Act 2 ch 18

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"Mom?" Lorelai says at Friday night dinner.

"No" Emily answers. "We're starving" Lorelai tells her.

"We're waiting for your father" Emily replies. "It's gonna get cold" Lorelai points out. "We're waiting for your father" Emily repeats.

"We've been waiting forever" Lorelai complains.

"We have not been waiting forever" Emily denies. "Forever, Godot was just here, he said, I ain't waiting for Richard, grabbed a roll, and left. It's been forever" Lorelai jokes.

"When we gather as a family, we eat as a family. We don't eat in shifts" Emily tells her. "You know that. And Richard certainly knows that" she continues. "When did he get that antique car anyhow?" Victoria asks.

"A couple of horrible weeks ago" Emily answers.

"What happened to that oil painting hobby of his?" Victoria asks her. "You know your grandfather, when he couldn't foresee rivaling Cezanne, he lost interest, so he bought that car" Emily explains.

"Lorelai" Emily says seeing Lorelai eat a piece of chocolate she got from her purse. "Mom, it's not dinner. It's just my private stash" Lorelai tells her. "It's eating, and we're not eating" Emily replies.

"You know you're bound by the rules of the Geneva convention mother, just live everyone else" Lorelai says.

"Hey, no one told me it was casual Friday" she says when her father walks in. "Hello, everyone. You haven't started?!" he asks shocked to see their plates empty.

"Of course we haven't started, we were waiting for you. I thought you were almost done" Emily tells him. "Well I was, but this car has a kind of its own. As I turned to leave, it began spraying some sort of green solution at me" Richard responds. "Yuck" Rory comments.

"Yuck indeed. Well, go on, start" Richard says.

"No sense in waiting for me" he adds. "Coolness" Lorelai says reaching for food.

"Stop" Emily says. "Gomer said" Lorelai complains. "We are waiting for you Richard, in thirty five years, I have never, ever started a dinner without you unless you were out of town or seriously ill. Elsa, take everything away and keep it warm" Emily calls out to the maid.

"Now please go upstairs and get ready so we can all enjoy a nice family dinner together" she tells her husband.

"I'll be right back" Richard says walking away. "Right back, dad. Like, right back" Lorelai tells him.

"In fact change on the way upstairs, and make it a navy shower, quick soap, quick rinse, and no excessive posing!" she yells to him.


"Hey, there. Anywhere?" Lorelai asks walking into Luke's.

"Anywhere you want" he answers. "Could you move, please?" Lorelai asks a random guy sitting at a table.

"What?" the guy asks. "Anywhere where there's not people" Luke tells Lorelai. "Oh, like I'm a mind reader. I was just joking" she tells the guys.

"Hmm, that's funny" Lorelai says as her and the twins sit at a different table.

"What?" Victoria asks. "Something's different here. Something's changed" Lorelai answers.

"Impossible" Rory responds. "No, I swear, there's something" Lorelai insists. "I'd be very disappointed if something changed in here" Victoria says.

"Why are you so anti change?" Lorelai asks her.

"Because most change sucks" Victoria answers. "That's true it does" Lorelai agrees.

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