Act 3 ch 15

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"Okay let's see, looks like Harvard definitely has the smallest class sizes" Victoria says.

She's already decided she was definitely going to Yale, all ivy leagues are good schools but Yale just happened to have three extra bonuses. One, Tristan was going there, two, close to home so she can visit her mom and Lane, three, her grandparents already think she's going there so they'll have heart attacks if she says never mind.

"Okay, we've got our first entry here. It's a pro for Harvard" Rory writes it down. Unlike her twin Rory still had a lot of thinking to do about where she wanted to go. "Whoa whoa whoa, those are not the final, official pro/con lists" Lorelai stops her.

"Why, what's wrong with them?" Victoria asks confused.

"The lines are crooked. The printing's sloppy" Lorelai lists. "Harvard, Princeton, and Yale cannot see them like that" she adds.

"They're not going to see our pro/con lists" Rory says. "What if they subpoena them?" Lorelai asks. "Then I'll roll them up in a ball and eat them" Rory answers.

"Ooh, a big pro for Yale, they have 1,100 members of maintenance staff meaning clean, clean, clean" Victoria tells her.

"All three of these places probably have the same number" Rory points out. "But Yale must be crowing about it for some reason" Victoria shrugs.

"Yeah, Princeton might only have two" Lorelai says. "Two?" Rory asks her. "Yeah" Lorelai replies.

"You think there are two guys cleaning all of Princeton?" Rory asks.

"Write Princeton's stinking filthy in big letters" Victoria tells her. "Yeah, I'm pretending to write it as we speak" Rory says.

"Good morning ladies, may I interest you in a shirt?" Kirk asks walking over to them holding a box of shirts. "Oh Kirk, you're not selling your laundry again are you?" Lorelai asks him. "No, these are part of my latest money-making endeavor. I'm going to print daily t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something I witness around town" Kirk explains.

"Cool" Victoria comments.

"I got the idea based on something a man was doing in Portland" Kirk tells them. "What was he doing?" Victoria asks.

"He was printing daily t-shirts featuring a humorous topical headline of something he witnessed around town" Kirk answers. "Is that today's?" Rory asks him. "Sure is" Kirk holds up a t-shirt.

"Babette ate oatmeal" Victoria reads the shirt.

"I'm keeping it real" Kirk says. "It's good" Rory tells him.

"Paints a picture" Lorelai adds. "I can just see her eating oatmeal" Victoria agrees. "They're $14.95. How many do you want?" Kirk asks the Gilmores.

"No solicitors, Kirk" Luke walks over.

"How about if I cut you in for a piece of the action?" Kirk offers. "How about I toss the shirts out the door first so you can have something to land on?" Luke replies.

"Got it" Kirk says before walking away. "What's with the lists?" Luke asks seeing what the girls are working on. "You ready? I am officially going to Yale, while our Rory here is deciding between Harvard, Princeton, and Yale" Victoria tells him with a huge smile.

"Wow. Wow, wow I can't believe it" Luke instantly gets happy for them.

"I feel like I..." he trails off before giving the twins the most awkward hug imaginable. "I'm not good at hugging" Luke says.

"Oh, I thought it worked" Rory responds. "Thanks. Man, this is big right?" Luke says. "Very big" Victoria agrees.

"But what's with all the pro/con lists?" Luke asks.

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