Act 2 ch 13

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"So I decided I'm saving myself for William
Holden" Lorelai tells her daughters as they shop at Doose's.

"Wow, it's nice out here in left field" Victoria replies. "Hey I'm sorry Sunset Boulevard was on last night and I don't know I've known him for years, Sabrina, Stalag 17, and yet, last night, something snapped" Lorelai says.

"I'll say" Rory sighs. "I think it was the monkey scene" Lorelai says. "You know, he's dead don't you?" Victoria asks.

"The monkey?" Lorelai asks her.

"William Holden" Victoria clarifies. "Every great relationship has its obstacles, you know that" Lorelai tells her daughter.

"That's true, which reminds me why am I participating in the basket bid? There's no one in this town I'd want to go on a date with" Victoria says. "It'll be good for you, you need to get back out there" Rory tells her. "Easy for you to say, you're dating Andy Hardy" Victoria responds.

"Do you trust me?" Rory asks her.

"Hmm, maybe" Victoria answers. "Then make a basket" Rory tells her.

"Fine" Victoria sighs. "I think I'm getting this one" Rory says holding up a basket. "No" Lorelai tells her.

"Why?" Rory asks.

"It's too big. It raises expectations" Lorelai explains. "Like there's actually a home cooked lunch in there?" Rory asks.

"Instead of whatever's left over in our refrigerator? Exactly" Lorelai says. "Okay, going back in the pile now" Rory replies. "It's quaint isn't it? The women get to make a nice lunch basket, the men get to bid on it, the world rotates backwards on its axis" Victoria complains.

"I think it's fun" Rory disagrees.

"That's because you have a pretty boy to bid on your basket" Lorelai tells her. "Yes I do" Rory smiles.

"Did you tell him to eat first?" Victoria asks. "Hi I love him. Of course" Rory answers. "Hey I'm gonna go look in the back" she says before walking away.

"I'll hit the front" Lorelai says also walking away.


"You know what's wonderful about this festival?" Lorelai asks walking down the street with her daughters.

"No, what?" Victoria asks. "That it always falls on the day after trash day. Therefore all the stuff that you forgot to throw out, that you would normally be stuck with for another whole week, you can instead put in a pretty basket and auction it off im for charity" Lorelai explains.

"That is wonderful" Rory says. "Okay, I've got it all worked out" Lane says walking up to them. "Tell please" Victoria replies.

"Well I invited my cousin David to come and bid on my basket, you know to keep my mother happy. Then we tell my mom we're gonna eat over at the park, where Henry's gonna call on the pay phone at exactly 2:00 for the all's clear sign" Lane explains.

"Then David, with the 20 bucks I gave him will disappear, Henry will arrive, and we'll have our first official date" she continues. "My head is spinning" Victoria says in response to Lane's complicated plan.

"Stash this for me at Miss Patty's, okay?" Lane says handing Rory a basket. "Don't you need this for David to bid on?" Rory asks. "No, my mom packed that one. Homemade granola, wheatgrass juice, soy chicken taco" Lane answers.

"Suddenly our lunches are looking pretty good" Lorelai comments.

"This is the Henry basket. I went to Gianelli's and got meatball heroes and some chips, I also packed a change of clothes, makeup, makeup remover, and three temporary tattoos" Lane tells them. "Sure, cause four would be trashy" Victoria jokes.

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