Act 2 ch 20

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"Thank you" Victoria says when the barista hands her two cups of coffee.

"So, what else do you want to see before going back to Stars Hollow?" Tristan asks when Victoria hands him one of the cups. "I think we've done just about everything" she replies.

"Really? No mother daughter promise that I probably won't understand but will have to help you with anyway?" Tristan asks. "Surprisingly not" Victoria answers. "Wow" Tristan says.

"I know, shocking right?" Victoria responds.


"Okay, I'll see you at Sookie's wedding right?" Victoria asks at the bus station.

"Yes" Tristan confirms. "And you're sure you're spending the summer in Connecticut?" Victoria asks.

"Positive, I'll see you in a few weeks alright?" Tristan replies. "Alright" Victoria nods. "Come here" Tristan says kissing her.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you too, I got to go" Victoria sighs. "Okay, call me to let me know you got home?" Tristan asks.

"Of course" Victoria agrees kissing him one more time before getting on the bus.


"I can't believe I leave you alone for one weekend and you break your arm" Victoria says the next morning walking with Rory and Lorelai.

"Actually it happened the first night you were gone" Rory tells her. "Wow, you really can't survive without me" Victoria says.

"I guess not" Rory shrugs. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asks turning to her mother. "Are you tilting?" Lorelai asks.

"No" Rory answers.

"You might be tilting" Victoria agrees with her mother. "I'm not tilting" Rory insists.

"Do you wanna hold onto my purse? Might even you out" Lorelai says. "Stop anytime you like" Rory replies. "What are you doing?" Victoria asks when Lorelai digs through her purse.

"I'm gonna get a pen, put it on top of your sisters head and see if it rolls off" Lorelai answers.

"Okay, see this is not how you console the injured" Rory says. "You're right, I'm sorry. What about this?" Lorelai asks pulling out a book.

"The Little Locksmith" Rory gasps taking it from her. "And I got it at the bookstore, paid full price" Lorelai says. "Thank you" Rory thanks her.

"You're welcome. Feel better?" Lorelai asks.

"I do" Rory answers. "Good, now can I put a pen on top of your head?" Lorelai says.

"No" Rory replies. "Mom..." she starts. "Oh yay, hold still" Lorelai says going to get the pen.

"Forget about the pen" Rory tells her.

"Drat" Lorelai says. "When are you gonna tell us what happened between you and Luke?" Rory asks her.

"Was it bad? I mean I'm sure it was bad, but how bad's bad?" Victoria asks. "It was nothing" Lorelai lies. "Really?" Rory asks her.

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