Act 4 ch 15

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Victoria and Rory enter the Dragon Fly construction site with roses pinned to their jackets.

"Hi, girls" Tom greets them. "Hi, Tom. How's it going?" Victoria asks him.

"Not half bad" Tom answers. "Then it's half good" Rory points out. "That makes it sound better than it is" Tom says.

"Kinda the point" Rory tells him.

"What's with the flowers?" Tom asks. "It's so our mom will recognize us" Victoria answers.

"Girl thing?" Tom asks the twins. "Yeah" Rory confirms. "I'm not into girl things" Tom replies.

"You are a contractor" Victoria says.

As Victoria and Tom keep talking Rory slips away going to talk to Dean by the stairwell. After a few minutes Lorelai finally shows up.

"Hi. Oh, you wore roses" Lorelai says excited. "That was the agreement" Rory replies. "Hey, Lindsay. Hey, Theresa" Lorelai greets Lindsay and Lindsay's mother.

"Hi" both girls reply.

"You ready?" Victoria asks. "Let's go" Lorelai nods.

"Hey, how often does this happen?" Rory says subtly indicating in Lindsay and Theresa's direction. "Oh, well, it's a hot lunch every day. Plus they always bring something for the group" Lorelai answers. "Yesterday it was peanut brittle Lindsay made. It broke a crown, three teeth, then a HazMat team came and took it away" she continues as they walk out of the building.


In the mall food court Victoria, Lorelai and Rory are standing in front of a free-sample-guy eating food on toothpicks.

"They put everything on pretzels nowadays. I love that, you're our new best friend, Howard" Victoria tells the free sample guy. "We don't say that to just anybody" Lorelai says.

"Just anybody holding free food" Rory adds. "We'll be back. Stock up" Victoria grabs a few more samples. "Okay, here we go" Lorelai grabs some too before they step onto the up-escalator.

"Where should we start?" Rory asks.

"Well, we're window-shopping, so let's find a window" Victoria tells her. "I see rows and rows of windows" Rory says.

"Hey, let's walk arm in arm like window-shopping ladies do in movies" Lorelai suggests. "You got it" Victoria agrees. "I wish I'd brought a xylophone with me. There's always a bouncy xylophone playing when movie girls window-shop"Lorelai says.

"So, left or right?" Victoria asks once they reach the top of the escalator.

"Let's go right" Rory answers. "Okay" Victoria agrees and they wander past stores with window displays.

"Oh, cool" Lorelai says looking through the windows. "Oh, that would look great on you" Victoria tells her. "I love blue" Lorelai says.

"You should make a mental note to get that when you're back in the cash" Rory suggests.

"Done" Lorelai says. "Shall we?" Victoria asks holding out an arm.

"Let's shall" Lorelai links an arm with each of her daughters before they bump into a window corner. "Oh, sorry" Victoria laughs. "One of the risks of linked-arm walking" Lorelai says.


"Oh, that's nice" Victoria points through a window.

"Which?" Rory asks. "That" Victoria points.

"The skirt and the blouse?" Lorelai asks her. "Yeah, more the skirt than the blouse" Victoria answers. "I like 'em both" Rory says.

"Good colors" Lorelai nods.

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