Act 6 ch 8

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The whole town wakes up in the middle of the night to bells going off and people yelling town meeting.

"Oh, good. Full house" Victoria smiles walking into Miss Patty's. "Just goes to show how easily manipulated we all are. You ring a bell, we drool like dogs" Luke complains.

"Just don't drool where we sit. It'll be messy" Victoria says as they sit down. "Hey, you guys hear the bells?" Babette asks. "No, we were just on one of our spontaneous three in the morning stroll, saw everybody in here and wonder, hey, what's up?" Luke says sarcastically.

"Really?" Babette asks him.

"No" Luke replies. "He's cranky at three in the morning" Babette says.

"Any idea what this is about?" Lorelai asks. "No, Taylor's not even here yet. Kirk's up there futzing with something, but he won't tell us what's going on" Babette explains. "We're just about ready here, folks" Kirk says on stage.

"Ready for what?" Victoria asks still confused.

"Here we go" Kirk says before Taylor shows up in screen. "Greetings, everyone" Taylor starts.

"Taylor?" Victoria gasps instantly entertained by whatever Kirk and Taylor are doing. "He's in the little box" Babette says. "The nightmare continues" Luke mumbles.

"Is it looking okay, Kirk?" Taylor asks.

"Yeah, you could use a little pancake" Kirk answers. "Weird. I could still smell his cologne" Victoria mentions.

"People, we have a tremendous problem that needs our immediate attention. That's why I chose the extraordinary step of broadcasting to you tonight from this remote location" Taylor gets back on track. "Ow" he groans as something hits his head. "What was that?" Victoria asks.

"Looked like a ping pong ball" Lorelai replies.

"Now, as we all know, the annual Stars Hollow Winter Carnival is this weekend, ow! Timmy, do not throw ping pong balls at me" Taylor says. "You're a doo doo head" a kid calls out from Taylor's side of the call.

"Do not call me a doo doo head. I'm in the middle of something important" Taylor tells him. "Where the hell are you, Taylor?" Luke asks. "Ok at my sister's in Maine. Anyway, we have never not had a Stars Hollow Winter Carnival" Taylor continues.

"It's a 125-year tradition" he reminds them.

"Is he getting to the point soon?" Victoria sighs. "Yeah, come on, doo doo head" Babette says.

"Fine, let's cut to the chase. I run the winter carnival, it's this weekend and I am snowed in, unable to get back into town" Taylor breaks it down for them. "So what's this about, Taylor?" Patty asks him. "Maybe it's the lateness of the hour or the computer connection isn't clear" Taylor says.

"Doo doo head" Timmy throws another ball at him.

"We have never had to cancel a carnival and it's absolutely impossible for me to get back into town to run it" Taylor rephrased. "I must be tired. I'm not getting this, it's like a riddle or something" Victoria says.

"People, are you not hearing me? I won't be there to run the carnival" Taylor yells. "Draw the obvious conclusion" he says. "Oh, okay, I got it now" Patty realizes what he's getting at.

"Thank you, Patty" Taylor responds.

"Kirk, could you take it over?" she asks. "Sure" he agrees.

"Great. Anything else, Taylor?" Patty asks him. "Oh, well, good for you people. I guess we don't have to cancel it after all" he says. "Thanks Taylor. Come in, let's get you to bed" Lorelai helps Luke stand back up.

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