Act 2 ch 6

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"Yes?" the maid asks answering the door.

"Hi" Lorelai greets her. "Hello" the maid says back.

"You're new" Lorelai points out. "Uh, I started yesterday" the maid tells her. "What's your name?" Lorelai asks.

"Liezl" Liezl tells her.

"Okay, Liezl. I'm Brigitte this is Gretel and Clarissa" Lorelai gives her fake names. "And uh Emily and Richard are expecting us" she continues.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please come in uh can I uh get you a drink?" Liezl offers while Richard and Emily fight in the background. "That's okay, I can get it. Why don't you go hide in the kitchen" Lorelai tells her. "Really? Thank you" Liezl thanks her before running away.

"What's going on?" Victoria asks.

"I don't know, I think George and Martha are joining us for dinner" Lorelai answers. "I didn't know that my every conversation needed to be reported to you, I stand corrected" they hear Richard fight with his wife.

"I have been the co chair of the starlight foundation for the last eight years" Emily reminds him. "I know this Emily" Richard says. "And the black and white ball is the main fundraising event of the season" Emily tells him.

"It's one year" Richard points out.

"The co chair cannot miss the main fundraising event" Emily insists. "Why? Won't the chair be there?" Richard asks.

"Is this a joke to you?" Emily asks in disbelief. "Emily, I have too many things to take care of at work. I don't have time for frivolous parties" Richard tells her. "Frivolous parties?! Friv-oogh" Emily says before walking away from him.

"Well where are you going? Oh coke back here" Richard says following after her.

"Wow, this is bad" Rory says to her mother and sister. "I know, I wish we had popcorn" Lorelai agrees.

"Mom" Victoria says. "Shh, incoming" Lorelai says when her parents are close enough to hear again a "The Hartford Zoological silent auction, the Mark Twain house restoration fund luncheon, the Harriet Beecher Stowe literacy auction" Emily reads pieces of paper.

"I can read those myself you know" Richards says taking the papers from her.

"This is the fourth event you've taken upon yourself to turn down on our behalf and I am on the board of all of those foundations, now how do you think that makes me look?" Emily asks. "Like your husband is busy and has a great deal of responsibility" Richard yells back at her.

"Well I have responsibilities too" Emily replies. "I understand that your social engagements are importa-" Richard starts. "They're not just social engagements" Emily sighs.

"Anything at which you serve tea is a social engagement" Richard insists.

"That's it, I'm going to get a tape recorder so you can hear how pompous and condescending you sound" Emily says walking away. "Emily" Richard says.

(Emily 🤝 being iconic)

"No I wouldn't want you to take my word for it, I might be delirious from all that tea I've been drinking" Emily says going to get a tape recorder. "Oh stop this" Richard says following after her. "Maybe we should leave" Rory suggests.

"Are you kidding? We have dinner theater here" Lorelai replies.

"But grandma and grandpa are obviously in a fight" Victoria says. "Yeah" Lorelai says not seeing the problem.

"One that they probably wouldn't want us to see" Rory finishes for her sister. "Hey, we stumbled in her completely innocent. We came for dinner as usual per their request" Lorelai defends. "We had no idea we were walking into the Lion King with the puppet heads" she continues.

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