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The Black White and Read Movie Theater was almost full when Luke and Lorelai got there.

"Hey" Lorelai says instantly seeing her daughter and grandson. "Hey, we got Big Red" Victoria says from her spot on the couch.

"Big Red? Perfect" Lorelai rushes over to sit with them. "Welcome, everyone, to the spring season of the Black White and Read Movie Theater. I am pleased to present tonight's feature film, Eraserhead" Kirk comes out wearing a wig. Half the theater claps while the other half eats their own food they brought in.

"Now before we start, the management of the theater is aware that some of you on occasion have snuck food into the theater. You should know that consuming food purchased outside of the premises is strictly prohibited" Kirk tells them.

"Got it" Victoria says as she eats a fry.

Throughout the theater there are people with Chinese food, fried chicken, and an entire chocolate cake. "Would it be possible to be more discreet?" Kirk asks.

"No problem. We got some extra link sausages if anybody wants some" Babette says as she and Morey grill. "Babette, did you hear what I said about food pitches outside?" Kirk asks her. "I didn't purchase this. I brought it from home" she defends herself.

"Yeah, chill out man" Morey says.

"Hey. Hey, Kirk" a guy speaks up. "What is it? Talk to me Pete" Kirk walks over to him.

"I've seen Eraserhead like 27 times" Jamie comments. "22 times for us" Zach says from the seats next to them.  "It was our make out movie for a while" Lane admits.

"Hey, child ears" Victoria says gesturing to the middle schooler next to her.

"Luke, how many times have you seen it?" Jamie asks. "Oh, hundreds" Luke replies.

"It makes your head leave your body, doesn't it?" Brian does a little shiver. "Oh yeah, my head and I take off and float around and...look at the stars, and take a left on Peach Street...get me out of this" Luke whispers the last part to Lorelai. "Fries guys?" she hands a container over.

"Okay. Now people, I have a surprise for you" Kirk gets back to his announcements.

"Many years ago, I completed my first short film, I Love Your Daughter. It premiered at the Lake Chappapaqua Film Festival, where it won the coveted Good Try Award" he reminds everyone. "Tonight, after years of labor, I am happy to announce that my second short is finally complete. Roll it" Kirk says before going to sit down next to Lulu.

A Second Film By Kirk pops up on the screen. "Gorgeous day, don't you think?" movie Kirk looks down at his pig. The pig simply oinks in response.

"This pig is for reals" movie Kirk laughs before walking down Lorelai's front porch.

"Hey. That's my car" Lorelai notices. "That's our house" Luke says.

"Hey, that's me" Lorelai sees herself in the background. "How did you not notice this?" her daughter asks her. The movie switches to black and white as sinister music starts playing.

"Kirk" a woman in the movie whispers.

"It's an omen" movie Kirk says before his pig runs into the street squealing. "Petal, no" he tells before tires squeak and crashing is heard.

Petal got hit. "Poor Petal" Victoria says. Sitting in the middle of the street, movie Kirk is seen holding movie Petal in his arms.

"Petal. Come on, old buddy" he leans his forehead against the pig. 

On cue all the extras start awkwardly shuffling and walking back and forth in front of the camera. "Why won't anyone help me? Is the world so cold?" movie Kirk cries out.

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