Act 5 ch 1

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As Victoria stands on the front porch watching Rory cry Lorelai walks out behind her walking over to Rory.

"Hey" Lorelai puts her hand on Rory's shoulder but Rory flinches away. "Let's just talk" Lorelai tries.

"No" Rory gets up and runs away again leaving Lorelai and Victoria to stand in silence in front of the house, both of their minds racing.


"I just don't understand, I mean it's Rory. She wouldn't do that" Tristan says confused by the story Victoria just told him.

"Well she did, I don't even recognize her. I mean I hate you for ruining this for me, how can she do something that stupid and just terrible and then blame me for being the one that messed it up?" Victoria asks in tears. "It was probably just the heat of the moment, I bet she already regrets it" Tristan assures her.

"Regrets what? Sleeping with him or acting like a bitch?" Victoria asks. "Both" Tristan answers. "I doubt it, she's been talking shit about Lindsay and praising Dean for a while now. I should've seen this coming" Victoria tells him.

"God and now I have to spend all summer living here with her listening to her and Dean have sex in the room right below mine" she complains.

"Come here" Tristan pulls her into a hug hating seeing her this upset. "I don't know what to do, I can't save her from this. And Lindsay, what do I just pretend I don't know whenever I see her?" Victoria cries into his chest.


"Outside the Dragon Fly in the back patio area Victoria, Emily, Lorelai and Rory sit at a small round table, the only sounds being A a finishes Emily's beverage, birds chirping, and horses neighing as nobody speaks.

"The weather's lovely" Victoria speaks up uncomfortable with the silence. "Yes, it is" Lorelai agrees.

"Very lovely. Rory, don't you think it's lovely?" Emily asks. "It's very lovely" Rory nods. "Yes. Lovely" Emily looks around her surroundings.

"Well, I don't see any reason to put this off any longer. Girls, I have something to say that may shock you, but unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that now" she starts.

"Richard and I have separated" Emily admits. "And?" Lorelai asks. "What do you mean and? That's not enough?" Emily asks her.

"You need some sort of mob-related offing to make it interesting?" she continues. "No, Mom, that's plenty. It's just, we already knew" Lorelai explains. "The girls didn't" Emily gestures to her granddaughters.

"Well, I mean, I didn't know know-" Victoria says.

"Why would you tell her?" Emily asks her daughter. "Mom" Lorelai says.

"Who else did you tell?" Emily asks. "So, you haven't read page six?" Lorelai says sarcastically. "Girls, if you need to talk about this to try to understand why this is happening, then by all means, do not ask your mother" Emily tells her granddaughters.

"Okay, Mom, I'm sorry. I'm not trying to be insensitive" Lorelai apologizes.

"It just seemed like a thing you and Dad were going through. I figured you'd make up" she adds. "Well, we didn't" Emily replies.

"I see that. So, wow, you're really separated?" Lorelai asks. "That's right. Your father's moving into the pool house" Emily confirms. "So then you're not separated" Lorelai says.

""Of course we are" Emily insists.

"You're separated by the pool" Lorelai says. "That's it. That's the end of your input on this" Emily stops her.

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