Act 4 ch 16

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"Don't tell me this is what it looks like" Lorelai says looking at the food on her plate.

"It's escargot" Emily tells her. "Ugh. That's what it looks like" Lorelai makes a disgusted face.

"Snails?" Victoria asks. "Escargot" Emily replies. "Slimy thing by any other name..." Lorelai says.

"They taste like garlic and butter" her father assures her.

"Don't say they. Food should not have pronouns" Lorelai insists. "Give it a try" Richard tells her.

"But if I do and we're having road kill for the main course, then I will already have used up my allotment of gross-out food for the day, so I'll abstain" Lorelai declines. "I guess we should strike escargot off the list of Friday night dinner foods" Richard gives up. "Sweetie loved escargot. That's funny how we remember those things" Emily says with a sad smile.

"Hm" Richard hums.

"Sweetie?" Victoria asks confused. "Sweetie who?" Rory asks.

"Sweetie Nelson, one of my oldest friends. She passed away yesterday" Emily explains. "Oh, I'm sorry, Grandma" Victoria instantly feels bad. "Yeah, I've heard you mention her" Lorelai says.

"Was she sick?" Rory asks.

"She'd been ill for some time, but still..." Emily trails off. "The family is pretty overwhelmed" Richard finishes.

"By the way, Davis called late today. The funeral is going to be Sunday" Emily tells him. "Was that her real name, Sweetie?" Victoria asks. "No, her name was Melinda. Sweetie was a nickname" Emily answers.

"Why?" Lorelai asks curious.

"What do you mean, why?" Emily asks confused. "I mean, how did they get Sweetie from Melinda?" Lorelai clarifies.

"They didn't get Sweetie from Melinda. Sweetie is a nickname" Emily replies. "Yes, I know Sweetie was a nickname, but usually, a nickname comes from a version of your name, or there's a story behind the name or something" Lorelai explains. "She was sweet. That's the story" Emily says.

"Okay" Lorelai nods.

"She had a very sweet nature" Emily continues. "Hm" Lorelai hums.


Victoria and Rory are laying on their couch watching tv when the phone rings.

"Hello?" Victoria answers. "Hey, it's me" Lorelai replies.

"Oh hold on, Rory's right here I'll put you on speaker. It's mom" Victoria puts the phone on speaker: "Hey, Nigella just made a raisin cake that looked so good, the fact that raisins make me gag became totally irrelevant" Rory says. "Well, good, more ordering choices" Lorelai tells her.

"Oh, my God, she's about to deep-fry a Bounty Bar. I want to move in with her and call her Mommy" Victoria says.

"Do you mind?" she asks. "Honey, I-I have to tell you something" Lorelai responds.

"You sound sad" Rory points out. "Yeah, well, Gran died" Lorelai explains. "What? When?" Victoria asks shocked.

"Last night. She had a heart attack" Lorelai answers.

"Are you okay?" Victoria asks her. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" Lorelai responds. "How's Grandpa?" Rory asks.

"Well, he's been better" Lorelai admits.

"What should I do? Can I do something?" Victoria asks. "No, it's all being taken care of" Lorelai declines.

"When's the funeral?" Rory asks her. "Friday, and there's a wake after. I don't remember if you have classes" Lorelai tells them. "Doesn't matter. I'll make it work" Rory insists.

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