Act 7 ch 6

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After getting the call about Richard, Victoria rushed to the hospital leaving Tristan home with Jamie.

"Wow" Lorelai walks over to her daughters. The table in front of them is full off junk food.

"Mm-hmm. Well, my brain wasn't up to choosing between things, so I got one of everything" Victoria explains. "You do me proud" Lorelai smiles. "So, ah, grandma's on her way. I didn't talk to her, but the girl at the club said she's en route" she tells them.

"Oh, okay. And what about dad?" Rory asks.

"Oh, he's probably...en route" Lorelai says not having been able to get ahold of him after their fight. "Hmm. Is everything okay?" Victoria asks her.

"Yeah, I don't think he's gotten my messages yet, but he'll be here when he does" Lorelai answers. "Okay. Well...what is your pleasure?" Rory asks. "Well, let's see. Uh...nothing sweet, I don't think" Lorelai looks at the food.

"No? A salty thing?" Victoria suggests.

"A fluorescent-orange ersatz-cheese thing?" Rory adds. "I guess I'm not hungry" Lorelai shrugs.

"Yeah, me neither. I keep thinking this is all just a nightmare" Victoria says. "I know" Lorelai agrees. "But it's not" Rory says i'm a sad voice.

"No, I mean it's a nightmare but not a nightmare nightmare" Victoria clarifies.

"It can't be, I have shoes on. In my nightmares, I never wear shoes" Lorelai tells them. "I didn't know that" Victoria says.

"Yeah, yeah, it's the worst thing in the dream, too. I could be chased by snakes or in a nuclear explosion, but then I look down, and, oh, my god I'm not wearing shoes" Lorelai replies. "I wonder what that means" Rory says. "Well it probably means she has a fear of you know hurting her bare feet or fear of losing her shoes" Victoria suggests.

"Hmm. Not so Freudian, huh?" Rory asks.

"Not for me, a snake is just a snake, a slingback is just a slingback" Lorelai explains. "Gilmore?" the doctor comes out.

"Oh" Victoria says as all three girls stand up. "Hi. I'm Dr. Goldstein. You're Richard Gilmore's family?" he asks them. "Yes. Is he okay?" Lorelai asks.

"He's doing all right. He's conscious, cogent, and not in significant pain now" the doctor answers.

"Oh, good" Victoria says glad. "Good" Lorelai agrees.

"We just sent him to the cath lab to get an angiogram" the doctor starts. "After that, we should be able to get a better sense of what kind of blockage is around his heart. And then we'll figure out where to go from there" he continues.

"Like where would we go?" Victoria asks. "Uh, pardon?" the doctor asks her. "I mean, where-where would we go?" Victoria asks again.

"Well, if the blockage is more serious, we will have to consider an emergency bypass surgery" the doctor answers.

"Okay" Victoria takes a deep breath. "I promise to let you know as soon as we get the results from the cath lab. Try not to worry" the doctors tells them.

"Okay thank you, doctor" Rory thanks him. "I'll see you in a little bit" he walks away. Emily enters the waiting room and sees the girls.

"Have you seen him?" she asks.

"Oh, hi, mom" Lorelai says. "Oh no, not since he was in the E.R." Rory answers.

"Where is he?" Emily asks them. "Ah the doctor came out and said he's in the cath lab, getting an angiogram. He's gonna let us know when he's done" Victoria tells her. "Nonsense" Emily walks off.

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