Act 2 ch 1

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"You should get married in Italy" Victoria suggests as she walks down the street with her mother and sister.

"All the way from home the same topic, there's tons of stuff going on in the world big stuff" Lorelai says. "Like?" Rory asks.

"Balkans" Lorelai answers. "That was ages ago, read a paper" Victoria tells her. "Ugh they make my hands black" Lorelai says.

"Oh, you should walk down the aisle to Frank Sinatra with a huge bouquet of something that smells really good" Rory suggests.

"Pot roast" Lorelai says the first thing that comes to mind. "And you should wear a long veil with your hair up" Victoria tells her.

"I'll take any other subject in the world for two hundred" Lorelai comments. "Why don't you wanna think about this?" Rory asks her. "Because, I haven't made my mind in about the yes or no part. I don't want to start fantasizing about dresses and flowers or doves and tulle until I do so please change the subject" she explains.

"I think the bridesmaids should be able to pick their own dresses, you can pick the color though" Victoria suggests.

"You know how in All In The Family Edith would be yapping about something and Archie would pretend to make a noose and hang himself or shoot himself in the head?" Lorelai asks. "Yeah" Rory says.

"I don't know, something about this moment made me think of that" Lorelai replies. "Fine, I'm done" Victoria says.

"We're taking these to Lane" Rory says holding a bouquet of daisies. "Okay, meet me at Luke's" Lorelai tells her. "Oh, get me a paper please" Victoria says as her and Rory walk away.

"But my hands" Lorelai says putting her hands up.


"Hey, we came to bring you some of our moms flowers" Victoria says as they walk in Lane's house.

"Thanks" Lane thanks her. "Are you okay?" Rory asks since they just overheard a fight Lane had with her mom.

"No, I'm not okay" Lane answers honestly. "What's wrong?" Victoria asks her. "Did she find your CD burner?" Rory asks.

"My mother and father are sending me to Korea for the Summer to visit my cousins" Lane tells them.

"So?" Victoria asks. "They're sending me to Korea and they won't tell me when I'm coming back" Lane explains.

"What do you mean they won't tell you when you're coming back?" Rory asks her. "I mean they bought me a one way ticket, one way. The plane goes there and stops" Lane answers. "Are you sure?" Victoria asks.

"I called the airline to confirm it, and my parents were in their room whispering all morning. And when my mother came out she looked very happy, she was humming" Lane tells her.

"I swear they're planning on sending me to Korea for the rest of my life" Lane insists. "Lane, come on" Victoria says.

"It's gonna be just like that Sally Field movie when her husband took the to Iran and wouldn't let them come back, except I won't have to keep my head covered" Lane replies. "Okay, calm down" Rory tells her. "Calm down? Are you listening, I am being shipped off to Korea" Lane responds.

"Yeah, I think you're freaking out a little prematurely" Victoria tells her.

"Oh really?" Lane asks. "Let's think about this, maybe there's some deal with the airline and that's why the tickets one way" Rory suggests.

"Or maybe they haven't worked out the plans with your cousins yet" Victoria suggests another idea. "Or there's a weather consideration" Rory adds. "Or a holiday that your don't know about" Victoria says.

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