Chapter 7

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"One of us has got to do laundry tonight" Lorelai says as her and the girls walk to Luke's.

"Why?" Rory asks. "Because, I haven't had any clean underwear for three days" Lorelai answers.

"So right now under your skirt you're wearing..." Victoria says. "Not underwear" Lorelai tells her. "Mom!" Rory whisper yells.

"It's kind of nice actually, breezy" Lorelai says.

"My role model ladies and gentlemen" Victoria says. "How come neither of you have run out yet?" Lorelai questions.

"I don't know, I guess we have more underwear than you" Rory says. "That's not true, you have less" Lorelai says. "Have you been doing laundry without me?" she asks.

"No" Victoria instantly denies.

"Rory?" Lorelai asks. "Okay, one load" Rory gives in.

"Snitch!" Victoria gasps. "And you didn't even ask if I had stuff to throw in?" Lorelai says. "Mine and Victoria's clothes together were a big load! There wasn't any room" Rory defends herself.

"I'm crushed, I'm bleeding. Get me a tourniquet, oh no they're dirty because my daughters wouldn't wash them with their stuff" Lorelai says.

"I'm sorry" Victoria apologizes. "I'll do another load tonight, I promise" Rory tells her mother.

"Never mind, I'll do my own laundry" Lorelai says. "Fine, even better" Rory replies. "I hate doing laundry, maybe I'll just buy new underwear" Lorelai says.

The trio walks into Luke's to see Taylor and Luke fighting.

"Every other store in town has fall decorations" Taylor says. "Well hurrah for the mob mentality" Luke replies.

"Luke we're talking a few streamers and a paper turkey, how is it gonna hurt to have a paper turkey?" Taylor asks. "No turkey, no squash, no pumpkins, nothing colored orange" Luke says not giving in. "Okay, so you don't like orange. That's fine, Autumn has many varied hues to toy with" Taylor says not giving up.

"Excuse me, could we get some coffee please?" Lorelai asks.

"And a muffin?" Rory asks. "Warmed?" Victoria adds.

"This is the autumn festival, your shop is right across the street from the horn of plenty! You're right smack dab in the middle of everything, you have to decorate" Taylor insists. "I don't have to do anything but serve food" Luke says. "And coffee!" Victoria yells.

"And muffins!" Rory yells.

"Taylor, I'm tired of having this conversation with you every year" Luke says annoyed. "Yoo-hoo!" Lorelai yells trying to get Luke's attention.

"You have lived in Stars Hollow for a long time young man, it's time you became one of us" Taylor says to Luke. "Whooo!" Lorelai yells waving money around. "Sorry, I guess my pods defective" Luke says.

"Hey, my mom's not wearing any underwear" Victoria says.

"You're just being selfish, Luke" Taylor says. "And still they don't notice, I can't take it anymore" Lorelai says getting up to go behind the counter to get their food and coffee.

"We're talking about the spirit of fall" Taylor says to Luke. "What kind of muffing do you want?" Lorelai asks her daughters. "Blueberry" Rory answers.

"Chocolate chip" Victoria tells her mother.

"You know where you could stick the spirit of fall, here don't use your hands" Luke says to Taylor before stopping to talk to Lorelai. "I don't think you're taking me seriously" Taylor says as the Gilmore girls get up to leave.

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