Act 4 ch 13

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Victoria and Lane watch as Lorelai tapes plastic wrap over the hole in the window with pink Barbie doll Band-aids.

"Okay, now. Hold it" Lorelai says. "Oh, okay, how does it look?" she asks.

"Festive and femme. Yet also completely ineffective" Victoria answers. "Maybe it just needs another layer" Lane suggests. "Yes, of glass" Lorelai says.

"Nice. Something to protect us from freezer burn" Rory says walking in the room.

"Come over here and help us" Victoria tells her. "I'm not going to help you Barbie Band-aid our window. I will, however, help you to call one of the many extremely qualified window repairmen that I've circled for you in the phone book" Rory replies.

"Hey, if we fix the window before Luke comes over, he will have his feelings hurt. Do you want that?" Lorelai asks her. "Phone book's on the kitchen table" Rory puts on her jacket. "Where are you going?" Victoria asks.

"I'm going to take a walk, get a Danish, hit the bookstore, and I'll be back for lunch" Rory answers.

"Okay" Victoria nods. "Maybe if we add a layer of tinfoil" Lorelai suggests.

"Hey, professional window guys are driving by, pointing and laughing. I just thought you should know" Rory says. "Thank you" Lorelai says as Rory walks out.


"Hey, I have news" Lorelai walks in Victoria's room.

"Good or bad?" Victoria asks. "Um, the grandparents have four extra seats at their table for some banquet thing. You know rich people stuff, so they've decided that I need to find a plus one so me and them can take two seats while you and Tristan take the other two" Lorelai explains.

"How did you let us get roped into this?" Victoria asks her. "I don't know, it all happened so fast" Lorelai answers. "You should bring Jason" Victoria says.

"Ha no way, he's already going anyways" Lorelai replies.

"So he has to sit at the same table and watch you on a date with another guy? That sounds like torture" Victoria says. "It would be if I could find another guy, Kirk doesn't count" Lorelai collapses onto Victoria's bed.

"There's gonna be good food though right?" Victoria asks her. "Oh, yeah. For sure" Lorelai answers. "Okay good" Victoria nods.


I'm Babette's house Babette is pouring drinks for Lorelai, Victoria, and Rory.

"Well, I have to tell you this is a real treat having you girls over, like spur of the moment, I don't know what I did to get so damned lucky" Babette tells them. "Well, we just realized we hadn't seen you very much lately and we thought hey, today is the perfect day to catch up with Babette" Victoria says.

"Oh, yeah, the perfect day" Rory nods. "Well I am tickled pink. Here you go, hot cocoa" Babette gives them their drinks. "Thanks, Babette" Victoria thanks her.

"Ahh, we don't deserve such treatment" Lorelai says.

"Of course you do, three young hotsy-totsies like yourselves hanging out with an old bird like me. You deserve a lot better" Babette insists. "So, you kids going to the Firelight Festival tonight?" she asks.

"You bet. We're going to be late though because we have to make a pit stop at one of my grandmother's charity events" Victoria answers. "Ooh, sounds ritzy" Babette replies. "Like the cracker" Lorelai says.

"Well, the festival should be quite a shindig. Just watching Kirk trying to get those stars hung was worth the price of admission" Babette tells them.

"You know, he insisted on demonstrating the correct way to hang 'em and treed himself. It took the fire department and two cans of tuna to get him down" she laughs. "I hate that I missed that" Rory pouts.


As Victoria gets ready for the charity dinner she walks over to Tristan handing him a gold chain necklace.

"Oh?" he asks. Victoria turns around so her backs facing him and pulls her hair to the side.

"Ah, right" Tristan puts the necklace around her neck hooking it for her. "Thank you" Victoria puts her hand over her necklace turning around to kiss him. "Ready?" Tristan asks putting his hands on her hips.

"I don't wanna go" Victoria wraps her arms around his neck laying her head on his chest.

"We have to" Tristan tells her. "No, we can skip. Go catch a movie" Victoria insists.

"And face the wrath of Emily Gilmore? No thank you" Tristan replies. "Victoria! Tristan!" Lorelai yells from down stairs. "Let's goooo!" she continues.

"And here we go" Victoria leans up to kiss Tristan one more time before walking out of the room, him following after her.


Victoria, Tristan, Lorelai and Rory walk into the banquet hall where the charity dinner is being held.

"Wow. I wonder where Demi and Ashton are sitting" Lorelai says. "I think we're late" Rory looks at everyone already in their seats.

"We're not late" Lorelai lies to her. "Grandma said dinner starts at six" Victoria points out. "Yeah, well that means seven" Lorelai replies.

"In what universe?" Rory asks.

"Everyone knows to tell you six knowing you won't be here until seven so dinner won't start until eight. Actually we're early" Lorelai explains. "If this were a high school party sure, in this universe? We're late" Tristan tells her.

"Oh, there they are. Hey" Victoria says as Emily walks over. "Hi Mom. Oh, that's a bad face" Lorelai says nothing Emily looks aggravated. "So we are late" Victoria says.

"What is Rory doing here?" Emily asks.

"Hi, Grandma" Rory waves. "You weren't supposed to bring Rory" Emily looks at her daughter.

"You're really helping the kid's self-esteem here, Mom" Lorelai says. "You don't know one man that would be willing to spend the evening with you?" Emily asks her. "I thought you liked Rory" Lorelai defends her choice.

"We do like Rory but we're short of men" Emily explains.

"Well so am I" Lorelai replies.


"The importance cannot be overstated. Language is humanity's lifeline" someone gives a speech.

"That is why I thank each and every one of you for your loyal support of the Ephram Wordus Rare Manuscript Acquisition Foundation. Because without it, we would just be stuck rooting around Nag Hammadi" the guy continues causing the audience to laugh. "Psst! I don't get it" Victoria whispers to Tristan.

"Me neither" he replies. "You're from this world" Victoria points out. "So's your mom" Tristan reminds her.

"Mom, do you know he talking about?" Victoria asks.

"Not a clue. Hey, why was that funny?" Lorelai turns to Jason. "No idea" he admits.

"You were laughing" Victoria says confused. "Take a poll. No one in this room has any idea what this crazy old man is talking about" Jason tells her. "What a bunch of poseurs" Lorelai says.

"...hundreds of literary artifacts which might otherwise have been lost" the speaker continues.

"I'm bored" Victoria rests her head on Tristan's shoulder. "You wanna try and catch a movie after this?" he asks her.

"Is there anything good out?" Victoria asks. "Probably not" Tristan answers. "Alright, let's do it" Victoria nods.

"Cool" Tristan smiles looking down at her still resting her head on him.

"We drove with my mom though so we'll have to go back to my house first to get one of our cars" Victoria tells him. "That's fine" Tristan nods wrapping an arm around her.


Pick a boy Tristan or Jess, go

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