Chapter 1

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After school, Victoria and Rory walk into Luke's Diner.

"Hey, it's freezing." Rory says as she and her sister sit across from their mother. "Oh what do you need? Hot tea? Coffee?" Lorelai offers her daughters.

"Lip gloss" Victoria tells her mother. "Aha" Lorelai says as she looks in her purse "I have vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, and toasted marshmallow." she says completely serious. "Anything in there not resembling a breakfast cereal?" Rory questions.

"Yes. It has no smell but it changes color with your mood" Lorelai says placing down another set of lip gloss.

"God, Rupaul doesn't need this much makeup." Victoria says. "Well you're crabby" Lorelai states.

"I'm sorry. I lost my Macy Gray CD and I need caffeine" Victoria explains. "Ooh I have your CD" Lorelai says pulling the CD from her bag. "Thief" Victoria accuses while taking the CD back.

"Sorry. I'll get you some coffee." Lorelai says then walks to the counter to get coffee.

"What? It's not for me. It's for Victoria, I swear" she says when she sees the look Luke's giving her. "You're shameless." he responds.

"Look, Officer Krupke she's right at that table right over there." Lorelai says turning back to table table only to see her daughter being hit on by the same how that was hitting only minutes ago. "Ah. He's got quite a pair, this guy." shes says before turning back to look to see that he filled her cup with coffee. "Thanks." she says then walks back to the table.

"Yeah, I've never been through here before." a guy badly flirts.

"Oh, you have too" Lorelai says to him. "Oh, hi" he says to her.

"Oh, hi. You really like my table don't you?" she responds. "I was just uh" he tries to explain. "Getting to know my daughters" Lorelai says standing closer to her daughters.

"Your..." the guy says in shock.

"Are you my new daddy?" Rory asks. "Wow. You do not look old enough to have two daughters. And you do not look like daughters." he says not knowing what to say.

"That's possibly very sweet of you. Thanks." Lorelai says. "So...daughters. You know, I am traveling with some friends." he says. "They're sixteen" responds Lorelai.

"Bye." the guy says walking away.

"Drive safe." Lorelai says as the guy and his friend leave the diner.


The next morning, Victoria walks to school with her sister, and their best friend Lane.

"When are you going to let your parents know you listen to the evil rock music?" Victoria asks her best friend. "Yeah you're an American teenager for god sake" Rory says.

"If my parents still get upset over the obscene portion size of American food, I seriously doubt I'm gonna make any inroads with Eminem" Lane answers the twins, "I have to go to that" she says motioning toward the teen hayride sign. "The hayride? You're kidding" Victoria says. "My parents set me up with the son of a business associate. He's gonna be a doctor" Lane tells her.

"How old is he?" Rory asks.

"Sixteen." Lane answers. "So he's gonna be a doctor in a hundred years." Victoria says.

"Well, my parents like to plan ahead." Lane responds . "God, you have to go to the hayride with him." Rory says in disbelief. "And his older brother." Lane adds.

"Oh, now you're kidding." Victoria says feeling and for her friend.

"Koreans never joke about future doctors. So I guess you're not going, huh?" Lane says. "No, I'm still fuzzy on what's fun about sitting in the cold for two hours with a bundle of sticks up your butt" Victoria answers.

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