouted lips. He let out a sigh as he watched the boy chew down the strawberries one by one.

"Aren't we supposed to stop him?" He asked, holding back his own laughter while Chan was almost falling to the floor holding his stomach.

"Nah, let him, if he can't have alcohol tasting like berries, let him at least eat the real deal" Chan smiled before turning to the younger, catching his attention.

"How did you know his favorite flavor are berries?".

"This guy had a stack of bottles of the same beverage brand with the same flavor, and there was at least a few hundred of them" Chan chuckled, leaning towards the younger, before planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

Jeongin felt the blush spread against his cheek. His eyes widened as he watched Chan smirk before walking away. While he was left standing dumbfounded, Hajun called out to him, which took him a few calls to finally pick up on his senses.

"My shirt is ruined now" he huffed as he walked over to the younger, who still stood baffled, but now also because of Hajun's appearance.

Hajun looked like he was a lost kind in a red dye museum. His chin and cheeks had small rivers of stained fruit, his shirt drenched and stained, his finger as stained as the rest of him. Jeongin blinked a few times, taking in the sight that completely stunned him before nodding his head.

"I think you should worry less about your stained shirt and more about the stains on your skin. You need to wash up".

Hajun glared as he looked down at his designer shirt, pouting as he waddled towards Chan and Hyunjin, leaving his empty basket behind. Jeongin shook his head, picking up his and Hajun's own baskets, approaching them too, knowing he had to deal with Hajun's sulking on his own.

As he approached, he could her Hajun complaining to the two men, who tried to desperately hold their laughter in. He was holding his shirt out, a pout still on his lips as he kept going on about how much he hated strawberries, knowing very well that he would most likely be the one to eat them all when they came home, ruining the purpose of the fruit salad.

So Jeongin just joined in laughter, no longer able to keep it in himself as they led Hajun off of the fields, to get home as soon as possible for him to get washed up.

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