Act 5 ch 8

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"Hello, Robert" Victoria says as Richard's valet opens the door to the pool house.

"Good evening, ladies" Robert replies. "Hello, girls" Richard says.

"Hey, grandpa" Victoria says. "Did you come together tonight?" Richard asks. "They did, I'm just a lucky coincidence" Lorelai explains.

"Well, hello, grandma" Victoria says noticing Emily sitting by the fire place.

"Hello, girls, just go about your drinks. I'm just here to sit with the dog" Emily tells them. "Dog?" Lorelai asks.

"Oh, he's cute" Rory noticed the dog. "When did you get a dog?" Victoria asks shocked. "She's not our dog" Emily replies.

"That makes it even more confusing" Lorelai says.

"And, it's a he" Richard corrects his wife. "The dog?" Emily asks.

"The dog is a boy" Richard tells her. "I thought you said it was a girl" Emily says. "I got another peek. It was rolling around on its back and it was painfully obvious" Richard explains.

"They're so hairy down there" Emily says.

"This one especially" Richard adds. "It's going from weird to weirder" Victoria mumbles.

"The usual beverage for everybody?" Richard asks receiving multiple nods. "So he's not your dog?" Victoria asks. "It just showed up in our yard yesterday morning. We have no idea how it got here or where it came from" Emily replies.

"It has no tags" she tells them.

"He's a very big mystery, this dog" Richard says. "Oh, now I'm monopolizing things and I'm not even here. Please, go about your drinks" Emily tells her family.

"No, no, I'm having Robert make one up for you as well" Richard replies. "Are you sure? Because I'm not officially here" Emily reminds him. "Absolutely" Richard says as Robert brings in the drinks.

"Thank you, Richard" Emily smiles.

"So how long are you going to keep him?" Rory asks. "As long as it takes to find the owner" Richard answers.

"Richard had to miss a half day of work yesterday" Emily tells them. "But Emily has agreed to write a note excusing my absence, so it should be okay" Richard adds. "Okay, now pretend I'm not here. You girls and I can chat later" Emily insists.

"Okay. Well, um, Victoria, oh my God, did I tell you about the horrendous thing that Mom did?" Lorelai fake gasps.

"She can be such a witch with a B" she keeps going. "Lorelai" Emily says.

"Oh, geez, Mom, I forgot you were there. My pretending is that good" Lorelai tells her. "We can't really pretend you're not here, Grandma" Rory says. "That's true, Emily. You have a presence that cannot be ignored" Richard agrees.

"Well, fine. I can leave" Emily offers.

"No, no! The dog likes you there" Richard stops her. "Join in the conversation if you wish" he insists.

"Well, I am curious to know when you girls got the bad news today" Emily says. "What bad news?" Victoria asks. "Christopher's news" Emily clarifies.

"What about him?" Victoria asks even more confused.

"You haven't heard?" Emily asks shocked. "Nothing" Rory says as Victoria shakes her head.

"Lorelai?" Emily asks. "Same here" Lorelai says just as confused. "Well, that's odd" Richard says.

"I would have thought he would have called them right away" Emily tells him.

"One of them, at least" Richard agrees. "Guys, what news? You're making me nervous here" Lorelai says.

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