Act 5 ch 7

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"Stupid little-I can't find the-ridiculous. He shouldn't have taken the..." Emily mumbles by the drink cart.

"What, mom?" Lorelai asks from her spot on the couch. "Oh, nothing. I'm just trying to make a proper drink, that's all" Emily tells her.

"Sorry about the change of plans" Victoria apologizes knowing her and Lorelai were supposed to be with Rory and Richard right now. This week the girls decided to divide and conquer though, Rory with Richard while Lorelai and Victoria went with Emily. "Oh, please. I'm as flexible as the next person" Emily insists.

"See Rory thought that since Dad's moved out to the pool house we're not getting enough time with either of you, so..." Lorelai explains.

"I guess I could use the ice in the freezer even though it's probably old. You know what they say, a little notice of ensures fresh ice" Emily thinks out loud. "I'm sorry. Who says that?" Lorelai asks.

"We'll just have to have scotch neat" Emily pours the glasses. "Super" Lorelai replies. "I'd offer you wine, but all the wine I have has to breathe" Emily walks over with the drinks.

"And that does require notice" Victoria says sitting in a chair while Emily walks over to sit next to Lorelai on the couch.

"What are you looking at?" Emily asks Lorelai who's staring at her. "Nothing. It's just-isn't-isn't this weird to you?" Lorelai asks her.

"What?" Emily asks. "Sitting next to each other" Lorelai says. "Would you like me to move?" Emily offers.

"No, it's fine. It's just...close" Lorelai

"Will you explain to me again why we are doing this?" Emily asks. "I have no idea because you usually sit over there" Lorelai tells her.

"I'm talking about Rory being in the pool house, Lorelai" Emily clarifies. "Rory just thought we should split up tonight, get in some quality time" Victoria explains. "It seems silly. We had a perfectly good system worked out, I don't know why we changed it" Emily replies.

"Mmm. So, mom, do you think you and dad are getting back together?" Lorelai asks getting straight to the point.

"Wow, that was blunt" Victoria says shocked. "Figures I'd get it out of the way now" Lorelai shrugs.

"So?" she turns to her mother. "Absolutely not" Emily answers. "Okay, got any peanuts?" Lorelai asks.

"Your father has proven to me once and for all he's moved on with his life" Emily says.

"You don't think the moving on with his life would have actually included moving?" Victoria asks her. "No" Emily answers.

"Okay" Victoria nods. "We attended the Dorman School bazaar last week, it was a big formal gathering. All of our friends were there" Emily starts her story. "And at dinner, he made me reach for the butter" she tells them.

"What?" Lorelai asks confused.

"It was sitting right there in front of him, and yet he didn't offer me the dish. He buttered his own roll, offered the dish to the man next to him, and that was it" Emily explains. "And that's why you think he's moved on?" Victoria asks.

"It was a total disregard for my needs. I might as well not have had a roll in front of me at all" Emily insists. "Well, mom, I'm sorry" Lorelai apologizes. "It's very upsetting. But at some point you have to face the facts, and the facts are he's moved on, and therefore I should move on also" Emily says.

"Absolutely." Lorelai comments as Victoria laughs and takes a sip of her drink.

"I think it's time for me to date" Emily abruptly announces. "Oh, my god" Victoria chokes on her drink.

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