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His body ached like never before. His breath was hitched as echoes of cries and pain left his mouth. His stomach ached, but not in its typically major. It was by force, so strong it knocked the wind out of him. His body declined further into a fetal position, angry yells, and hurtful words spattered everywhere. Arguments rolling on the floor of a broken home that wasn't meant to be healed. Two once love birds fighting their own delusions as he laid there, helpless and weak, without a voice and an ear to be heard from.

The inflicting pain rose as he kicked around on the floor. His body is sweaty in fear, and his heart beating in harmony with the screams he tried to block out.

"You are worthless, a disgrace! You hear me?!" The voice yelled right into his ear, causing him to frown and trash away from the rough hold on his body. "You are nothing, Jeongin, absolutely worthless. Go to hell!".

It hurt so much. Ten times more than it ever did before. Feeling like a fool to be manipulated home.

He was promised his case manager was here for a check-in.

It was all a lie.

He lied to him like he had always done.

Getting used again and again.

It tore him apart. Losing his patience as he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Stop it! I said, stop it! I don't want you, I don't like you!" He cried out, feeling his cheek getting slapped as he buried his head to avoid the hits.

"You don't get to say a thing! You are a pain in the ass".

Jeongin pushed and pulled till he could successfully crawl away from the madness, his eyes filled with streams of tears like the river. His body retracts itself away from the danger.

"Why do you treat me like this? Why can't you just love me, dad?" he whimpered, his body pulsing as he stood up. Shaking as he confronted his father.

Never once in his life has he experienced love from him. Never has he ever seen his father and mother show mercy to anyone but sluts and whores that wandered around the home that morning after. There wasn't love within the walls of this house. It felt like a curse to live here.

"Oh shut it, boy, you have never been anything but a struggle since birth" his father complained, litting up a cigarette.

"What do you mean?! I was at the top of my class, I cleaned the house, did my own laundry, and cooked food. I'm the reason mom isn't dead by now, having to roll over your own mother to make sure she doesn't choke on her own puke while she's asleep, is not a thing a 7 year old should constantly do daily!" He screamed as he pointed a finger up into his father's face.

"I wanted to kill myself when I knew your mother was pregnant with you! That slut couldn't even handle a one night stand without getting a fat belly 4 months later..you were a disgrace from the beginning! You were nothing to be, until this bitch baby trapped me!" His father complained, throwing an empty beer bottle into his mother's face.

Jeongin's eyes widened as she saw the woman fall to the ground, groaning in pain. But he couldn't feel remorse for her, not anymore at least. He was done, done with everything that had to do with his parents.

"And you think I care?! I was a kid! I was a newborn when mom became alcoholic! I was 4 when you first left me alone without any supervision! You beat me, tore me apart. I had no life! I had no one! And all you did was hurt me! All you did was use me as a punching bag! I have feelings, too. I feel physically and emotionally, just like you do! But you don't care about me. You never did".

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